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American Express Co. Signed by William G. Fargo - 1881 dated Express Stock Certificate

American Express Co. signed by William G. Fargo - Stock Certificate

American Express Co. signed by Wm. G. Fargo, Hanna Fargo and Geo. W. Fargo - Stock Certificate

American Express Co. Stock signed by William G. Fargo and Henry Wells - PASS-CO Authenticated Stock Certificate


American Express Special Fund, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate
American Express Stock signed by James C. Fargo & William Henry Seward, Jr. - 1898 dated Autograph Stock Certificate


American Merchants Union Express Co.
American Merchants Union Express Co. signed by William G. Fargo - 1868 dated Autograph Stock Certificate
American Merchants Union Express Co. signed by William G. Fargo - 1869 dated Autograph Stock Certificate

American Penny Express Co. - Stock Certificate

American Penny Express Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# AX1055
State(s): South Dakota
Years: 1902
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Arctic Express, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Arctic Express, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Inv# AX1037
State(s): Florida
Years: 1951-1961
Collection of 4 Different Montana Checks - 1870's-90's dated Checks - Group of Four from Helena and Pony, Montana
Dayton and Michigan Rail Road Express Freight Line - 1865 Express Document
Document signed by Nicholas Biddle - Autograph - Famous Biddle Family

Eastern Express Co. Receipt

Eastern Express Co. Receipt

Inv# AX1050
State(s): Maine
Years: 1870
Federal Express Corporation (FedEx) - Specimen Stock

Federal Express Corporation (FedEx) - Specimen Stock

Inv# SE1023
State(s): Delaware
New York
Years: 1971
Harnden Express - Check

Harnden Express - Check

Inv# CK1364
State(s): District Of Columbia
Years: 1863
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Harnden's Express - Stock Certificate

Harnden's Express - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1135
State(s): Massachusetts
Rhode Island
Years: 1850's
Hope Express Co.

Hope Express Co.

Inv# AX1039
State(s): New Jersey
New York
Years: 186-
Howard Express Co.

Howard Express Co.

Inv# AX1051
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1858
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