star decoration Foreign Bonds star decoration

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200 Kronen Austrian Bond

200 Kronen Austrian Bond

Inv# FB6225
Country: Austria
Years: 1892
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25 British Pound Bond of 1898 Anglo-German Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan - China - Uncanceled Gold Bond
250,000 Yuan Farmers Bank of China Bond - 1933 dated Red Farmer's Bond
250,000 Yuan Farmers Bank of China Bond - 1933 dated Red Farmer's Bond
29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan of the Republic of China - Pound Sterling 1940 Bond
5 British Pound Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
5% Loan of The City of Baku - 1910 dated Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
500 Belgian Francs China-Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway 1920 Brown Bond (Uncanceled)
500 or 100 Million Marks - German Bond

500 or 100 Million Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6667
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
A La Place Clichy - 1,000 Francs

A La Place Clichy - 1,000 Francs

Inv# FB6340
Country: France
Years: 1929
A Magyar Kiralysag - 50 or 100 Pengorol Bond

A Magyar Kiralysag - 50 or 100 Pengorol Bond

Inv# FB6769
Country: Hungary
Years: 1942
A. Hillen's Sigaren en Tabaksfabriek - 5,000,000 Francs - Foreign Bond
Ablosungsanleihe der Stadt Koln- 50 Reichsmark Bond
Ablosungsanleihe der Stadt Leipzig - 50 Reichsmart - Bond
Aguas de Barcelona- Foreign Bond

Aguas de Barcelona- Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6785
Country: Spain
Years: 1887
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Aktiebolaget Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Aktiebolaget Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6148
Country: Sweden
Years: 1928
Aktieselskapet Borregaard - $1,000

Aktieselskapet Borregaard - $1,000

Inv# FB6607
Country: Norway
Years: 1971
Algemeene Stoomvaart-Maatschappij - 5,000,000 Gulden

Algemeene Stoomvaart-Maatschappij - 5,000,000 Gulden

Inv# FB6415
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1914
Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft - 1,000 German Marks - Bond
Aluminum Co. of Canada, Limited - $1,000 4.5% Sinking Fund Metal Bond
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