star decoration 200 Greatest & Wealthiest Americans star decoration

201 Items.  Showing Items 101 thru 200.
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John C. Fremont - Southern Trans-Continental Railroad
John D. Rockefeller & Henry Flagler signed Standard Oil Trust - 1880's dated Autograph Stock Certificate

John D. Rockefeller issued Western Maryland Railroad - $10,000 Railway Gold Bond - Not Signed
John Dwan and E. B. Ober, Henry S. Bryan, or Henry W. Cable - 3M - Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co - Stock Certificate

John Henry Devereux - Lake Shore Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate

John Henry Devereux - Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Co - Stock Certificate
John Jacob Astor - Morris and Essex Railroad - Bond

John Jacob Astor - Morris and Essex Railroad - Bond

Inv# AG1124
State(s): New York
Years: 1869

John Jacob Astor Jr. signed Delaware, Lackawana and Western Railroad Stock - 1867 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds


John Nicholson, Jacob Weiss and Michael Hillegas signed Early Share Certificate - Autographs

John W. MacKay signed California 1860's dated check - Western Mining Magnate - Autograph

John W. MacKay signed California 1869 dated check - Western Mining Magnate - Autograph with Beautiful Nevada State Revenue

Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. Transfer Sheets dated 1900 signed by William K., Frederick and George W. Vanderbilt - Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Lake Torpedo Boat Co. Signed by Simon Lake - 1915-1920 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Lammot du Pont issued to and signed International Mercantile Marine - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
Leland Stanford - Autographed Card
Leland Stanford Check - Bank of California

Leland Stanford Check - Bank of California

Inv# AG1102
State(s): California
Years: 1875
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Macopin Railroad Co. signed by Garret A. Hobart - Stock Certificate
Marcus Daly - Bargain and Sale Deed - Montana

Marcus Daly - Bargain and Sale Deed - Montana

Inv# MS1131
State(s): Montana
Years: 1888
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Matthew Vassar and Matthew Vassar, Jr. - Hudson River Railroad

Matthew Vassar and Matthew Vassar, Jr. - Hudson River Railroad

Inv# AG1244
State(s): New York
Years: 1850's-60's

Nephew, Matthew Vassar, Jr

Mergenthaler Linotype Co. Issued to D.O. Mills and Signed by Ogden Mills- Stock Certificate
Michigan Central Rail Road Co. Issued to and Signed by Jacob Little - Pair of Transfer Receipts

Michigan Central Rail Road Co. Issued to Jacob Little - 1864 dated Transfer Receipts

Michigan Southern Railroad Co. issued to John Van Rensselaer and signed by 2 Van Rensselaerns - 1854 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
Michigan Southern Railroad Co. issued to John Van Rensselaer and signed on back - 1854 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Signed by Gallatin Brothers - 1833 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Transfer signed by William Backhouse Astor - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to Gallatin Brothers - 1833 dated Railroad Stock Transfer Receipt
Mohawk and Hudson River Railroad Co. signed by Jacob Little - Transfer Receipt

New York and Harlem Rail Road Co. signed by William H. Vanderbilt and Cornelius Vanderbilt - 1850 dated Autographed Stock Certificate



New York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. Signed by Jacob Little  - Autographed Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

New York and Harlem Railroad Co. issued to Edw'd B. Vanderbilt and signed by E.V.W. Rossiter - 1873 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
New York and Harlem Railroad Stock Transfer - E. V. W. Rossiter signs for William H. Vanderbilt as his Attorney
New York Central & Hudson River Railroad - 1910-70's dated $1,000 Railway Gold Bond - Vignette of Cornelius Vanderbilt II
New York Central Railroad Co $1,000 Bond signed by Erastus Corning - Autograph
New York Central Railroad Ledger Sheet signed by Erastus Corning - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
New-York and Harlem Rail-Road Co. signed by Gallatin Brothers - 1837-1839 dated Autographed Railroad Stock Certificated
Northwest Equipment Co. of Northern Pacific Railroad Fame - Stock Certificate
Oakes Ames - Easton Branch Railroad - Stock Certificate
Ogden Mills signed Mergenthaler Linotype Co. - Stock Certificate
Oliver Ames signed Boston, Newport and New York Steamboat Co. - 1860's dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Oliver Ellsworth and Col. John Mead signed Revolutionary War Pay Order dated 1777 - Connecticut Revolutionary War Bonds, etc.

Oliver Ellsworth and Col. Samuel Whiting signed Revolutionary War Pay Order dated 1777 - Connecticut Revolutionary War Bonds, etc.

