star decoration Canal Stocks & Bonds star decoration

68 Items.  Showing Items 51 thru 68.
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State of New York, Canal Department

State of New York, Canal Department

Inv# CN1006
State(s): New York
Years: 1857
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State of New York, Canal Department - Bond

State of New York, Canal Department - Bond

Inv# CN1008
State(s): New York
Years: 1866
State of New York, Canal Department - Bond

State of New York, Canal Department - Bond

Inv# CN1009
State(s): New York
Years: 1884-1886
State of New York, Canal Deptartment, Loan to Provide for the Payment of the Floating Debt of the State - Bond
State of Ohio Canal Bond Issued to Jacob Little & Co. and Signed by Jacob Little - Actually A Bond

State of Ohio Canal Stock - 1848 dated Ohio Canal Stock Certificate
State of Ohio Canal Stock - Actually A Bond

State of Ohio Canal Stock - Actually A Bond

Inv# GB5086
State(s): New York
Years: 1839-40's
State of Ohio Canal Stock - Actually A Bond

State of Ohio Canal Stock - Actually A Bond

Inv# CN1002
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1840's-50's
State of Ohio Canal Stock - Actually A Bond

State of Ohio Canal Stock - Actually A Bond

Inv# CN1033
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1854
OUT OF STOCK More Details
State of Ohio Canal Stock - Actually A Bond

State of Ohio Canal Stock - Actually A Bond

Inv# FP1011
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1842
State of Ohio Canal Stock - Bond

State of Ohio Canal Stock - Bond

Inv# CN1003
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1840's-50's
Susquehanna Canal Co. - 1853 dated $1,000 Bond

Susquehanna Canal Co. - 1853 dated $1,000 Bond

Inv# CN1044
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1853
Swiftsure Transportation Line - Americana

Swiftsure Transportation Line - Americana

Inv# AM1898
State(s): Delaware
New York
Years: 1846
Union Canal Co. of Pennsylvania - 1878 dated Canal Stock Certificate - Very Rare
United New Jersey Rail Road and Canal Co. Issued to Albert H. Gallatin - Son of Albert R. Gallatin - 1875, 1877 or 1879 dated Autographed Stock
United New Jersey Rail Road and Canal Co. issued to and signed by George B. McClellan - 1916 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

United New Jersey Rail Road and Canal Co. issued to and signed by Pierre Lorillard - Stock Certificate

Utah and Salt Lake Canal Co. - 1891-97 Canal Stock Certificate
68 Items.  Showing Items 51 thru 68.
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