star decoration Foreign Bonds star decoration

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Kingdom of Hungary - Various Denominations Bond

Kingdom of Hungary - Various Denominations Bond

Inv# FB6474
Country: Hungary
Years: 1917
Kingdom of Roumania - Bond

Kingdom of Roumania - Bond

Inv# FB5119
Country: Romania
Years: 1922
Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes  - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)
Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes  - Bond (Uncanceled)
Kingdom of Yugoslavia - $100 Bond

Kingdom of Yugoslavia - $100 Bond

Inv# FB6633
Country: Yugoslavia
Years: 1932 or 1936
Koniglich Preussische Konsolidirte Vierprocentige Staatsanleihe - 5,000 or 1,000 Mark - Bond


Inv# FB6019
Country: Korea
Years: 1950
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Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6783
Country: Sweden
Years: 1928
Kriegsanleihe - 2,000 Kronen Bond

Kriegsanleihe - 2,000 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6770
Country: Hungary
Years: 1915
Kuwait - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - 1968 dated Specimen Bond
L'Assurance Financiere - Bond (Uncanceled)

L'Assurance Financiere - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6350
Country: France
Years: 1881, 1883 or 84
L'etat de Fribourg -  500 Francs

L'etat de Fribourg - 500 Francs

Inv# FB6617
Country: Switzerland
Years: 1903
L. Mosseri & Co. -  Bond

L. Mosseri & Co. - Bond

Inv# FB6659
Country: Egypt
Years: 1916
La Mutuelle Des Proprietaires - 100 Francs

La Mutuelle Des Proprietaires - 100 Francs

Inv# FB6349
Country: France
Years: 1905
La Republica de Cuba - 1,000 Pesos - Bond (Uncanceled)
La Republica de Cuba - 100 Pesos 7% Uncanceled Gold Bond
La Virginia Societa Industriale Di Miniere - Bond
Las Vegas and Hot Springs Electric Railway Light and Power Co. - 1903 dated $500 Railroad Gold Bond - Payable in Gold Coin
Le Nickel Caledonien - 1905 dated 500 Francs Bond or Obligation
Leembruggen, Guepin and Muysken

Leembruggen, Guepin and Muysken

Inv# FB6606
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1916
Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Inv# FB5044
Country: France
Years: 1924
Levis and Kennebec Railway Co. - £100

Levis and Kennebec Railway Co. - £100

Inv# FB6574
Country: Canada
Years: 1876
Liberty - 2,000 Korona Bond

Liberty - 2,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6771
Country: Hungary
Years: 1923
Lithuanian Liberty Loan Bond

Lithuanian Liberty Loan Bond

Inv# FB5136
Country: Lithuania
Years: 1919
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Liverpool and London and Globe Fire and Life Insurance Co. - 1860 dated $2,500 Bond

Liverpool and London and Globe Fire and Life Insurance Co. - 1860 dated $2,500 Bond

Inv# IS1296
Country: England
State(s): New York
Years: 1860
Lloyd Bank - 1923 dated 1 Kronen Hungarian Bond - Hungary
Loan of the City of Nikolaef - 189 Roubles - Bond
Loan of the Republic of Paraguay - Unissued Form of Application
Loan of the Town of Hagen - 1923 dated 50,000 German Marks Bond (Uncanceled) - Hagen, Germany
Macmillan Bloedel Limited - 1977 dated $1,000 Canadian Bond - Canada
Madeira-Mamore Railway Co. - Bond

Madeira-Mamore Railway Co. - Bond

Inv# FB6479
Country: Brazil
State(s): Maine
Years: 1922
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Magyar Altalanos Takarekpenztar Reszvenytarsasag - 2,000 Korona Bond

Magyar Altalanos Takarekpenztar Reszvenytarsasag - 2,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6759
Country: Hungary
Years: 1911, 1918 or 1919
Magyar Jelzalog Hitelbank Budapest - 200 Kronen (Uncanceled)
Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank - 500 Francs (Uncanceled)
Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank Budapesten - 1,000 Forint Denomination Uncanceled Bond
Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank Budapesten - 500 Francs (Uncanceled)
Magyar Kiralyi Allami Penztarjegy - 10,000 Korona Bond
Magyar Kiralyi Allami Penztarjegy - 10,000 Korona Bond
Magyar Kiralyi Allami Penztarjegy - Various Denominations Bond
Magyar Orszagos Kozponti Takarekpenztar - 500 Korona (Uncanceled)
Magyar Varosi Bank - 400 Kronen Bond

Magyar Varosi Bank - 400 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6758
Country: Hungary
Years: 1921 or 1918
Magyarorszagi Josziv-Egyesulet 2 Forint - 1888 dated Uncanceled Hungarian Bond
Manila Railway Co. 1906 Limited - 1909 dated Philippine £100 Railroad Bond - Philippines
Manila Railway Co. 1906 Limited - Philippine £100 Railroad Bond - Philippines

Manila Railway Co. 1906 Limited - Philippine £100 Railroad Bond - Philippines

Inv# FB5061A
Country: Philippines
Denomination: £100
Years: 1907
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Manoa Co. Limited - 1885 dated $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Manoa Co. Limited - 1885 dated $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5101A
Country: England
Years: 1885
Manoa Co. Ltd. with Pass-co Authentication - Bond (Uncanceled)

Manoa Co. Ltd. with Pass-co Authentication - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5101
Country: Venezuela
British Guyana
Years: 1885
Marbro-Rubber - 500 Francs

Marbro-Rubber - 500 Francs

Inv# FB6352
Country: France
Years: 1928
Mercur-Rhederei - German Stock Certificate

Mercur-Rhederei - German Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2207
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Metropolis of Tokyo

Metropolis of Tokyo

Inv# JB1031
Country: Japan
Years: 1964
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Mexican Central Railway Co. Limited

Mexican Central Railway Co. Limited

Inv# FB5148
Country: Mexico
Years: 1881
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