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697 Items.  Showing Items 641 thru 660.
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Teilfchuldverfchreibung - 5,000 Kronen Bond

Teilfchuldverfchreibung - 5,000 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6776
Country: Hungary
Years: 1918
The Peasants' Land Bank - Russia Bond (Uncanceled)
Thyssen and Co. Aktiengesellschaft- 1,000 Mark Bond
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1908 - 20 British Pounds Chinese Uncanceled Bond - China
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1910 £100 Chinese Uncanceled Bond - China
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1910 £20 Chinese Uncancelled Bond with PASS-CO authentication - China
Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Co.

Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Co.

Inv# FB6203
Country: Canada
Years: 1884
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Tramways De Carthagene - 5,000,000 Francs Capitalization - Stock Certificate
Trans-Era Oils Limited - $1,000 Bond

Trans-Era Oils Limited - $1,000 Bond

Inv# FB6751
Country: Canada
Years: 1953
Transportes, Aduanas y Consignaciones, S.A. 500 Pesetas

Transportes, Aduanas y Consignaciones, S.A. 500 Pesetas

Inv# FB6616
Country: Spain
Years: 1948 or 1944
Traub Aktiengesellschaft - dated 1986 German Stock Certificate - Action or Aktie or Aktien or Stück
Two Presidents Bond - Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Two Presidents Bond - Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Tysiac Marek Polskich

Tysiac Marek Polskich

Inv# FB6041
Country: Poland
Years: 1920
Tysiac Marek Polskich - 1,000

Tysiac Marek Polskich - 1,000

Inv# FB6570
Country: Poland
Years: 1920
Ucastina Slovenskej Banky NA - 1922 dated 200 or 5,000 Korun Bond
Uncanceled 1917 dated Austrian Bond - 1,000 Kronen Blue, 2,000 Kronen Orange or 5,000 Kronen - Please Specify Denomination
Unilever N.V. Gevestigd te Rotterdam - 1937 dated 1,000 Francs Bond (Uncanceled)
Union Commerciale and Industrielle De Metallurgie and D'Applications Electriques - 1,000,000 Francs - Bond
United Industrial Corp. 6.5% Uncancelled $1,000US Gold Bond of 1926 with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
697 Items.  Showing Items 641 thru 660.
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