Oliver Ellsworth signed Manufacture of Salt Petre Pay Order - Autograph - Connecticut - American Revolutionary War
Oliver Wolcott Jr - Interest Paying Note

Oliver Wolcott Jr - Interest Paying Note

Inv# AG1048
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1789
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Oliver Wolcott, Jr.
Oliver Wolcott Jr. signed Revolutionary War Pay Order Dated 1779-1780 - American Revolution

Pair of New York Central Railroad Co $1,000 Bond signed by Erastus Corning - Autograph
Peter Colt signed Connecticut State Treasury Office Document dated 1789-90's - American Revolutionary War Material
Peter Lorillard - Oswego and Syracuse Railroad Ledger Sheet
Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road signed by William Bingham - Vellum Stock Certificate
Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike signed by Israel Whelen - Stock Certificate
Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike signed by William Bingham - Vellum Stock Certificate
Philip Du Pont issued to and signed International Mercantile Marine - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
Pierre S. Du Pont Letter - TLS - Typed Letter Signed
Pine Creek Railway Co. Bond signed by William Kissam Vanderbilt and Chauncey M. Depew - 1885 dated Autograph Railroad $1,000 Bond
Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Youghiogheny Railroad Co. issued to Gallatin (possiby relative) - 1895 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Puget Sound & Alaska Steamship Co. - 1890's circa Unissued Gorgeous Brown Stock Certificate - Part of the Northern Pacific Railroad Archive
Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. - 1890's circa Gorgeous Green Stock Certificate - Part of the Northern Pacific Railroad Archive
Pullman Southern Car Co. signed by George M. Pullman as President - Autograph Railroad Car $500 Bond
Ransom Eli Olds - Reo Motor Car Co. - Stock Certificate
Ransom Eli Olds signed Reo Motor Car Stock Certificate - 1916 dated Autograph of Famous Car Maker
Richard Borden signed Bay State Steamboat Co - 1850's dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Lizzy Borden's Father? - Autograph Stock Certificate
Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1232
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1872
Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1233
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1871
Russell Sage - St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad - Stock Certificate
Russell Sage signed Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Russell Sage signed Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1229
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1869 or 1872

Rutland and Washington Railroad Co $1,000 Bond signed by Erastus Corning - 1852 dated Autograph Bond
Santa Anna Bond dated 1866 signed by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna - Very Historic Autograph Uncanceled Bond
Simon Lake signed Lake Submarine Salvage - 1930's dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Simon Lake signed Lake Submarine Salvage Check dated 1930's - Autograph Check
Standard Oil Trust issued to and signed by George Davidson Rogers - Also signed by H. H. Rogers and H. M. Flagler - 1890's dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust issued to and signed by Miss A. C. Flagler as well as John D. Rockefeller, Henry M. Flagler - 1887 dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust issued to and signed by W. C. Whitney - 1880's dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust signed by John D. Rockefeller, Henry M. Flagler and Clement A. Griscom - 1880's dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust signed by William Rockefeller and Henry Flagler - dated 1898 Autograph Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust signed by William Rockefeller and Henry Flagler - Stock Certificate
Standard Oil Trust Stock Certificate issued to & signed by Wesley Hunt Tilford also signed by H. M. Flagler and William Rockefeller
State of New York $1,000 Bond Issued to and Signed by Michael F. Cudahy - Autograph

Stuyvesant Fish - Belleville and Southern Illinois Railroad - Stock Certificate
Stuyvesant Fish - Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad - Autograph Railway Bond

Stuyvesant Fish - Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad - Autograph Railway Bond

Inv# AG1294
State(s): Kentucky
Years: 1877
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Thomas A. Edison, Charles A. Edison - Meetings of Meeting


Thomas A. Scott - Pennsylvania Co. - Stock Certificate

Thomas A. Scott - Pennsylvania Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# CW1015
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1871
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Thomas A. Scott - Pennsylvania Co. - Stock Certificate

Thomas A. Scott - Pennsylvania Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# CW1030
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1874
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Troy, Salem, and Rutland Railroad $1,000 Mortgage Bond signed twice by Jay Gould
Turf Cigarettes Movie Star Cards

Turf Cigarettes Movie Star Cards

Inv# AM1331A
Country: United States
Years: 1941
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Union Depot Grounds Transferred to Jay Gould - Stock Certificate
United States Steel Corp $100,000 Gold Bond Issued to Andrew Carnegie - 1901 dated Cranberry Color Steel Bond
United States Steel Corp $5,000 Gold Bond Issued to Andrew Carnegie - 1901 dated Steel Bond - Spectacular Piece of History
United States Steel Corp. Issued to and Signed by James A. Farrell, Sr. - 1903 dated $500 US Steel Gold Bond


United States Steel Corp. Issued to Charles M. Schwab - 1902 dated $20,000 Steel Bond - Bethlehem Steel


W. H. Vanderbilt signed Letter
West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Co. signed by George D. Widener - Died on the Titanic - Stock Certificate
White Water Railroad issued to and signed by Elijah Smith twice - Only 1 Left! - Stock Certificate
White Water Railroad Signed by Elijah Smith - Autographed Stock Certificate

White Water Railroad Stock issued to/signed twice by Elijah Smith - 1880's dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
William Cornelius Van Horne signed Cuba Railroad Co - 1909-1915 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
William G. Fargo - American Express Co. - Stock Certificate
William G. Fargo - Queen City Oil Co. of Buffalo - Stock Certificate
William H. Vanderbilt - Hudson River Railroad - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

William Seward Webb - St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway - Stock Certificate

William Seward Webb - St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1063
Country: Canada
State(s): New York
Years: 1900's
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