star decoration 200 Greatest & Wealthiest Americans star decoration

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Edison Botonic Research Corporation signed by Thomas Alva Edison

Edison Phonograph Works dated 1918 and issued to Thomas A. Edison, Inc. - Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Erastus Corning - Utica and Schenectady Railroad - Railway Stock Certificate
Fernandina and Jacksonville Railroad Bond signed by Edward H. Harriman - 1880 dated Autograph Florida Railway Bond (Uncanceled)
Francis Spinner - Signed Check

Francis Spinner - Signed Check

Inv# AG1098
State(s): New York
Years: 1849

Frederic John Fisher - The Fisher Body Ohio Co. - Stock Certificate
Frederick Pabst and Charles Best signed Philip Best Brewing Co - Stock Certificate
Frederick Pabst and Charles Best signed Phillip Best Brewing Co - Stock Certificate
Frederick W Vanderbilt

Frederick W Vanderbilt

Inv# AG1009
State(s): New York
Years: 1920's
Frederick W. Vanderbilt - State of New York World War I Bonus Bond (Uncanceled)
Gallatin Brothers - Mohawk and Hudson Railroad
General Ambrose E. Burnside - Indianapolis and Vincennes Railroad - Stock Certificate
General Ambrose E. Burnside - Indianapolis and Vincennes Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

General Daniel Edgar Sickles
General William Mahone signed Atlantic Mississippi and Ohio Railroad Co. - 1870's dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

General William Mahone signed Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Co - $100 Bond
General William Mahone signed Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Co.  - $100 Bond dated 1860's-1870's


General Wm T. Sherman signed Check - Washington, DC
General Wm. T. Sherman signed Check - Washington DC - Autograph Check
George M. Pullman - Oregon and Transcontinental Co - Stock Certificate
Gustave Pabst - Pabst Brewing Co - Stock Certificate

Gustave Pabst - Pabst Brewing Co - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1107
State(s): Wisconsin
Years: 1908
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Henry Keep - Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Henry M. Flagler, W. H. Tilford and A. J. Cassatt - 1895 dated Standard Oil Trust Stock Certificate
Henry Wells and James C. Fargo - American Express Co - 1866 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Henry Wells and William G. Fargo signed Stubs
Hoboken Ferry signed by Garret A. Hobart - 1897 dated Stock Certificate
Illinois Central Bond signed by Robert Schuyler

Illinois Central Bond signed by Robert Schuyler

Inv# AG1257
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1851
Indiana, Illinois & Iowa Railroad Unissued and Signed by Francis Marion Drake - Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to John C. Fremont - Stock Certificate - Titanic History
International Nickel Co. signed by Ogden Mills - 1916 dated Stock Certificate
Irenee Du Pont issued and signed International Mercantile Marine - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
Ivan Boesky Signed Check
J. H. Wade - Valley Railway Co - Stock Certificate
J. Paul Getty signed 1960's dated Check on Chase Manhattan Bank London - The Man behind the Movie All the Money in the World
J. Paul Getty Signed Check - 1941-49 dated Autograph Check - The Man behind the Movie All the Money in the World
J. Pierpont Morgan - Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railway - Stock Certificate
Jacob Little - Michigan Central Railroad - Transfer Receipt
Jacob Little - Michigan Central Railroad Co. - Pair of Transfer Receipts
Jacob Little signed New York and Harlem Rail-Road Co.  - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

James Ben Ali Haggin - Father De Smet Consolidated Gold Mining Co
James C. Fargo - Michigan Central Railroad - Bond (Uncanceled)

James C. Fargo and William C. Fargo - American Express Co - Unique - Stock Certificate
James C. Fargo Signed Merchants Despatch Transportation Co. - Stock Certificate

James C. Fargo, James F. Fargo, and William H. Seward, Jr. - American Express Co. - Stock Certificate
James F. Fargo signs for American Express - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
James N. Hill - Northern Pacific Railway Co. $1,000 Gold Bond signed by James Norman Hill, son of Legendary Railroad Tycoon James Jerome Hill
Jay Gould signed Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway - The Katy - 1880's dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Jay Gould, George Gould - Union Depot Grounds
Jeptha H. Wade - Memphis and Little Rock Railway - Bond (Uncanceled)
John C. Fremont - Cincinnati Railway Tunnel Co. - Stock Certificate

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