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1892 Items.  Showing Items 1401 thru 1500.
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Pratt and Whitney Co. signed by Amos Whitney as president

Pratt and Whitney Co. signed by F.A. Pratt as president

Pratt and Whitney Co. signed by F.A. Pratt as president

Inv# AG1697
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1896
Pratt and Whitney Co. signed by F.A. Pratt as president

Pratt and Whitney Co. signed by F.A. Pratt as president

Inv# AG1697B
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1896
Prescott and Eastern Railroad Co. signed by Edward Berwind - 1901 dated Autograph Arizona Stock Certificate - Part of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad

Prescott and Eastern Railroad Co. signed by George Washington Kretzinger - Autograph Arizona Stock Certificate - Part of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad

Prescott and Eastern Railroad Co. signed by Victor Morawetz - Autograph Arizona Stock Certificate - Part of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad


Promontory Ranch Co. - 1898-1908  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Promontory Ranch Co. Issued to Charles T. Crocker and signed on back - 1910  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Promontory Ranch Co. Issued to Charles Templeton Crocker and Jennie Adeline Crocker and signed on back - 1910  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Promontory Ranch Co. Issued to Francis Burton Harrison - 1906-1908  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Promontory Ranch Co. Issued to George Crocker - 1898 or 1909 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Promontory Ranch Co. Issued to Jennie Adeline Crocker and signed on back - 1905 or 1910  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Promontory Ranch Co. Issued to Mary Burton Harrison - 1900  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Promontory Ranch Co. Issued to Mary Crocker and signed on back - 1899  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Promontory Ranch Co. Issued to Will of Charles Crocker - 1898  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Promontory Ranch Co. Issued to William H. Crocker and signed on back - 1898  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds



Proprietors of the Women's Journal Signed by Henry B. Blackwell - Stock Certificate

Providence and Worcester Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by George Bancroft - Stock Certificate

Puget Sound & Alaska Steamship Co. - 1890's circa Unissued Gorgeous Brown Stock Certificate - Part of the Northern Pacific Railroad Archive
Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. - 1890's circa Gorgeous Green Stock Certificate - Part of the Northern Pacific Railroad Archive
Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. Issued to and signed by Brayton Ives and signed by Colgate Hoyt - Stock Certificate


Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. issued to and signed by Charles B. Wright and T.F. Oakes - Stock Certificate


Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. issued to and signed by Charles L. Colby and Gardner Colby- Stock Certificate

Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. issued to and signed by Charles T. Barney - Stock Certificate


Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. issued to and signed by Thos. F. Oakes and Colgate Hoyt


Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. issued to Martha L Colby- Stock Certificate

Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. signed by Charles H. Leland and Colgate Hoyt - Stock Certificate

Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. signed by Charles T. Barney - Stock Certificate

Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. signed by Colgate Hoyt - Stock Certificate

Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. signed by D.B. Jackson and Colgate Hoyt - Stock Certificate

Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. signed by William Rockefeller - Stock Certificate

Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co. signed by William Rockefeller - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1981
Country: United States
State(s): Alaska
Years: 1890
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Pullman Co. signed by Robert Todd Lincoln dated 1906- Autographed Stock and Bonds


Pullman Co. signed by Robert Todd Lincoln dated 1912- Autographed Stock and Bonds

Pullman Southern Car Co. signed by George M. Pullman as President - Autograph Railroad Car $500 Bond
Pullman's Palace Car Co. issued to Joseph N. Field - Stock Certificate
Pullman's Palace Car Co. Issued to/Signed by Geo. M. Pullman, Trustee - Autograph Stock Certificate

Pullman's Palace Car Co. signed by Chief Justice Mellville W. Fuller - Stock Certificate

Pullman's Palace Car Co. signed by Geo. M. Pullman and John L. Gardner - Stock Certificate

Pullman's Palace Car Co. Signed by George M. Pullman - Stock Certificate

Pullman's Palace Car Co. signed by Robert Todd Lincoln  - Autograph Stock Certificate


Pullman's Palace Car Co. signed by Robert Todd Lincoln - Autograph Stock Certificate


R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Signed by R.J. Reynolds - 1906 dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Rail Road Co. signed by J.L. Tiffany  - dated 1855 Stockholders Receipt - American Luxury Jewelry and Specialty Design Company
Railroad Company at Albany Transfer Sheet issued to but not signed by Thurlow Weed of Albany - 1860 dated Stock Transfer

Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Co. signed by Lawrence O'Bryan Branch - Stock Certificate
Raquette Lake Railway Co. dated 1911 Issued to Harry P. Whitney - Partially Issued Railroad Stock Certificate

Raquette Lake Railway Co. signed by William Seward Webb - 1913 dated Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate

