star decoration Foreign Bonds star decoration

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 Austrian Bond - 20 Kronen

Austrian Bond - 20 Kronen

Inv# FB6216
Country: Austria
Years: 1916
$1,000 Republic of China 29th Year Military Supplies Loan 1940 Bond - Chinese Bond
$1,000 Republic of China Liberty Bond - Foreign Bond
$10 Republic of China 29th Year Military Supplies Loan - 1940 dated Chinese Uncanceled Bond
$100 27th Year Gold Loan of the Republic of China - 1938 Bond
$100 Republic of China 29th Year Military Supplies Loan 1940 Bond
$50 27th Year Gold Loan of the Republic of China - 1938 Bond - Very Rare Denomination
$50 Republic of China Liberty Bond - Full Coupons

$50 Republic of China Liberty Bond - Full Coupons

Inv# FB6131
Country: China
Years: 1937
1 Million Mark - German Bond

1 Million Mark - German Bond

Inv# FB6669
Country: Germany
Years: 1924
1 Million Marks - German Bond

1 Million Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6670
Country: Germany
Years: 1924
100 Gulden Austrian Bond

100 Gulden Austrian Bond

Inv# FB6217
Country: Austria
Years: 1880
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100 Gulden Austrian Bond - 100 Gulden Bond

100 Gulden Austrian Bond - 100 Gulden Bond

Inv# FB6221
Country: Austria
Years: 1874
100 Million German Marks - German Bond

100 Million German Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6666
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
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1903 Chinese Imperial Shanghai-Nanking Railway - £100 British Pound Uncanceled Bond - China
1908 dated Austrian Kronen Bond - 1000 Kronen Gray Type
1908 dated Austrian Kronen Bond - 2000 Kronen Yellow Type
1908 dated Austrian Kronen Bond - 500 Kronen Green Type
2 Bonds of City of St Petersburg in Folder - Foreign Bonds
2 Million Marks - German Bond

2 Million Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6668
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
200 Kronen Austrian Bond

200 Kronen Austrian Bond

Inv# FB6211
Country: Austria
Years: 1901
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200 Kronen Austrian Bond

200 Kronen Austrian Bond

Inv# FB6225
Country: Austria
Years: 1892
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25 British Pound Bond of 1898 Anglo-German Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan - China - Uncanceled Gold Bond
250,000 Yuan Farmers Bank of China Bond - 1933 dated Red Farmer's Bond
250,000 Yuan Farmers Bank of China Bond - 1933 dated Red Farmer's Bond
29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan of the Republic of China - Pound Sterling 1940 Bond
5 British Pound Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
5% Loan of The City of Baku - 1910 dated Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
500 Belgian Francs China-Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway 1920 Brown Bond (Uncanceled)
500 or 100 Million Marks - German Bond

500 or 100 Million Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6667
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
A La Place Clichy - 1,000 Francs

A La Place Clichy - 1,000 Francs

Inv# FB6340
Country: France
Years: 1929
A Magyar Kiralysag - 50 or 100 Pengorol Bond

A Magyar Kiralysag - 50 or 100 Pengorol Bond

Inv# FB6769
Country: Hungary
Years: 1942
A. Hillen's Sigaren en Tabaksfabriek - 5,000,000 Francs - Foreign Bond
Ablosungsanleihe der Stadt Koln- 50 Reichsmark Bond
Ablosungsanleihe der Stadt Leipzig - 50 Reichsmart - Bond
Aguas de Barcelona- Foreign Bond

Aguas de Barcelona- Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6785
Country: Spain
Years: 1887
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Aktiebolaget Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Aktiebolaget Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6148
Country: Sweden
Years: 1928
Aktieselskapet Borregaard - $1,000

Aktieselskapet Borregaard - $1,000

Inv# FB6607
Country: Norway
Years: 1971
Algemeene Stoomvaart-Maatschappij - 5,000,000 Gulden

Algemeene Stoomvaart-Maatschappij - 5,000,000 Gulden

Inv# FB6415
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1914
Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft - 1,000 German Marks - Bond
Aluminum Co. of Canada, Limited - $1,000 4.5% Sinking Fund Metal Bond
American Express Overseas Credit Corp. Ltd. -  1985 dated Specimen Bond

American Express Overseas Credit Corp. Ltd. - 1985 dated Specimen Bond

Inv# SE4178
Country: England
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1985
American Tropical Planting Co.

