star decoration Autographed Stocks & Bonds star decoration

1842 Items.  Showing Items 501 thru 600.
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Eliphalet Remington II or Jr. - signed Check - Founder of Remington and Sons


Eliphalet Remington III Signed Check


Elisabeth Mills Reid - Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railway - Stock Certificate
Ellington Piano Co. issued to and signed by D.H. Baldwin - Stock Certificate

Elliott F. Shepard - Michigan Central Railroad

Elliott F. Shepard - Michigan Central Railroad

Inv# AG1213
State(s): Michigan
Years: 1880's
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Erastus Corning - Erie and North East Rail-Road Co. - Stock Certificate

Erastus Corning - Utica and Schenectady Railroad - Railway Stock Certificate
Erie and North East Rail-Road Co. Signed by Edwin D. Morgan - 1854 dated Autographed Stock Certificate


Estate of Peter Arrell Brown Widener - Baltimore and Ohio Railroad - Signed by 3 Widener's Stock Certificate with Transfer Document
Ethel du Pont issued to and signed International Mercantile Marine Co. - Autograph Stock Certificate - Titanic History
Eugene Zimmerman - Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railway - Railroad Stock Certificate
F.W. Vanderbilt signs State of New York document

F.W. Vanderbilt signs State of New York document

Inv# AG1555
State(s): New York
Years: 1927 & 1933
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Fairport and Phalanx Railroad Co. Signed by James Rudolph Garfield - Autograph Railway Stock Certificate

Fargo and Southwestern Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Frederick Billings - Stock Certificate

Fernandina and Jacksonville Railroad Bond signed by Edward H. Harriman - 1880 dated Autograph Florida Railway Bond (Uncanceled)
Ferrocarriles Consolidados De Cuba - Consolidated Railroads of Cuba issued to Cecil B. De Mille Productions Inc. signed by Cecil B. DeMille - Stock Certificate
Florida East Coast Railway Co. - 1900's dated $1,000 Bond signed by William Henry Beardsley - Private Secretary to Henry Flagler

Florida East Coast Railway Co. - 1900's dated $5,000 Bond signed by William Henry Beardsley - Private Secretary to Henry Flagler

Florida East Coast Railway Co. - 1911 or 1912 dated $10,000 Bond signed by William Henry Beardsley - Private Secretary to Henry Flagler

Florida East Coast Railway Co. Issued to Henry M. Flagler - 1909 dated $1,000,000 Railroad Bond

Forbes signed Standard Rope and Twine Co.

Forbes signed Standard Rope and Twine Co.

Inv# AG1380
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1896
Ford Motor Co. of Canada, Limited signed by Henry Ford - Stock Certificate

Fort Wayne, Cincinnati and Louisville Railroad Co. issued to and signed by Elijah Smith - Stock Certificate

Fort Wayne, Cincinnati and Louisville Railroad Co. Signed by Elijah Smith - Stock Certificate

Fort Worth and Rio Grande Railway Co. Issued to and Sigend by J. Malcolm Forbes
Fort Worth and Rio Grande Railway Co. signed by F.W. Matthiessen - Stock Certificate

Four Wheel Drive Auto Co. Issued to and Signed by Joseph R. McCarthy - Stock Certificate

Francis R. Lubbock signed Republic of Texas Warrant

Frederic John Fisher - The Fisher Body Ohio Co. - Stock Certificate
Frederick Pabst and Charles Best signed Philip Best Brewing Co - Stock Certificate
Frederick Pabst and Charles Best signed Phillip Best Brewing Co - Stock Certificate
Frederick W Vanderbilt

Frederick W Vanderbilt

Inv# AG1009
State(s): New York
Years: 1920's
Frederick W. Vanderbilt - State of New York World War I Bonus Bond (Uncanceled)
Freeman - Standard Oil Trust - Stock Certificate

Freeman - Standard Oil Trust - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1869
State(s): New York
Years: 1889
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Fullerton Land and Trust Co. signed 3 times by H.G. Wilshire

Fullerton Land and Trust Co. signed by H.G. Wilshire (Uncanceled)

Fulton Chain Railway Co. Issued to Alfred G. Vanderbilt and Signed by F.W. and Reginald Vanderbilt- Stock Certificate


Fulton Chain Railway Co. signed by Wm. Seward Webb - Railroad Stock Certificate - Autograph

Fulton Chain Railway Co. Transfer signed by Harry Payne Whitney - Stock Certificate

Fulton Chain Railway Co. Transferred to Reginald Vanderbilt - Railroad Stock Certificate


Gallatin Brothers - Mohawk and Hudson Railroad
Gardiner Hubbard Signs Malden Highlands Co.

Gardiner Hubbard Signs Malden Highlands Co.

