star decoration Foreign Bonds star decoration

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Leembruggen, Guepin and Muysken

Leembruggen, Guepin and Muysken

Inv# FB6606
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1916
Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Inv# FB5044
Country: France
Years: 1924
Levis and Kennebec Railway Co. - £100

Levis and Kennebec Railway Co. - £100

Inv# FB6574
Country: Canada
Years: 1876
Liberty - 2,000 Korona Bond

Liberty - 2,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6771
Country: Hungary
Years: 1923
Lithuanian Liberty Loan Bond

Lithuanian Liberty Loan Bond

Inv# FB5136
Country: Lithuania
Years: 1919
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Liverpool and London and Globe Fire and Life Insurance Co. - 1860 dated $2,500 Bond

Liverpool and London and Globe Fire and Life Insurance Co. - 1860 dated $2,500 Bond

Inv# IS1296
Country: England
State(s): New York
Years: 1860
Lloyd Bank - 1923 dated 1 Kronen Hungarian Bond - Hungary
Loan of the City of Nikolaef - 189 Roubles - Bond
Loan of the Republic of Paraguay - Unissued Form of Application
Loan of the Town of Hagen - 1923 dated 50,000 German Marks Bond (Uncanceled) - Hagen, Germany
Macmillan Bloedel Limited - 1977 dated $1,000 Canadian Bond - Canada
Madeira-Mamore Railway Co. - Bond

Madeira-Mamore Railway Co. - Bond

Inv# FB6479
Country: Brazil
State(s): Maine
Years: 1922
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Magyar Altalanos Takarekpenztar Reszvenytarsasag - 2,000 Korona Bond

Magyar Altalanos Takarekpenztar Reszvenytarsasag - 2,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6759
Country: Hungary
Years: 1911, 1918 or 1919
Magyar Jelzalog Hitelbank Budapest - 200 Kronen (Uncanceled)
Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank - 500 Francs (Uncanceled)
Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank Budapesten - 1,000 Forint Denomination Uncanceled Bond
Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank Budapesten - 500 Francs (Uncanceled)
Magyar Kiralyi Allami Penztarjegy - 10,000 Korona Bond
Magyar Kiralyi Allami Penztarjegy - 10,000 Korona Bond
Magyar Kiralyi Allami Penztarjegy - Various Denominations Bond
695 Items.  Showing Items 421 thru 440.
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