star decoration Famous Americans on Stocks & Bonds star decoration

77 Items.  Showing Items 51 thru 77.
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Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1897 dated $5,000 Railroad Gold Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1930's-1940's dated $10,000 Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - $10,000 3.5% Gold Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1911 dated $5,000 Railroad Gold Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. Issued to J.P. Morgan and Co. - 1937 dated $5,000 Railroad Gold Bond
Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation - Stock Certificate

Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2889
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1950's-60's
Summit Branch Rail Road Co. - Pennsylvania Railway Stock Certificate
Scovill Manufacturing Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate - Waterbury, Connecticut
Bank of New York Co., Inc. - 1998 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Alexander Hamilton Vignette
Irving Bank Corporation - Specimen Stock Certificate
Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Co. - Specimen Stock
Central Franklin Process Co. - Specimen Stock

Central Franklin Process Co. - Specimen Stock

Inv# SE3289
State(s): Delaware
Years: 19--
Bache and Co. Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate - Only Blue or Green Available - Depicts Rutherford B. Hayes in this Bache Vignette - Very Rare
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. - Vignette of Marcus Goldman & Samuel Sachs - 1999 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Fantastic Design
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. - 1994 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Green Type
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. - 1996 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Blue Type
Sears, Roebuck and Co. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Sears, Roebuck and Co. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Inv# SE3472
State(s): New York
Years: 1906
Sears, Roebuck and Co. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds
Woolworth Corp. - Enormous Portrait of Frank Winfield Woolworth Vignette - 1989 dated Specimen Stock Certificate
Lincoln National Corp. - Specimen Stock Certificate
Lincoln Printing Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate
$1,000 War Savings Bond - 1945 Dated U.S. Treasury Bond - Fantastic Condition for a Rare Denomination
$100 United States of America Bond of 1861 - Only 2 or 3 known to Exist
1796 United States Loan Office - State of Georgia Loan Certificate
1796 United States Loan Office Bond - State of Georgia - First American Security Ever Traded
Drifton Water Co. - Stock Certificate

Drifton Water Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# US1129
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 189-
White Star Mfg. Co.

White Star Mfg. Co.

Inv# WL1010
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 190-
77 Items.  Showing Items 51 thru 77.
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