American Tropical Planting Co.

Inv# FB6060
Country: Honduras
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1899
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American-Honduras Co. (Uncanceled)

American-Honduras Co. (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5114
Country: Honduras
Years: 1902
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Amun-Israeli Housing Corp. - $100 Foreign Bond

Amun-Israeli Housing Corp. - $100 Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6788
Country: Israel
Years: 1950
Anglo-Argentine Tramways Co., Limited - £20 British Pounds Unissued Bond (Uncanceled)
Anlehen der Kgl. Bayer. Haupt-und Residenzstadt Munchen - 1,000 Mark - Bond
Anleihe Der Bayer-Landeshauptstadt Munchen - 1 Billion Mark - Bond
Anleihe der Bayer.Landeshauptstadt Munchen - 200 Mark Bond
Anleihe der Kgl. Bayer.Haupt - 200 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Anleihe der Kgl. Bayer.Haupt - 200 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6723
Country: Germany
Years: 1918 or 1919
Anleihe Der Stadt Elberfeld - 1,000 Mark Bond

Anleihe Der Stadt Elberfeld - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6721
Country: Germany
Years: 1922
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Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt A.M. - Various Denominations Marks Bond
Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - 20,000 Marks Bond
Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - 50,000 or 5,000 Marks Bond
Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - 500 or 1,000 Marks Bond
Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - Various Denominations Bonds

Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - Various Denominations Bonds

Inv# FB6707
Country: Germany
Years: 1914, 1920 or 1923
Anleihe des Deutfchen Reichs Schuldverfchreibung - 100,000 German Mark Bond (Uncanceled)
Anleihe des Deutschen Reichs - Various Denominations German Bond

Anleihe des Deutschen Reichs - Various Denominations German Bond

Inv# FB6152
Country: Germany
Years: 1909, 1916 or 1917
Anleihe des Freistaates Mecklenburg-Schwerin 100 Reichsmark - Bond
Anleihe des Freistaates Mecklenburg-Schwerin 200 Reichsmark - German Bond
Anleihe des Freistaates Mecklenburg-Strelik 1,000 Reichsmark - Bond
Anleiheablosungsschuld des Deutschen Reichs - 50 Reichsmark - Bond
Arano y Compania - 500 Pesetas

Arano y Compania - 500 Pesetas

Inv# FB6613
Country: Spain
Years: 1935
Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. - $30,000,000

Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. - $30,000,000

Inv# GB5598
Country: Japan
United States
Years: 1975
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Astra Prima Fabrica  - 1925 dated 500 Lei Bond

NewAstra Prima Fabrica - 1925 dated 500 Lei Bond

Inv# FB6810
New Item!
Country: Romania
Years: 1925
Ateliers et Chantiers Maritimes du Sud-Ouest - Foreign Bond
Ateliers Germain-Anglo

Ateliers Germain-Anglo

Inv# FS1680
Country: Belgium
Years: 1944
Atlantic and St Lawrence Railroad Co. - £100 British Pounds Bond

Atlantic and St Lawrence Railroad Co. - £100 British Pounds Bond

Inv# FB5002A
Country: Canada
State(s): Maine
Years: 1879
Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad Co. - £100 British Pounds Bond

Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad Co. - £100 British Pounds Bond

Inv# FB5002
Country: Canada
State(s): Maine
Years: 1900's-1930's
Atlantic, Quebec and Western Railway Co. - 1906 dated 100 British Pound Canadian Railroad Bond - Dominion of Canada
Austria - 1,000 Kronen Bond

Austria - 1,000 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6678
Country: Austria
Years: 1917
Austria - 100 Kronen Bond

Austria - 100 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6680
Country: Austria
Years: 1916
Austria - 100 Kronen Bond

Austria - 100 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6683
Country: Austria
Years: 1910 or 1911
Austria - 1917 dated 2,000 Austrian Government Kronen Bond
Austria - 2,000 Kronen Bond

Austria - 2,000 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6676
Country: Austria
Years: 1899
Austria - 20,000  or 200 Kronen Bond

Austria - 20,000 or 200 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6675
Country: Austria
Years: 1906
Austria - 200 Kronen Bond

Austria - 200 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6674
Country: Austria
Years: 1920
Austria - Boden-Credit-Anstalt - 1911 dated 40 Millionen Bond
Austria - Various Denominations Kronen Bond

