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Collectible Bank Stocks

We do have an extensive inventory of Banking Stocks. Many great pieces are offered in our catalogs. Please phone us as we would be happy to help you build an impressive collection of Banking. 800 717-9529

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 Bank of Napa Check -  1879 dated Check

New Bank of Napa Check - 1879 dated Check

Inv# CKS1104
New Item!
State(s): California
Years: 1879
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Riggs National Bank Check -  1902 dated Check

NewRiggs National Bank Check - 1902 dated Check

Inv# CK1440
New Item!
State(s): District Of Columbia
Years: 1902
Second National Bank of New Haven -  1955 or 1958 dated Stock Certificate

NewSecond National Bank of New Haven - 1955 or 1958 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1425
New Item!
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1955 or 1958
News Welfare Association, Inc. - 1900's dated American Bank Note Company Specimen Check
Bank of Utica check with Revenue Stamp - 1863 dated Check
Stissing Bank check with Revenue Stamp - 1863 dated Check
Stissing National Bank of Pine Plains, N.Y. check with Revenue Stamp - 1872 dated Check
National Bank of Salem check with Revenue Stamp - 1873 dated Check
National Bank of Harrisonburg check with 4 Revenue Stamps - 1872 dated Check
National Bank of Chester check with 2 Revenue Stamps - 1900 dated Check
Mutual Savings Bank check with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Check
Merchants' and Farmers' National Bank check with Revenue Stamp - 1869 dated Check
Huguenot National Bank of New Paltz check with Revenue Stamp - 1874 dated Check
Clinton National Bank check with Revenue Stamp - 1870 dated Check
City National Bank of Worcester check with Revenue Stamp - 1875 dated Check
Bank of Vernon check with Revenue Stamp - 1863 dated Check
Bank of Vernon check with Revenue Stamp - 1863 dated Check
Bank of New York check with Imprinted Revenue Stamp - 1869 dated Check
Check with Revenue Stamp - 1871 dated Check

Check with Revenue Stamp - 1871 dated Check

Inv# CKS1088
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1871
Merchants National Bank with Revenue Stamp -  1870 dated Check

Merchants National Bank with Revenue Stamp - 1870 dated Check

Inv# CK1170B
State(s): New York
Years: 1870
Merchants National Bank -  1870 dated Check

Merchants National Bank - 1870 dated Check

Inv# CK1170A
State(s): New York
Years: 1870
Iron Bank Check and Stock Transfer - 1859 dated Stock Certificate and Check
First National Bank of Toledo - 1864 dated Stock Certificate
Cumberland Building Loan Assoc. - 1894 dated Stock Certificate
Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia - 1866 dated Bond
Bordertown Banking Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate

Bordertown Banking Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1420
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1864
First National Bank of Danvers - 1867 dated Stock Certificate
Jewish Colonial Trust - 1904 dated Stock Certificate

Jewish Colonial Trust - 1904 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2583
Country: Palestine
Years: 1904
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United Banks of Colorado, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate
Great Western Financial Corp. - Specimen Stock Certificate
First National Bancorporation, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate
Marine Midland Banks, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate
Fannie Mae or Federal National Mortgage Assoc. - FNMA - Specimen Stock Certificate
Check with Revenue Stamp - 1870's dated Checks

Check with Revenue Stamp - 1870's dated Checks

Inv# CKS1087
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1870's
Check with Revenue Stamp - 1870's dated Checks

Check with Revenue Stamp - 1870's dated Checks

Inv# CKS1086
State(s): Massachusetts
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Years: 1870's
Group of 33 Checks with Revenue Stamps - 1860's, 70's and 1900's dated Checks

Group of 33 Checks with Revenue Stamps - 1860's, 70's and 1900's dated Checks

Inv# CKS1085
State(s): Massachusetts
New Jersey
Years: 1860's, 1870's and 1900's
Group of 23 Checks with Revenue Stamps - 1860's and 70's dated Checks

Group of 23 Checks with Revenue Stamps - 1860's and 70's dated Checks

Inv# CKS1084
State(s): Massachusetts
New Jersey
Years: 1860's and 1870's
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Group of 15 Bank Drafts - 1860's and 70's dated Checks

Group of 15 Bank Drafts - 1860's and 70's dated Checks

Inv# CKS1083
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1860's and 1870's
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Pierce, Simmons and Co. Bankers - 1876 dated Check

Pierce, Simmons and Co. Bankers - 1876 dated Check

Inv# CKS1079
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1876
Lot of 131 Checks - 1880's-1950's dated Checks

Lot of 131 Checks - 1880's-1950's dated Checks

Inv# CK1436
State(s): Colorado
New Jersey
Years: 1880's-1950's
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Uncut Sheet of 3 Fulton Bank Checks -  1830's dated Checks
Group of 50 Miscellaneous Checks -  1860's-1900's dated Checks

Group of 50 Miscellaneous Checks - 1860's-1900's dated Checks

Inv# CK1433
State(s): California
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
Years: 1860's-1900's
Group of 10 Miscellaneous Checks -  1845-1924 dated Checks

Group of 10 Miscellaneous Checks - 1845-1924 dated Checks

Inv# CK1432
State(s): Kansas
New Jersey
Years: 1845-1924
Moral-Lyceum and Weekly Messenger, Dr. -  1836 dated Check
Bank of Charleston -  Unissued Check