Reading Co. Issued to Wm. Waldorf Astor - Bond

Reading Co. Issued to Wm. Waldorf Astor - Bond

Inv# AG1570
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1901
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Reading Co. signed by J. Pierpont Morgan Jr. - Autograph Stock Certificate

Rice Oil Co. Issued to and Signed by G.G. Rice - 1917 dated Stock Certificate
Richard Borden signed Bay State Steamboat Co - 1850's dated Autograph Stock Certificate
Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Lizzy Borden's Father? - Autograph Stock Certificate
Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1232
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1872
Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Richard Borden signed Cape Cod Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1233
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1871
Robert Schuyler signed Illinois Central Rail-Road Co. - $1,000 Autograph Railway Bond


Robinson Consolidated Mining Co. signed by Brayton Ives dated 1881 - Autographed Stock and Bonds


Rochester and Syracuse  Rail-Road Co. Transferred to Eratus Corning - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Rochester City Gold Co. Signed by John D. Long dated 1866 - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Rockefeller Foundation issued to International Mercantile Marine - Bond - Co. that Made the Titanic
Rose F. Kennedy signed United States Lines - Autograph Stock Certificate
Roxy Theatres Corp. - 1927 dated Stock (Uncanceled)

NewRoxy Theatres Corp. - 1927 dated Stock (Uncanceled)

Inv# ET1025A
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1927
Russell Sage - Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien Railway Co. - Stock Certificate


Russell Sage - Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway - Stock Certificate
Russell Sage - Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. - Stock Certificate
Russell Sage - St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad - Stock Certificate
Russell Sage autographed Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien Railway Stock (Uncanceled)

Russell Sage signed Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Russell Sage signed Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1229
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1869 or 1872

Rutland and Washington Railroad Co $1,000 Bond signed by Erastus Corning - 1852 dated Autograph Bond
Saint Joseph and Western Railroad Co. signed by E.H. Baker - Stock Certificate

Saint Joseph and Western Railroad Co. signed by G.W. Perkins - Stock Certificate

Saint Joseph and Western Railroad Co. signed by J.J. Slocum - Stock Certificate
Saint Joseph and Western Railroad Co. signed by Russell Sage and J.J. Slocum - Stock Certificate


Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. Issued to and signed by Amos R. Eno

Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by C. W. Harkness  - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Charles D. Barney
Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Charles D. Barney
Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. Issued to and signed by Edward White Clark - Autograph Stock Certificate

Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. Issued to and signed by John P. Ilsley
Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. Issued to and signed by R.S. Hayes

Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. Issued to and signed by William H. Seward

Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. Issued to C.B. Wright President of the Northern Pacific RR Co.
Saint Paul and Northern Pacific Railway Co. Issued to and signed by Daniel S. Lamont, C.S. Mellen and Geo. H. Earl


Sam Sloan signed Hudson River Railroad Co. - Railway Bond Transfer Receipt

Sam Sloan signed Hudson River Railroad List of Bondholders and Signatures

Samuel Blodget - Blodget Canal Co. - Stock Certificate

Samuel Blodget - Blodget Canal Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1308
State(s): New Hampshire
Years: 1799

Samuel Clemens - Mark Twain - signed Beech Creek Railroad Stock Certificate
Samuel Insull autographed Louisville and Northern Railway and Lighting Co. - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)


Samuel Insull autographed Louisville and Southern Indiana Traction Co. - Stock Certificate


Samuel Insull, Jr. - Group of 3 Companies - Stock Certificate
Samuel Insull, Jr. signed Insull Utility Investments Inc. - 1930 dated Autograph Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Samuel Lionel Rothafel Roxy - 1925 or 1929 dated Roxy Theatres Corp (Uncanceled)
Samuel Prescott Bush - Buckeye Steel Castings Co - Stock Certificate

Samuel Prescott Bush - Buckeye Steel Castings Co - Stock Certificate

Samuel Remington Signed Check - Autograph

Samuel Remington Signed Check - Autograph

Inv# AG1369
State(s): New York
Years: 1852

Samuel Remington signed check of Ilion Bank

Samuel Remington signed check of Ilion Bank

Inv# AG1551
State(s): New York
Years: 1855

San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Isaias W. Hellman twice - Stock Certificate

San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railway Co. signed by B. Spreckles - Stock Certificate

San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railway Co. signed by John D. Spreckles - Stock Certificate

San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railway signed by Claus Spreckels

Santa Fe, Prescott and Phoenix Railway Co. signed twice by B.P. Cheney Jr.

Santa Fe, Prescott and Phoenix Railway Co. signed twice by B.P. Cheney Jr.

Inv# AG1839
State(s): Arizona
New Mexico
Years: 1896 or 1901
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1892 Items.  Showing Items 1401 thru 1500.
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