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German Dawes External Gold Loan 7% 1924 $1,000US Bond with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5167   Bond
Country: Germany
Years: 1924
Color: Green

$1,000, 7%, Gold Dawes Bond Uncanceled with traditonal amount of 9 Coupons remaining with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION. Sold as collectible & nonnegotiable.

The Dawes Plan (as proposed by the Dawes Committee, chaired by Charles G. Dawes) was a plan in 1924 that successfully resolved the issue of World War I reparations that Germany had to pay. It ended a crisis in European diplomacy following World War I & the Treaty of Versailles. The plan provided for an end to the Allied occupation, & a staggered payment plan for Germany's payment of war reparations. Because the Plan resolved a serious international crisis, Dawes shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1925 for his work. It was an interim measure & proved unworkable. The Young Plan was adopted in 1929 to replace it.

At the conclusion of World War I, the Allied & Associate Powers included in the Treaty of Versailles a plan for reparations to be paid by Germany; 20 billion gold marks was to be paid while the final figure was decided. In 1921, the London Schedule of Payments established the German reparation figure at 132 billion gold marks (separated into various classes, of which only 50 billion gold marks was required to be paid). German industrialists in the Ruhr Valley, who had lost factories in Lorraine which went back to France after the war, demanded hundreds of millions of marks compensation from the German government. Despite its obligations under the Versailles Treaty, the German government paid the Ruhr Valley industrialists, which contributed significantly to the hyperinflation that followed. For the first five years after the war, coal was scarce in Europe & France sought coal exports from Germany for its steel industry. The Germans needed coal for home heating & for domestic steel production, having lost the steel plants of Lorraine to the French.

To protect the growing German steel industry, German coal producers—whose directors also sat on the boards of the German state railways & German steel companies—began to increase shipping rates on coal exports to France. In early 1923, Germany defaulted on its reparations & German coal producers refused to ship any more coal across the border. French & Belgian troops conducted the Occupation of the Ruhr to compel the German government to resume shipments of coal & coke. Germany characterized the demands as onerous under its post war condition (60 per cent of what Germany had been shipping into the same area before the war began). This occupation of the Ruhr, the centre of the German coal & steel industries outraged many German people. There was passive resistance to the occupation & the economy suffered, contributing further to the German hyperinflation.

To simultaneously defuse this situation & increase the chances of Germany resuming reparation payments, the Allied Reparations Commission asked Dawes to find a solution fast. The Dawes committee, which urged into action by Britain & the United States, consisted of ten informal expert representatives, two each from Belgium (Baron Maurice Houtart, Emile Francqui), France (Jean Parmentier, Edgard Allix), Britain (Sir Josiah C. Stamp, Sir Robert M. Kindersley), Italy (Alberto Pirelli, Federico Flora), & the United States (Dawes & Owen D. Young, who were appointed by Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover). It was entrusted w/ finding a solution for the collection of the German reparations debt, which was determined to be 132 billion gold marks, as well as declaring that America would provide loans to the Germans, in order that they could make reparations payments to the United States, Britain & France.

In an agreement of August 1924, the main points of The Dawes Plan were:

  1. The Ruhr area was to be evacuated by foreign troops
  2. Reparation payments would begin at one billion marks the first year, increasing annually to two & a half billion marks after five years
  3. The Reichsbank would be re-organized under Allied supervision
  4. The sources for the reparation money would include transportation, excise, & customs taxes
  5. Germany would be loaned about $200 million, primarily through Wall Street bond issues in the United States

The bond issues were overseen by consortium of American investment banks, led by J.P. Morgan & Co. under the supervision of the US State Department. Germany benefitted enormously from the influx of foreign capital. The Dawes Plan went into effect in September 1924. Dawes & Sir Austen Chamberlain shared the Nobel Peace Prize.

The economy of Germany began to rebound during the mid-1920s & the country continued w/ the payment of reparations—now funded by the large scale influx of American capital. However, the Dawes Plan was considered by the Germans as a temporary measure & they expected a revised solution in the future. In 1928, German Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann called for a final plan to be established, & the Young Plan was enacted in 1929.

The Dawes Plan resulted in French troops leaving the Ruhr Valley. It provided a large capital influx to German industry, which continued to rebuild & expand. The capital now available to German industry functionally transferred the burdens of Germany's war reparations from German government & industry to American bond investors. The Dawes Plan was also the beginning of the ties between German industry & American investment banks.

The Ruhr occupation resulted in a victory for the German steel industry & the German re-armament program. By reducing the supplies of coal to France, which was dependent on German coal, German industrialists managed to hobble France's steel industry, while getting their own rebuilt. By 1926, the German steel industry was dominant in Europe & this dominance only increased in the years leading to WWII. Read more at

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A bond is a document of title for a loan. Bonds are issued, not only by businesses, but also by national, state or city governments, or other public bodies, or sometimes by individuals. Bonds are a loan to the company or other body. They are normally repayable within a stated period of time. Bonds earn interest at a fixed rate, which must usually be paid by the undertaking regardless of its financial results. A bondholder is a creditor of the undertaking.

Item ordered may not be exact piece shown. All original and authentic.
Price: $13,810.00