star decoration 200 Greatest & Wealthiest Americans star decoration

We do have an extensive inventory of Greatest and Wealthiest Americans. Many great pieces are offered in our catalogs. Please phone us as we would be happy to help you build an impressive collection of Greatest and Wealthiest Americans. 800 717-9529

All Autographed Items are Unconditionally Guaranteed to be Authentic without time limit to the Original Purchaser.
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1776 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut - American Revolutionary - Autograph Document

1776 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut - American Revolutionary - Autograph Document

1776 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Revolutionary War Bonds, etc.

1776-79 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document - American Revolutionary War
1777 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document

1777 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document

1777 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document

1778 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut - American Revolutionary War Autograph

1780's dated Connecticut Line Bond signed by Peter Colt, Grandfather of Samuel Colt, Famed Gun Maker
1784 dated Oliver Ellsworth signed Revolutionary War Pay Order - Connecticut Autograph Document

1789 dated Payment Order signed by Oliver Wolcott, Jr. & Jedediah Huntington - American Revolutionary War

Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

Jedediah Huntington
1821 dated Henry Dearborn signed Republican Insitution Stock Certificate - Exceptional from Boston, Massachusetts
Addison G. Jerome - Rochester and Syracuse Railroad
Alfred G. Vanderbilt, William K. Vanderbilt, Jr. - Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad - Bond
American Merchants Union Express Co. signed by William G. Fargo - 1868 dated Autograph Stock Certificate
American Merchants Union Express Co. signed by William G. Fargo - 1869 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Amity Canal, Reservoir and Improvement Co. Uncanceled Bond signed Twice by Charles H. Dow of Dow Jones Industrial Average Fame
Andrew Carnegie signed Letter dated January 4, 1915

Andrew Carnegie signed Letter dated January 4, 1915

Inv# AG2508
State(s): New York
Years: January 4, 1915
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Atlantic Mississippi and Ohio Rail Road Co Uncanceled $1,000 Gold Bond signed by General William Mahone
August Belmont - Peoria and Bureau Valley Railroad - Stock Certificate

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