star decoration Autographed Stocks & Bonds star decoration

1820 Items.  Showing Items 1641 thru 1660.
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Thomas A. Scott autographed Riverfront Railroad Stock


Thomas A. Scott signed Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad Co. Autograph Stock Certificate - 1871 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate

Thomas A. Scott Signed Junction Rail Road Co. - 1864 Autographed Stock

Thomas C. Durant signed Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Thomas C. Durant signed Peoria and Bureau Valley Railroad Co. - 1865-69 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate

Thomas T. Eckert signed Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Thompson and Tucker Lumber Co.

Thompson and Tucker Lumber Co.

Inv# AG1536
State(s): Texas
Years: 1909
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Thompson and Tucker Lumber Co. signed by J.L. Thompson - 1903-1911 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds
Thompson Brothers Lumber Co. signed by J.L. Thompson
Three Vanderbilts! - New York Central Railroad - Bond
Thurlow Weed signs Buffalo and State Line Rail Road Co. - Stock Certificate

Thurlow Weed signs Buffalo and State Line Rail Road Co. - Stock Certificate

Tivoli Hollow Railroad Co. Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - Stock Certificate

Tivoli Hollow Railroad Co. signed by W.B. Van Rensselaer - Stock Certificate
Toledo, Canada Southern and Detroit Railway Co. signed by Cornelius Vanderbilt (Jr.) - Stock Certificate

Toledo, Canada Southern and Detroit Railway Co. Signed by Edward King  - $105 Bond
Toledo, Canada Southern and Detroit Railway Co. signed by Wm. K. Vanderbilt

Toledo, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railroad Co. signed by Union General John M. Corse

Transfer Document signed by Austin Corbin - Autograph - Irrevocable Stock Power

Transfer Sheet lists J.R. Vanderbilt - Autographs
1820 Items.  Showing Items 1641 thru 1660.
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