Austria - Various Denominations Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6679
Country: Austria
Years: 1922
Austria - Various Denominations Kronen Bond

Austria - Various Denominations Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6681
Country: Austria
Years: 1917
Austrian - 10 Schilling Bond

Austrian - 10 Schilling Bond

Inv# FB6220
Country: Austria
Years: 1926
Austrian Bond - 100 Francs

Austrian Bond - 100 Francs

Inv# FB6223
Country: Austria
Years: 1923
Austrian Bond - 1868 dated 100 and 1000 Gulden Bonds
Austrian Bond - 1922 dated 100,000 Austrian Kronen
Austrian Bond - 1923 dated 200,000 Austrian Kronen
Austrian Bond - 250 Kronen

Austrian Bond - 250 Kronen

Inv# FB6213
Country: Austria
Years: 1922
Austrian Bond - 2500 Kronen

Austrian Bond - 2500 Kronen

Inv# FB6215
Country: Austria
Years: 1922
Austrian Bond - 300 or 1200 Kronen

Austrian Bond - 300 or 1200 Kronen

Inv# FB6218
Country: Austria
Years: 1921 or 1922
Austrian Bond - 400 Crowns

Austrian Bond - 400 Crowns

Inv# FB6222
Country: Austria
Years: 1902
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Austrian Bond - 50,000 or 500,000 Kronen

Austrian Bond - 50,000 or 500,000 Kronen

Inv# FB6228
Country: Austria
Years: 1922
Austrian Bond - 80 Kronen - 1925 dated Bond

Austrian Bond - 80 Kronen - 1925 dated Bond

Inv# FB6219
Country: Austria
Years: 1925
Austrian Bond - Various Denominations Kronen

Austrian Bond - Various Denominations Kronen

Inv# FB6226
Country: Austria
Years: 1918
Automobiles Th. Schneider - 500 Francs - Foreign Bond
Ayuntamiento De La Habana - 100 Pesos Cuba Bond
Ayuntamiento De La Habana - 1889 dated 100 Pesos Cuba Bond
Badische Hauptstadt Mannheim - Various Denominations Bond

Badische Hauptstadt Mannheim - Various Denominations Bond

Inv# FB6701
Country: Germany
Years: 1919 or 1920
Banco De Credito Real Do Brazil  (Uncanceled) - Foreign Bond
Banco Di Sicilia - 650 Francs Bond

Banco Di Sicilia - 650 Francs Bond

Inv# FB6412
Country: Italy
Years: 1924
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Banco Hipotecario - Foreign Bond

Banco Hipotecario - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6052
Country: Chile
Years: 1953
Banco Hipotecario De Espana - 500 Pesetas - Foreign Bond
Banco Popular Espanol - Foreign Bond

Banco Popular Espanol - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB5003
Country: Spain
Years: 1872
Banco Territorial Y Agricola De Puerto-Rico - Bond

Banco Territorial Y Agricola De Puerto-Rico - Bond

Inv# FB6063A
Country: Puerto Rico
Years: 1895
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Bank Negara Indonesia - 1,000 Rupiah Bond

Bank Negara Indonesia - 1,000 Rupiah Bond

Inv# FB6564
Country: Indonesia
Years: 1962
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Banque Centrale Hypothecaire De Caisses D'Epargne Hongroises - 1,000 Francs Bond
Banque Commerciale Honcroise De Pest - 500 Francs - Bond
Banque Hongroise D'Escompte Et De Change - 500 Francs (Uncanceled)
Banque Russe - 250 Roubels Russian Bond

Banque Russe - 250 Roubels Russian Bond

Inv# FB6792
Country: Russia
Years: 1907
Batopilas Mining Co. - $1,000 Bond

Batopilas Mining Co. - $1,000 Bond

Inv# FB6180
Country: Mexico
State(s): New York
Years: 1939
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Bavarian Palatinate Consolidated Cites 7% $1,000 Uncancelled Bond of 1926
Bayer Landeshauptstadt Munchen - 1,000,000 Mark - Bond (Uncanceled)
Bayer Landeshauptstadt Munchen - 100,000 Mark (Uncanceled)
Bemutatora Szolo Allamadossagi Kotveny - 2,000 Korona Bond
Besserungs-Schein - 1,000 Reichsmark Bond

