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Collectible Foreign Bonds

We do have an extensive inventory of Foreign Bonds. Many great pieces are offered in our catalogs. Please phone us as we would be happy to help you build an impressive collection of Foreign Bonds. 800 717-9529

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 Austrian Bond - 20 Kronen

Austrian Bond - 20 Kronen

Inv# FB6216
Country: Austria
Years: 1916
$1,000 Republic of China 29th Year Military Supplies Loan 1940 Bond - Chinese Bond
$1,000 Republic of China Liberty Bond - Foreign Bond
$10 Republic of China 29th Year Military Supplies Loan - 1940 dated Chinese Uncanceled Bond
$100 27th Year Gold Loan of the Republic of China - 1938 Bond
$100 Republic of China 29th Year Military Supplies Loan 1940 Bond
$50 27th Year Gold Loan of the Republic of China - 1938 Bond - Very Rare Denomination
$50 Republic of China Liberty Bond - Full Coupons

$50 Republic of China Liberty Bond - Full Coupons

Inv# FB6131
Country: China
Years: 1937
1 Million Mark - German Bond

1 Million Mark - German Bond

Inv# FB6669
Country: Germany
Years: 1924
1 Million Marks - German Bond

1 Million Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6670
Country: Germany
Years: 1924
100 Gulden Austrian Bond

100 Gulden Austrian Bond

Inv# FB6217
Country: Austria
Years: 1880
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100 Gulden Austrian Bond - 100 Gulden Bond

100 Gulden Austrian Bond - 100 Gulden Bond

Inv# FB6221
Country: Austria
Years: 1874
100 Million German Marks - German Bond

100 Million German Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6666
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
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1903 Chinese Imperial Shanghai-Nanking Railway - £100 British Pound Uncanceled Bond - China
1908 dated Austrian Kronen Bond - 1000 Kronen Gray Type
1908 dated Austrian Kronen Bond - 2000 Kronen Yellow Type
1908 dated Austrian Kronen Bond - 500 Kronen Green Type
2 Bonds of City of St Petersburg in Folder - Foreign Bonds
2 Million Marks - German Bond

2 Million Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6668
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
200 Kronen Austrian Bond

200 Kronen Austrian Bond

Inv# FB6211
Country: Austria
Years: 1901
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200 Kronen Austrian Bond

200 Kronen Austrian Bond

Inv# FB6225
Country: Austria
Years: 1892
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25 British Pound Bond of 1898 Anglo-German Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan - China - Uncanceled Gold Bond
250,000 Yuan Farmers Bank of China Bond - 1933 dated Red Farmer's Bond
250,000 Yuan Farmers Bank of China Bond - 1933 dated Red Farmer's Bond
29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan of the Republic of China - Pound Sterling 1940 Bond
5 British Pound Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
5% Loan of The City of Baku - 1910 dated Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
500 Belgian Francs China-Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway 1920 Brown Bond (Uncanceled)
500 or 100 Million Marks - German Bond

500 or 100 Million Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6667
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
A La Place Clichy - 1,000 Francs

A La Place Clichy - 1,000 Francs

Inv# FB6340
Country: France
Years: 1929
A Magyar Kiralysag - 50 or 100 Pengorol Bond

A Magyar Kiralysag - 50 or 100 Pengorol Bond

Inv# FB6769
Country: Hungary
Years: 1942
A. Hillen's Sigaren en Tabaksfabriek - 5,000,000 Francs - Foreign Bond
Ablosungsanleihe der Stadt Koln- 50 Reichsmark Bond
Ablosungsanleihe der Stadt Leipzig - 50 Reichsmart - Bond
Aguas de Barcelona- Foreign Bond

Aguas de Barcelona- Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6785
Country: Spain
Years: 1887
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Aktiebolaget Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Aktiebolaget Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6148
Country: Sweden
Years: 1928
Aktieselskapet Borregaard - $1,000

Aktieselskapet Borregaard - $1,000

Inv# FB6607
Country: Norway
Years: 1971
Algemeene Stoomvaart-Maatschappij - 5,000,000 Gulden

Algemeene Stoomvaart-Maatschappij - 5,000,000 Gulden

Inv# FB6415
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1914
Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft - 1,000 German Marks - Bond
Aluminum Co. of Canada, Limited - $1,000 4.5% Sinking Fund Metal Bond
American Express Overseas Credit Corp. Ltd. -  1985 dated Specimen Bond

American Express Overseas Credit Corp. Ltd. - 1985 dated Specimen Bond

Inv# SE4178
Country: England
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1985
American Tropical Planting Co.

American Tropical Planting Co.

Inv# FB6060
Country: Honduras
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1899
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American-Honduras Co. (Uncanceled)

American-Honduras Co. (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5114
Country: Honduras
Years: 1902
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Amun-Israeli Housing Corp. - $100 Foreign Bond

Amun-Israeli Housing Corp. - $100 Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6788
Country: Israel
Years: 1950
Anglo-Argentine Tramways Co., Limited - £20 British Pounds Unissued Bond (Uncanceled)
Anlehen der Kgl. Bayer. Haupt-und Residenzstadt Munchen - 1,000 Mark - Bond
Anleihe Der Bayer-Landeshauptstadt Munchen - 1 Billion Mark - Bond
Anleihe der Bayer.Landeshauptstadt Munchen - 200 Mark Bond
Anleihe der Kgl. Bayer.Haupt - 200 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Anleihe der Kgl. Bayer.Haupt - 200 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6723
Country: Germany
Years: 1918 or 1919
Anleihe Der Stadt Elberfeld - 1,000 Mark Bond

Anleihe Der Stadt Elberfeld - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6721
Country: Germany
Years: 1922
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