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1820 Items.  Showing Items 521 thru 540.
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Frederick Pabst and Charles Best signed Philip Best Brewing Co - Stock Certificate
Frederick Pabst and Charles Best signed Phillip Best Brewing Co - Stock Certificate
Frederick W Vanderbilt

Frederick W Vanderbilt

Inv# AG1009
State(s): New York
Years: 1920's
$370.00 More Details
Frederick W. Vanderbilt - State of New York World War I Bonus Bond (Uncanceled)
Freeman - Standard Oil Trust - Stock Certificate

Freeman - Standard Oil Trust - Stock Certificate

Inv# AG1869
State(s): New York
Years: 1889
OUT OF STOCK More Details

Fullerton Land and Trust Co. signed 3 times by H.G. Wilshire

Fullerton Land and Trust Co. signed by H.G. Wilshire (Uncanceled)

Fulton Chain Railway Co. Issued to Alfred G. Vanderbilt and Signed by F.W. and Reginald Vanderbilt- Stock Certificate


Fulton Chain Railway Co. signed by Wm. Seward Webb - Railroad Stock Certificate - Autograph

Fulton Chain Railway Co. Transfer signed by Harry Payne Whitney - Stock Certificate

Fulton Chain Railway Co. Transferred to Reginald Vanderbilt - Railroad Stock Certificate


Gallatin Brothers - Mohawk and Hudson Railroad
Gardiner Hubbard Signs Malden Highlands Co.

Gardiner Hubbard Signs Malden Highlands Co.

Inv# AG1503
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1853
$1,290.00 More Details
Garret A. Hobart - Lafayette Mining Co. - Stock Certificate
Garret A. Hobart signed Midland Railroad Co. of New Jersey

General Daniel Edgar Sickles
General George McClellan signed Grand Belt Copper Co. - Autographed Mining Stock Certificate

General John A. Dix - Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
General John A. Dix - Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
General John A. Dix - Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
1820 Items.  Showing Items 521 thru 540.
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