star decoration Foreign Bonds star decoration

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Schuldverschreibung der Freien Hansestadt Bremen - Various Denominations - Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Freien Hansestadt Bremen- 2,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Coblenz - 1,000 Mark - Bond
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Coblenz - 200,000 Mark Bond
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Dortmund - 5,000 or 10,000 Marks - Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Essen - 1,000 Mark - Bond
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Koln - 1920 dated 20,000 German Marks Bond (Uncanceled) - Cologne, Germany
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Koln- 1,000  or 5,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Wurttembergischen Landeshauptstadt- 10,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung Stadt Essen - 100,000 Mark - German Bond
Serbia - 100 Francs Bond

Serbia - 100 Francs Bond

Inv# FB6630
Country: Serbia
Years: 1881
Shin Mitsubishi Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha

Shin Mitsubishi Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha

Inv# FB6123
Country: Japan
Years: 1977
Siegen-Solinger Gussstahl-Aktien-Verein - Stock Certificate
Simmer Deep, Limited - Bond

Simmer Deep, Limited - Bond

Inv# FB6517
Country: South Africa
Years: 1909
Simmer Deep, Limited - Bond

Simmer Deep, Limited - Bond

Inv# FB6517A
Country: South Africa
Years: 1907
Societe Anonyme Des Charbonnages Des Quatre-Jean De Retinne and Queue-Du-Bois - Bond
Societe Belge d'Entreprises en Chine - 500 Francs Bond
Societe De La Brasserie De Lutece - 300,000 Francs
Societe Des Embranchements de Chemins de Fer - Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
Societe Les Affreteurs Reunis - 500 Francs - Bond
Societe Lorraine Et Meridionale De Laminage Continu - $5,000
Societe Mutuelle Francaise - 100 Francs

Societe Mutuelle Francaise - 100 Francs

Inv# FB6355
Country: France
Years: 1907
Societe Serbe De La Croix-Rouge - 20 Francs (Uncanceled)
South Porto Rico Sugar Co. - Bond

South Porto Rico Sugar Co. - Bond

Inv# FB6065
Country: Puerto Rico
Years: 1906
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Spassky Copper Mine Limited - Bond

Spassky Copper Mine Limited - Bond

Inv# FB6512
Country: Russia
Great Britain
Years: 1913
St. Petersburg Land and Mortgage Co. Limited - £100 Foreign Bond
Staats-Schuldverschreibung - 15 Marz Bond

Staats-Schuldverschreibung - 15 Marz Bond

Inv# FB6647
Country: Austria
Years: 1860
Staatsanleihe - 20,000 Korona Bond

Staatsanleihe - 20,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6762
Country: Hungary
Years: 1917
Staatsanleihe - 20,000 Kronen Bond

Staatsanleihe - 20,000 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6775
Country: Hungary
Years: 1918
Stadt Berlin 1,000 Reichsmark Bond

Stadt Berlin 1,000 Reichsmark Bond

Inv# FB6604
Country: Germany
Years: 1926
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Stadt Berlin Schudverfchreibung - Various Denominations Bond
Stadt Frankfurt am Main - 2,000  or 1,000 Mark - Bond (Uncanceled)
State of Hamburg (Germany) 6% 1926 $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)
State of Israel - $1,000 Specimen Bond

State of Israel - $1,000 Specimen Bond

Inv# SE2436
Country: Israel
Years: 1962
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State of Jalisco Estado De Jalisco - Two Language $1,000 1898 Gold Bond
Stuhl Weissenburg - Raab - Grazer - 150 Gulden (Uncanceled)
Styrian Water Power and Electricity Co 6% Uncancelled $100US Gold Bond of 1929 with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
Styrian Water Power and Electricity Co 6% Uncancelled $500US Gold Bond of 1929 with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
Styrian Water Power and Electricity Co. Limited - Various Denominations Bond
Suomen Vientiluotto Oy-Finlands Exportkredit AB - $1,000 1970 dated Bond
Teilfchuldverfchreibung - 5,000 Kronen Bond

Teilfchuldverfchreibung - 5,000 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6776
Country: Hungary
Years: 1918
The Peasants' Land Bank - Russia Bond (Uncanceled)
Thyssen and Co. Aktiengesellschaft- 1,000 Mark Bond
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1908 - 20 British Pounds Chinese Uncanceled Bond - China
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1910 £100 Chinese Uncanceled Bond - China
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1910 £20 Chinese Uncancelled Bond with PASS-CO authentication - China
Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Co.

Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Co.