Besserungs-Schein - 1,000 Reichsmark Bond

Inv# FB6724
Country: Germany
Years: 1962
Black Diamond or Christopher Columbus Republica Mexicana - £1,000 British Pounds/5,000 Pesos
Black Eagle - 1843 dated 20,000 Pesos Tesoreria General Mexican Bond - Mexico  - PRICE UPON REQUEST
Black Sea-Kuban Railway - 1911 £20 British Pounds or 189 Roubles Uncanceled Russian Bond
Blue Dove 1904 Series A Estados Unidos Mexicanos Bond

Blue Dove 1904 Series A Estados Unidos Mexicanos Bond

Inv# FB6001
Country: Mexico
Denomination: $1,000USDollar
Years: 1904
Bono Oro De Tesoreria - 1,000 Pesetas 6% Specimen Bond
Botallack, Limited - 1912 dated £50 British Pounds Great Britain Bond
Brazil Railway Co. - Foreign  Bond

Brazil Railway Co. - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6477
Country: Brazil
Years: 1909
Brazil Railway Co. - Foreign Bond

Brazil Railway Co. - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6085
Country: Brazil
Years: 1909
Brazil Railway Co. - Foreign Bond

Brazil Railway Co. - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6551
Country: Brazil
Years: 1912
Brazil Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate with Dividend Coupons Attached
Brazil Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate with Dividend Coupons Attached
Brazil Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate with Dividend Coupons Attached - Foreign Bond
Bristol and Exeter Railway Company - $1,000 Debenture Bond
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority - 1981 dated $25,000 Denominated Bond
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority - Canadian Water Bond - Various Denominations
Budapest Fovaros - 1,000 or 200 Korona Bond

Budapest Fovaros - 1,000 or 200 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6754
Country: Hungary
Years: 1920
Budapest Lipotvarosi Takarekpenztar Reszvenytarsasag - 200 Korona Bond
Budapest Szekes Fovaros - 5,000 Korona Bond

Budapest Szekes Fovaros - 5,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6755
Country: Hungary
Years: 1897
Budapest Szekesfovaros - 1,000 Korona Bond

Budapest Szekesfovaros - 1,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6756
Country: Hungary
Years: 1916
Budapest Szekesfovaros - 1,000 Korona Bond

Budapest Szekesfovaros - 1,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6757
Country: Hungary
Years: 1920
Budapest Szekesfovaros - Various Denominations Bond
Buffalo Pittsburg and Western General Mortgage Bond - 1,000 Mark Bond

Buffalo Pittsburg and Western General Mortgage Bond - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6720
Country: Germany
State(s): New York
Years: 1885
Bulgaria Bond 1892 - 1,000 Francs - Foreign Bond

Bulgaria Bond 1892 - 1,000 Francs - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6579
Country: Bulgaria
Years: 1892
Bulgaria Bond 1892 - 500 Francs - Foreign Bond

Bulgaria Bond 1892 - 500 Francs - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6580
Country: Bulgaria
Years: 1892
Bulgaria Bond 1903 - 2500 Francs - Foreign Bond

Bulgaria Bond 1903 - 2500 Francs - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6577
Country: Bulgaria
Years: 1903
Bulgaria Bond 1903 - 500 Francs - Foreign Bond

Bulgaria Bond 1903 - 500 Francs - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6578
Country: Bulgaria
Years: 1903
Bulgaria Bond 1905 - Bulgarian Government Bond - On Stamp, Tobacco and Mourourie Duties
Burma Bond

Burma Bond

Inv# FB6440
Country: Burma
Cafetal Carlota Co.  - Foreign $100 Bond

Cafetal Carlota Co. - Foreign $100 Bond

Inv# FB6781
Country: Mexico
Years: 1902
Caisse Autonome Des Monopoles Du Royaume De Roumanie - Romanian Bond
Caisse Generale de Paris - Foreign Bond

Caisse Generale de Paris - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6660
Country: France
Years: 1898
Cajade Credito Hipotecario - Foreign Specimen Bond
California Mexico Land Co. Limited

California Mexico Land Co. Limited

Inv# FB6134
Country: Mexico
State(s): California
Years: 1888
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California Mexico Land Co. Limited

California Mexico Land Co. Limited

Inv# FB6135
Country: Mexico
State(s): California
Years: 1888
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California Mexico Land Co. Limited

California Mexico Land Co. Limited

Inv# FB6136
Country: Mexico
State(s): California
Years: 1888
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Canada Southern Railway Co.

