star decoration Foreign Bonds star decoration

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Cape Breton Coal, Iron and Railway Co. Limited - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)
Caribbean Islands Guano Co. - $100 Bond (Uncanceled)

Caribbean Islands Guano Co. - $100 Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5204
Country: Caribbean
Years: 1876
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Central Ontario Railway - $1,000 Unissued Railroad Bond
Certificaat - Bank der Vereenigde Staten van America - Foreign $100 Bond

Certificaat - Bank der Vereenigde Staten van America - Foreign $100 Bond

Inv# FB6629
Country: Netherlands
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1842-44
Cespedes Sugar Co. - $1,000 (Uncanceled) Cuba Bond
Channel Tubular Railway Preliminary Co. Ltd. - Bond
Charbonnages De Girardville - Bond

Charbonnages De Girardville - Bond

Inv# FB6510
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1858
Chargeurs Reunis Societe Anonyme Compagnie Francaise De Navigation A Vapeur
Chargonnages De Bonne-Esperance

Chargonnages De Bonne-Esperance

Inv# FB6587
Country: Belgium
Years: 1921
Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Inv# FB5007
Country: France
Years: 1935 or 1936
Chemin De Fer Et Bassin Houiller Du Var - 100 Francs
Chemins De Fer Du Midi - 1,000 Francs

Chemins De Fer Du Midi - 1,000 Francs

Inv# FB6343
Country: France
Years: 1936
Chilian Northern Railway Co. Limited

Chilian Northern Railway Co. Limited

Inv# FB6029
Country: Chile
Years: 1914 or 1913


Inv# FB6018
Country: China
Years: 1927
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China Bond

China Bond

Inv# FB6592
Country: China
Years: 1926
Chinese $1,000 "Victory Loan Bond" (Uncanceled)
Chinese Bond for South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd.
Chinese Bond with Revenues

Chinese Bond with Revenues

Inv# FB6638
Country: China
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Chinese Ministry of Railway - 4 Yuan Denominated Bond of China
Cienfuegos, Palmira and Cruces Electric Railway and Power Co. - 1,000 Gold Pesos Uncanceled Cuba Bond
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