star decoration Autographed Stocks & Bonds star decoration

1892 Items.  Showing Items 701 thru 800.
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International and Great Northern Railroad Co. signed by William Marsh Rice - Stock Certificate
International and Great Northern signed by Jay Gould - Stock Certificate

International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to and Signed by Anna J. Rothschild - Stock Certificate - Titanic History
International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to and signed by John Kennedy - Autographed Stock - Titanic History

International Mercantile Marine Co. issued to and signed by Joseph E. Ismay - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
International Mercantile Marine Co. issued to and signed by Luman H. Tiffany - Stock Certificate - Titanic History
International Mercantile Marine Co. issued to and signed by William C. Carnegie - Stock Certificate - Titanic History
International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to John C. Fremont - Stock Certificate - Titanic History
International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to L.F. Rothschild and Co. - Stock Certificate - Titanic History
International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to Margaret Thaw Carnegie - Stock Certificate - Titanic History

International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to Noel Coward - Stock Certificate - Titanic History

International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to Rothschild and Co. - Stock Certificate - Titanic History
International Mercantile Marine Co. Issued to Sir Christopher Furness - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate

International Mercantile Marine Co. signed by Arthur T. Vanderbilt - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
International Mercantile Marine Co. Stock Issued to Harry Harkness and Signed by Philip Franklin - 1915 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds

International Mercantile Marine Co. Stock Issued to Harry S. Harkness - 1916 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds

International Mercantile Marine issued to and signed by J. Bruce Ismay - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
International Mercantile Marine issued to not signed by Pierre S. DuPont - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
International Mercantile Marine issued to not signed by Pierre S. DuPont - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate

International Mercantile Marine Issued to Yale University - $1,000 Bond - Co. that Made the Titanic
International Mercantile Marine signed by Francis I. DuPont - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate

International Mercantile Marine signed by J. Bruce Ismay - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate

International Mercantile Marine signed by Pierre S. DuPont - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate

International Nickel Co. signed by Ogden Mills - 1916 dated Stock Certificate
Iowa Falls and Sioux City Rail Road Co. Issued to and signed by Oliver Ames - Stock Certificate

Irenee Du Pont issued and signed International Mercantile Marine - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
Irving Bank-Columbia Trust Co. dated 1925 and Issued to and signed by Edward H.R. Green - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
Irving Bank-Columbia Trust Co. Issued to and Signed by Alfred P. Sloan Jr. - 1923 dated Autographed Banking Stock Certificate

Irving Bank-Columbia Trust Co. Issued to and Signed by Victor F. Emanuel - 1923 dated Banking Stock Certificate
Irving Trust Co. Issued to but not Signed by Alfred P. Sloan Jr. - 1934 dated Banking Stock Certificate

Isaac L. Rice - Railway Supply Co - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Issue to & Signed by George W. Vanderbilt II on Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co. - 1903 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

Issued to Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt - Hudson River Railroad - Stock Certificate

Issued to Horace Greeley - Virginia International Land Loan and Trust Co.
Issued to J. D. Rockefeller Standard Oil Trust signed by J.D. Rockefeller and H.M. Flagler - 1889 dated Autographed Stock Certificate


Issued to J.S. Morgan and Co. St. Louis Bridge Co.

Issued to J.S. Morgan and Co. St. Louis Bridge Co.

Inv# AG1550
State(s): Missouri
Years: 1894
Issued to John D. Rockefeller and Signed on back - 1888 dated Autographed Stock Certificate


Issued to Milton S. Hershey Trust Co. - Hershey Chocolate related Northern Central Railway Co. - 1953-57 dated Railroad Stock Certificate

Issued to Sarah L. Winchester on 1924 New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co. - Wife of Winchester Repeating Arms Founder

Issued to Sarah L. Winchester on Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway - 1924 dated Railroad $1,000 Bond - Wife of Winchester Repeating Arms Founder

Issued to W.C. Whitney and signed by Charles Butler

Issued to W.C. Whitney and signed by Charles Butler

Inv# AG1683
State(s): Indiana
Years: 1874
Issuesd to and Signed by Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain - 1886 dated Beech Creek Railroad Stock Certificate - Autograph
J. B. Colgate - Chicago and Northern Pacific Railroad (Uncanceled)

J. H. Wade - Valley Railway Co - Stock Certificate
J. H. Wade autographed Cincinnati, Wabash and Michigan Railway - Railroad Stock Certificate


J. P. Morgan, Bruce Ismay, Peter A. B. Widener - International Mercantile Marine - Co. that Made the Titanic - Stock Certificate
J. Paul Getty - Oklahoma Oil Corporation 1930's dated Stock Certificate - The Man behind the Movie All the Money in the World - Autograph Stock Certificate

J. Paul Getty signed 1960's dated Check on Chase Manhattan Bank London - The Man behind the Movie All the Money in the World
J. Paul Getty Signed Check - 1941-49 dated Autograph Check - The Man behind the Movie All the Money in the World
J. Pierpont Morgan - Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railway - Stock Certificate
J. Pierpont Morgan Raquette Lake Railway Co.