Inv# FB6203
Country: Canada
Years: 1884
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Tramways De Carthagene - 5,000,000 Francs Capitalization - Stock Certificate
Trans-Era Oils Limited - $1,000 Bond

Trans-Era Oils Limited - $1,000 Bond

Inv# FB6751
Country: Canada
Years: 1953
Transportes, Aduanas y Consignaciones, S.A. 500 Pesetas

Transportes, Aduanas y Consignaciones, S.A. 500 Pesetas

Inv# FB6616
Country: Spain
Years: 1948 or 1944
Traub Aktiengesellschaft - dated 1986 German Stock Certificate - Action or Aktie or Aktien or Stück
Two Presidents Bond - Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Two Presidents Bond - Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Tysiac Marek Polskich

Tysiac Marek Polskich

Inv# FB6041
Country: Poland
Years: 1920
Tysiac Marek Polskich - 1,000

Tysiac Marek Polskich - 1,000

Inv# FB6570
Country: Poland
Years: 1920
Ucastina Slovenskej Banky NA - 1922 dated 200 or 5,000 Korun Bond
Uncanceled 1917 dated Austrian Bond - 1,000 Kronen Blue, 2,000 Kronen Orange or 5,000 Kronen - Please Specify Denomination
Unilever N.V. Gevestigd te Rotterdam - 1937 dated 1,000 Francs Bond (Uncanceled)
Union Commerciale and Industrielle De Metallurgie and D'Applications Electriques - 1,000,000 Francs - Bond
United Industrial Corp. 6.5% Uncancelled $1,000US Gold Bond of 1926 with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
United Mexican States - $1,000

United Mexican States - $1,000

Inv# SE2440
Country: Mexico
Years: 1976
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United Portland Cement and Brick Works, Limited - £10
United States of Mexico - 1922 or 1923 dated Transfer Receipt
United Steel Works Corp. 6.5% Uncancelled $1000 Gold Bond of 1926 with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
United Steel Works Corp. Uncancelled $1000 Gold Bond
United Sugar Companies, S.A. - 1924 dated $1,000 Bond
Usines and Acieries Leonard-Giot

Usines and Acieries Leonard-Giot

Inv# FB6589
Country: Belgium
Years: 1944
Venezuela Central Railway Co. - £10 Bond

Venezuela Central Railway Co. - £10 Bond

Inv# FB6664
Country: Venezuela
Years: 1910
Venezuela Central Railway Co. - £10 Bond

Venezuela Central Railway Co. - £10 Bond

Inv# FB6665
Country: Venezuela
Years: 1910
Verband Gross Berlin- 1,000 or 5,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Vereeniging Tot Bevordering Van's Lands Weebbaarheid

Vereeniging Tot Bevordering Van's Lands Weebbaarheid

Inv# FB6161
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1871
Vickers Loan Chinese Uncancelled 1919 100 British Pound Sterling Bond with Pass-co Authentication (Uncanceled)

Vickers Loan Chinese Uncancelled 1919 100 British Pound Sterling Bond with Pass-co Authentication (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6154A
Country: China
Denomination: 100 British Pound Sterling or £100
Years: 1919
Ville De Bruxelles

Ville De Bruxelles

Inv# FB6618
Country: Belgium
Years: 1925
Ville De Bruxelles 1905

Ville De Bruxelles 1905

Inv# FB6590
Country: Belgium
Years: 1905
Ville De Paris

Ville De Paris

Inv# FB6559
Country: France
Years: 1876
Ville De Paris

Ville De Paris

Inv# FB6560
Country: France
Years: 1930
Ville De Paris - 912 Million Francs

Ville De Paris - 912 Million Francs

Inv# FB6358
Country: France
Years: 1948
Ville De Paris - Bond

Ville De Paris - Bond

Inv# FB6519
Country: France
Years: 1932
Ville de Tokyo - 500 Francs

Ville de Tokyo - 500 Francs

Inv# JB1039
Country: Japan
Years: 1912
Wabash Spoorweg-Maatschappij - Foreign Stock Certificate
Walchensee-Anleihe - 10,000 or 20,000 Mark Bond

Walchensee-Anleihe - 10,000 or 20,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6700
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Warschau-Wiener Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft 500 Francs Bond

Warschau-Wiener Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft 500 Francs Bond

Inv# FB6227
Country: Austria
Years: 1857
Westphalia United Electric Power Corporation Uncancelled $1,000 Gold Bond of 1928 - Vereinigte Elektrizitätswerke Westfalen G.m.b.H.
Wiener Bank-Verein Bond

Wiener Bank-Verein Bond

Inv# FB6229
Country: Austria
Years: 1920's
World Collection of Stocks and Bonds
WWII Japanese Bond - Foreign Bond
Xerox Credit Overseas Finance N.V. - 1982 dated Specimen Bond
Yugoslavia - Emprunt International

Yugoslavia - Emprunt International

Inv# FB5146
Country: Yugoslavia
Years: 1931
Zentralstadtschaft - 1923 dated 100,000 Mark Uncanceled 10% German Bond
Zum Funfzighahrigen Jubilaum

Zum Funfzighahrigen Jubilaum

Inv# FB6030
Country: Germany
State(s): Kentucky
Years: 1891
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£1,000 Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
£1,000 Crisp Gold Loan Chinese Government 5% 1912 Bond - China
£10 Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
£100 Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
£100 Pound Denominated Bond of 1898 Anglo-German Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan - China
£50 Bond of 1898 Anglo-German Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan - China
£50 Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
697 Items.  Showing Items 601 thru 697.
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