Bank of Charleston - Unissued Check

Inv# CK1430
State(s): South Carolina
Years: 186-
Atlantic National Bank -  1927 dated Check

Atlantic National Bank - 1927 dated Check

Inv# CK1429
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1927
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Pay Order signed by John A. Dix - Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank - 1837 dated Autograph
Cheshire Bank - 1804 dated Stock Certificate

Cheshire Bank - 1804 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1419
State(s): New Hampshire
Years: 1804
Commercial and Rail Road Bank - 1841 dated $2,505.50 Bond
Irving Bank-Columbia Trust Co. dated 1925 and Issued to and signed by Edward H.R. Green - Autographed Stocks and Bonds
Trimountain Trust - Unissued Stock Certificate

Trimountain Trust - Unissued Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1417
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 19--
Group of 8 Different Notes - 1800's-1850's dated Obsolete Banknote - Paper Money

Group of 8 Different Notes - 1800's-1850's dated Obsolete Banknote - Paper Money

Inv# OB1672
State(s): Massachusetts
New Jersey
New York
Years: 1800's-1850's
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Wolfsboro' Bank 1 dollar and 25 cents - Obsolete Banknote - Paper Money
Piscataqua Exchange Bank 5 dollars Unissued - Obsolete Banknote - Paper Money
Nashua Bank 3 dollars dated 1853 - Obsolete Banknote - Paper Money
Townsend Bank 3 cents dated 1864 - Obsolete Banknote - Paper Money
Group of 7 Checks dated 1830's-1920's - Americana

Group of 7 Checks dated 1830's-1920's - Americana

Inv# CK1428
State(s): Maryland
New Hampshire
New York
Years: 1830's-1920's
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National Mechanics Traders Bank - 1870's dated Unissued Check with Imprinted Revenue - Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Irving Trust Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate
Carolina Savings Bank of Charleston, S.C. - Certificate number 1 - 1874 dated Stock Certificate
Banking and Exhcange Office of G. F. Lewis Letter  -   1856 dated Americana
Banking and Exhcange Office of G. F. Lewis Letter  -   1853 dated Americana
First National Bank - 1926 dated Check - Depicting Uncle Sam at Left - Very Rare
Atlantic Bank of the City of New York - 1855 dated Check
Red Bank Coal Co. - 1919 dated Stock Certificate

Red Bank Coal Co. - 1919 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1416
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1919
Farmers Bank of Virginia - 1854 dated Stock Certificate
National City Bank of New York - 1927 dated Stock Certificate

National City Bank of New York - 1927 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1414
State(s): Minnesota
New York
Years: 1927
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Utica Trust and Deposit Co. Utica, New York - 1931 dated Stock Certificate
First Securities Co. - 1929 or 1938 dated Stock Certificate

First Securities Co. - 1929 or 1938 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1412
State(s): California
Years: 1929 or 1938
Erie State Bank - 1931 dated Stock Certificate

Erie State Bank - 1931 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# BS1411
State(s): Kansas
Years: 1931
Citizens National Bank of Houghton - 1904 or 1910 dated Stock Certificate
Wesco Financial Corp. -  Specimen Stock Certificate

Wesco Financial Corp. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE4166
State(s): California
New York
Warren National Bank -  Specimen Stock Certificate
Charter New York Corp. - $5,000 Specimen Bond

Charter New York Corp. - $5,000 Specimen Bond

Inv# SE3514A
State(s): New York
Years: 1965
Goldome -  1846 Specimen Stock Certificate

Goldome - 1846 Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3756
Country: Cayman Islands
State(s): New York
Years: 1846
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National Australia Bank Limited - 1997 dated Specimen Stock Certificate
Fannie Mae or Federal National Mortgage Assoc. - FNMA - Specimen Stock Certificate
Dime Bancorp, Inc. - 1995 dated Specimen Stock Certificate

Dime Bancorp, Inc. - 1995 dated Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3521
State(s): Delaware
New York
Years: 1995
Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate
Clinton Trust Co. New York City - Specimen Stock Certificate
Citicorp - Specimen Stock Certificate - Citibank

Citicorp - Specimen Stock Certificate - Citibank

Inv# SE3518
Country: Canada
State(s): California
New York
Chartiers Bank - Specimen Stock Certificate

Chartiers Bank - Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3515
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 19--
Charter New York Corp. - Washington Irving Vignette - circa 1960's Specimen Stock Certificate
Centura Banks, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Centura Banks, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3513
State(s): New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Central Banking System, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate
Bank of America Corp. - Specimen Stock Certificate
Bankers Trust New York Corp. - Specimen Depositary Receipt Certificate
BankBoston Corp. - 1997 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Very Unusual Design
Bankamerica Corp. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Bankamerica Corp. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Inv# SE3508
State(s): California
New York
Bancwest Corp. - Specimen Stock Certificate
U.S. Trust Corporation - 1999 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Vignette of John Aikman Stewart
Irving Bank Corporation - Specimen Stock Certificate
Worcester Trust Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks

Worcester Trust Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks

Inv# ABNS1214
State(s): Massachusetts
New York
Years: 19--
Washington Trust Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
United States Steel Corporation - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Uncas-Merchants National Bank - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Union National Bank - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Uncas-Merchants National Bank - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Tradesmens National Bank and Trust Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
American Thermos Bottle Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
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