Inv# AG1503
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1853
Garret A. Hobart - Lafayette Mining Co. - Stock Certificate
Garret A. Hobart signed Midland Railroad Co. of New Jersey

General Daniel Edgar Sickles
General George McClellan signed Grand Belt Copper Co. - Autographed Mining Stock Certificate

General John A. Dix - Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

General John A. Dix - Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1214
State(s): Mississippi
Years: 1850's-1860's
General John A. Dix - Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
General John A. Dix - Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
General William Mahone signed Atlantic Mississippi and Ohio Railroad Co. - 1870's dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

General William Mahone signed Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Co - $100 Bond
General William Mahone signed Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Co.  - $100 Bond dated 1860's-1870's


General William Wells and J. Pierpont Morgan both sign - Check
Genesee Falls Railway Co. Issued to Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate

Geneva, Corning and Southern Railroad Co. transferred to William K. Vanderbilt Jr. - Stock Certificate


George Dunton Widener - Died on the Titanic - 1900's dated Philadelphia Traction Co. signed by George D. Widener - 1905 or 1906 Autograph Stock Certificate
George Dunton Widener - Died on the Titanic - signed Philadelphia Traction Co. - Autograph Stock Certificate

George Dunton Widener - Died on the Titanic - West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Co - Autograph Stock Certificate
George Eastman - Baltimore and Ohio Railroad - Bond
George Eastman signed Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway $5,000 Bond
George J. Gould - Missouri, Kansas and Texs Railway Co. - Stock Certificate


George M. Cohan - New York Canal Terminals Bond

George M. Cohan - New York Canal Terminals Bond

Inv# ET1022
State(s): New York
Years: 1914
George M. Cohan signed $10,000 State of New York Bond Loan of Canal Improvement issued to and signed by the Famous Actor, Composer, Playwright, and Producer
George M. Pullman - Oregon and Transcontinental Co - Stock Certificate
George M. Pullman autographed Pullman's Palace Car Co. - Bond
George W. Studebaker - Studebaker Mail Order Co - Stock Certificate
Georgia Rail Road and Banking Co. Signed by John P. King  - Autograph Stock Certificate
Georgia Southern and Florida Railway Co. signed by Wm. S. Hart - 1945 dated Autographed Stock Certificate
Georgia-Alabama Investment and Development Co. signed by Benjamin Butler - Stock Certificate

Gianni Bettini signed Societe des Micro-Phonographes - Autograph Stock Certificate
Goldfield Consolidated Mines Co. Signed by Geo. Wingfield - Stock Certificate

Goodyear Will - New Orleans Great Northern Railroad - Stock Certificate
Gouv Morris - Michigan Central Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
Gouverneur and Oswegatchie Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate


Gouverneur and Oswegatchie Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate


Gouverneur and Oswegatchie Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate


Gouverneur and Oswegatchie Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate


Gouverneur and Oswegatchie Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate


Gouverneur Morris - Michigan Central Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
Gouverneur Morris of Morrisania - Michigan Central Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
Gouverneur Morris of Morrisania - New York and Harlem Railroad - 1849 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate
Gov. Henry Clay Warmoth signed State of Louisiana $1,000 Bond

Granite City Steel Co. Signed by William Goldman - Stock Certificate

Granite City Steel Co. Signed by William Goldman - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG2583
State(s): Delaware
New York
Years: 1964

Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. issued to John Kennedy - Stock Certificate

Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. signed by George H. Hartford - Stock Certificate


Group of 10 1887 dated Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railrway Co. signed Transfer by J.P.  Morgan - Autographed Stock Certificate

Group of 12 Stocks Issued to L.F. Rothschild and Co. and Others - Stock Certificate

Group of 12 Stocks Issued to L.F. Rothschild and Co. and Others - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG2403
State(s): Maryland
New Jersey
Years: 1914-1958
Group of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Co. related to J.P. Morgan and Co.
Group of Edison Portland Cement Co. Stubs - Stock Certificate

Guatemala Central Rail Road Co. signed by C.P. Huntington and J.E. Gates

Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Co. Signed by William H. Hardy - 1890 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

Gustave Pabst - Pabst Brewing Co - Stock Certificate

Gustave Pabst - Pabst Brewing Co - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1107
State(s): Wisconsin
Years: 1908
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Handwritten Letter signed by James Clark McReynolds - Autograph - Supreme Court

Harding Publishing Co. signed by W.G. Harding - Stock Certificate

Harlem River and Portchester Railroad Co. issued to Grace Roosevelt
Harlem River and Portchester Railroad Co. Issued to John Jacob Astor IV

Harold S. Vanderbilt signs transfer on St. Clair and Western Railway Co. - Stock Certificate
Harrison Branch Railroad Co. Issued to Henry Hanna

Harrison Branch Railroad Co. Issued to Henry Hanna

Inv# AG2030
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1879-1882

Harrison Branch Railroad Co. Issued to Rufus King - 1875 dated Railway Stock Certificate

Harrison Branch Railroad Co. Issued to trustees of Rufus King

1842 Items.  Showing Items 501 thru 600.
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