star decoration Cigar Box Labels star decoration

Collectible Cigar Box Labels

It is important to stress that most of the printing quality found on these labels is truly exceptional. The boldness of color, superb graphics, and embossing has been rarely achieved in any other topic of ephemera. The wide variety of art on these pieces adds to the excitement and enjoyment of collecting this popular segment of Americana. Call anytime to ask George about other Great Cigar Box Labels! 800 717-9529

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Olinda - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Gettysburg Commanders - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
8 Different Cigar Labels - Americana - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
5 Different Cigar Labels - Americana - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Miss Prim - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Claribel - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>

Claribel - Cigar Box Label - Not Actual Cigars

Inv# CB1268
State(s): Illinois
New York
Union Pacific - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Superiores - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Sun Maid - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
"Sea Robin" - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Rigoletto - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Red Tips - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Red Tips - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Professor Morse - Cuba Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Prize Medal - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Porto-Vana Tabacos Superiores - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Pengo - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Los Tres - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Los Angeles Country Club - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Lord Curzon - Cigar Box Label - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
268 Items.  Showing Items 1 thru 20.
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