star decoration Autographed Stocks & Bonds star decoration

1820 Items.  Showing Items 961 thru 980.
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Mississippi Valley Co. signed by Stuyvesant Fish - 1888 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate


Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. - Issued to and Signed by Jay Gould dated 1887 - "The Katy"

Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. Issued to and Signed by John D. Rockefeller - "The Katy" - 1891 dated Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate

Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. Issued to and Signed by William Rockefeller - "The Katy" - 1891 dated Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate

Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. signed by Russell Sage - 1880 dated Autograph Railroad Stock Certificate - "The Katy"

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. Issued to John Jacob Astor

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. signed by Peter Augustus Jay

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. signed by Wm. B. Astor - Stock Certificate

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. Uncut Sheet

Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co. Uncut Sheet

Inv# AG1743
State(s): New York
Years: 1830
$915.00 More Details
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co.  Signed by Peter Augustus Jay - Stock Certificate

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Issued to  August Belmont - Stock Transfer

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. issued to Wm. B. Astor - Stock Transfer

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Signed by Gallatin Brothers - 1833 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. signed by Jas. Gallatin - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. signed by Jas. Gallatin - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Signed by William B. Astor - Stock Certificate

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. signed by Wm. B. Astor for J.J. Astor
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Transferred to Gallatin Brothers and Signed by Wm B Astor - Stock Certificate

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Co. Transferred to Wm B Astor - Stock Certificate
Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Transfer signed by William Backhouse Astor - Stock Certificate
1820 Items.  Showing Items 961 thru 980.
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