star decoration Foreign Bonds star decoration

697 Items.  Showing Items 321 thru 340.
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Gouvernement Imperial de Russie - 1880 dated 125 Roubles Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie 4% 1902 Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie, 4% - 1902 Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie, 4% - Bond (Uncanceled)
Government of Palestine - 10 Pounds Bond

Government of Palestine - 10 Pounds Bond

Inv# FB6739
Country: Palestine
Years: 1945
Gral. Ramon Leocadio Bonachea - 1949 dated Set of 3 - Cuba Bonds
Gran Metropolitano De Barcelona S.A. - 15,000,000 Pesetas
Grande Societe Des Chemins de Fer Russes - Bond (Uncanceled)
Greek Government - 1933 $10.50 Gold Bond

Greek Government - 1933 $10.50 Gold Bond

Inv# FB6796
Country: Greece
Years: 1933
Grossherzogtum Baden - 500 or 200 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Gulf and Western International N.V. - dated 1968 Netherlands $1,000 Sinking Fund Bond

Gulf and Western International N.V. - dated 1968 Netherlands $1,000 Sinking Fund Bond

Inv# FB6793
Country: Netherlands
State(s): Rhode Island
Years: 1968
Hamburger Hochbahn - 1922 dated 10,000 German Marks Bond (Uncanceled) - Hamburg, Germany
Hamburgifche Staatsanleihe - 2,000 or 1,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgifche Staatsanleihe - Various Denominations - Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 10,000 Mark Bond

Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 10,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6697A
Country: Germany
Years: 1911
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 2,000 or 1,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 2,000 or 500 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe Von 1886 - 5,000 Mark Bond
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe Von 1899 - 5,000 Mark Bond
Hamersley Holdings Limited - 1977 dated $1000 Australian Mining Bond - Australia

Hamersley Holdings Limited - 1977 dated $1000 Australian Mining Bond - Australia

Inv# FB6748
Country: Australia
Denomination: $1,000US
State(s): Outside North America
Years: 1977
697 Items.  Showing Items 321 thru 340.
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