J. Pierpont Morgan Raquette Lake Railway Co.

Inv# AG1408
State(s): New York
Years: 1902
OUT OF STOCK More Details
J. Pierpont Morgan signed 1896 Proxy for the St. Louis Bridge Co. - Autograph
J. Pierpont Morgan signed New Jersey Junction Railroad - 1886 dated Uncanceled Bond signed also by Harris Charles Fahnestock - 100 Year Autograph Railroad Bond!
J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr. Signs St. Louis Bridge Co. - 1896 dated Autograph Bridge Stock Certificate

J. S. Casement signed Toledo, Canada Southern and Detroit Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

J. S. Casement signed Toledo, Canada Southern and Detroit Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1284
Country: Canada
State(s): Michigan
New York
Years: 1870's
J.C. Fargo, J.F. Fargo, and W.H. Seward Jr. signed American Express Co. - Stock Certificate

J.D. Rockefeller and H.M. Flagler signed Standard Oil Trust - Stock Certificate
Jack F. Chrysler - State of NY Bond

Jack F. Chrysler - State of NY Bond

Inv# AG1135
State(s): New York
Years: 1947
Jackson Lansing and Saginaw RR Stock issued to Moses Taylor and signed by Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr. (Uncanceled)


Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Railroad Co. Issued to and signed by Percy R. Pyne - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Railroad Co. signed by C. Vanderbilt - Autographed Stock Certificate

Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Railroad Co. Signed by Wm. K Vanderbilt - Stock Certificate

Jacob Beringer Signed Napa and Sonoma Wine Co.

Jacob Beringer Signed Napa and Sonoma Wine Co.

Inv# AG1501
State(s): California
Years: 187-
Jacob Beringer Signed Napa and Sonoma Wine Co. - Stock Certificate

Jacob J. Schubert - United Artists - Stock Certificate
Jacob Little - Hudson River Railroad - Stock Certificate


Jacob Little - Michigan Central Railroad - Transfer Receipt
Jacob Little - Michigan Central Railroad Co. - Pair of Transfer Receipts
Jacob Little - New York and Harlem Railroad - Railway Stock Certificate
Jacob Little - Rochester and Syracuse Railroad - Stock Certificate
Jacob Little autographed Hudson River Railroad Stock Transfer


Jacob Little autographed New York and Harlem Railroad Transfer - Railway Stock Certificate


Jacob Little Signed Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. - Autographs

Jacob Little signed New York and Harlem Rail-Road Co.  - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

James A. Patten issued to and signed Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

James Ben Ali Haggin - 1899 dated Homestake Mining Co. - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
James Ben Ali Haggin - 1912 dated Homestake Mining Co. - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
James Ben Ali Haggin - Father De Smet Consolidated Gold Mining Co
James Ben Ali Haggin signed Homestake Mining Co. - 1880 dated Autograph Mining Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
James C. Fargo - Michigan Central Railroad - Bond (Uncanceled)

James C. Fargo and William C. Fargo - American Express Co - Unique - Stock Certificate
James C. Fargo Signed Merchants Despatch Transportation Co. - Stock Certificate

James C. Fargo, James F. Fargo, and William H. Seward, Jr. - American Express Co. - Stock Certificate
James D. Porter - Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
James F. Fargo and William C.Fargo signed American Express Co. - 1912 dated Autograph Express Stock Certificate
James F. Fargo signs for American Express - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
James Monroe signed Document - Rare Document Variety - Presidential Autograph

James N. Hill - Northern Pacific Railway Co. $1,000 Gold Bond signed by James Norman Hill, son of Legendary Railroad Tycoon James Jerome Hill
James R. Garfield and H.A. Garfield signed Lake Erie, Alliance and Wheeling Coal Co. Stock Certificate dated 1901

James River Valley Railroad Co. issued to and signed by Johnston Livingston, Crawford Livingston and W.R. Merriam

James River Valley Railroad Co. issued to and signed by W.R. Merriam, Crawford Livingston and Geo. H. Earl


James River Valley Railroad Co. signed by Billings, Merriam, and Livingston - Stock Certificate


James River Valley Railroad Co. signed by Clough, Merriam and Livingston


James River Valley Railroad Co. signed by Crawford Livingston
James River Valley Railroad Co. signed by T.F. Oakes, Crawford Livingston and Geo. H. Earl
James Roosevelt Roosevelt - Pittsburgh McKeesport and Youghiogheny Railroad - Stock Certificate
James Stillman autographed Peoria, Decatur and Evansville Railway - Stock Certificate
Jamestown & Northern Railroad Co. issued to/signed by Edwin Winter & signed by Geo. H. Earl


Jamestown and Northern Extension Railroad Co. dated 1896 and issued to Edwin W. Winter & signed by him and Geo. H. Earl - Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Jamestown and Northern Extension Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Frederick Billings - Stock Certificate

1892 Items.  Showing Items 701 thru 800.
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