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Collectible Automotive Bonds

We do have an extensive inventory of Automotive Bonds. Many great pieces are offered in our catalogs. Please phone us as we would be happy to help you build an impressive collection of Automotive Bonds.
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Apperson Bros. Automobile Co. - $500 - Bond

Apperson Bros. Automobile Co. - $500 - Bond

Inv# AB5022
State(s): Indiana
Years: 1922
Automobile Underwriters - 1926 or 1930 dated Stock Certificate

Automobile Underwriters - 1926 or 1930 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# AS1381
State(s): California
Years: 1926 or 1930
Automobiles Th. Schneider - 500 Francs - Foreign Bond
Automotive Set of 5 Automobile Stocks Bonds and 5 Prints - Dated Throughout the 1900's - Famous Car Makers Collection - Collection of 5 Prints, 4 Stocks and 1 Bond
B. F. Goodrich Co. - 1970's dated High Denomination $797,000 Bond
Book-Cadillac Properties, Inc. - 1932 dated Gold Automive Related Bond
Capital Transit Co.

Capital Transit Co.

Inv# AB5018
State(s): District Of Columbia
Years: 19--
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Chicago Motor Vehicle Co. - Bond

Chicago Motor Vehicle Co. - Bond

Inv# AB5014
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1903
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Chrysler Corporation - 1970's-80's dated Famous Automotive Co. Bond - Various Denominations Available
Chrysler Financial Corporation - Famous Automotive Co. Bond

Chrysler Financial Corporation - Famous Automotive Co. Bond

Inv# AB5003
State(s): Michigan
Years: 1970's-80's
Conestoga Motor Truck Co. - Bond (Uncanceled)

Conestoga Motor Truck Co. - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# AB5019
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1917
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Daimler-Benz - Bond

Daimler-Benz - Bond

Inv# AB5015
Country: Germany
Years: 1942
Elgin Motor Car Corporation

Elgin Motor Car Corporation

Inv# AB5023
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1921
Falls Motors Corp. - Specimen Stock

Falls Motors Corp. - Specimen Stock

Inv# SE4179
State(s): Virginia
Years: 19--
Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. - $1,000,000 Denominated Automotive Bond - Extremely Rare
Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. - $1,250,000 Automotive Bond
Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. - 1952 dated $1,000 3 1/4% 25 Year Bond
Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. - 1970's dated $10,000 Automotive Bond
Florida State Turnkpike Authortiy Specimen - Bond

Florida State Turnkpike Authortiy Specimen - Bond

Inv# SE1400
Country: United States
State(s): Florida
Years: 1961
Ford International Capital Corp. - 1969 dated $1,000 Automotive Bond - Famed Co. from Ford vs. Ferrari Movie
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