Canada Southern Railway Co.

Inv# FB6337
Country: Canada
Years: 1878
Canada Southern Railway Co. -  Bond

Canada Southern Railway Co. - Bond

Inv# FB6336A
Country: Canada
Years: 187-
Canada Southern Railway Co. - $1,000 Bond

Canada Southern Railway Co. - $1,000 Bond

Inv# FB6650
Country: Canada
Years: 1880's
Canada Southern Railway Co. - $1,000 or $2,000 Bond

Canada Southern Railway Co. - $1,000 or $2,000 Bond

Inv# FB6336
Country: Canada
State(s): New York
Years: 1878
Canada Southern Railway Co. - $10,000 Bond

Canada Southern Railway Co. - $10,000 Bond

Inv# FB6648
Country: Canada
Years: 1912 or 1913
Canada Southern Railway Co. - Various Denominations Bond

Canada Southern Railway Co. - Various Denominations Bond

Inv# FB6649
Country: Canada
Years: 1893 or 1895
Canadian National Railway Co. - $1,000 US Dollar Railroad Bond - Photographic Vignette
Canadian Rail and Harbour Terminals, Limited - $1,000 Railway Gold Bond
Canal Interoceanique de Panama - Bond (Uncanceled) - Several Types Available
Cape Breton Coal, Iron and Railway Co. Limited - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)
Caribbean Islands Guano Co. - $100 Bond (Uncanceled)

Caribbean Islands Guano Co. - $100 Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5204
Country: Caribbean
Years: 1876
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Central Ontario Railway - $1,000 Unissued Railroad Bond
Certificaat - Bank der Vereenigde Staten van America - Foreign $100 Bond

Certificaat - Bank der Vereenigde Staten van America - Foreign $100 Bond

Inv# FB6629
Country: Netherlands
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1842-44
Cespedes Sugar Co. - $1,000 (Uncanceled) Cuba Bond
Channel Tubular Railway Preliminary Co. Ltd. - Bond
Charbonnages De Girardville - Bond

Charbonnages De Girardville - Bond

Inv# FB6510
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1858
Chargeurs Reunis Societe Anonyme Compagnie Francaise De Navigation A Vapeur
Chargonnages De Bonne-Esperance

Chargonnages De Bonne-Esperance

Inv# FB6587
Country: Belgium
Years: 1921
Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Inv# FB5007
Country: France
Years: 1935 or 1936
Chemin De Fer Et Bassin Houiller Du Var - 100 Francs
Chemins De Fer Du Midi - 1,000 Francs

Chemins De Fer Du Midi - 1,000 Francs

Inv# FB6343
Country: France
Years: 1936
Chilian Northern Railway Co. Limited

Chilian Northern Railway Co. Limited

Inv# FB6029
Country: Chile
Years: 1914 or 1913


Inv# FB6018
Country: China
Years: 1927
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China Bond

China Bond

Inv# FB6592
Country: China
Years: 1926
Chinese $1,000 Victory Loan Bond (Uncanceled)

Chinese $1,000 Victory Loan Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6171
Country: China
Years: 1944
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Chinese Bond for South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd.
Chinese Bond with Revenues

Chinese Bond with Revenues

Inv# FB6638
Country: China
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Chinese Ministry of Railway - 4 Yuan Denominated Bond of China
Cienfuegos, Palmira and Cruces Electric Railway and Power Co. - 1,000 Gold Pesos Uncanceled Cuba Bond
City of Budapest - 1927 dated Hungarian Bond - Budapest, Hungary
City of Budapest - £20 British Pounds Hungary Bond
City of Cologne - $1,000 (Uncanceled)

City of Cologne - $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6453
Country: Germany
Years: 1925
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City of Constantinople - 1909 dated £20 British Pounds Bond
City of Duisburg, Germany 7% Uncancelled $1000 Bond of 1925 (Uncanceled)
City of Frankfort-on-Main 7% Uncancelled $1000 Bond of 1925
City of Galt - 1954 dated $1,000 Canadian Municipal Bond
City of Milan - Set of 2 Bonds

City of Milan - Set of 2 Bonds

Inv# FB5060
Country: Italy
Years: 1927
City of Milan Bond - 1927 dated Italian Bond - Italy - Available in $500 Green or $100 Blue - Please Specify Color
City of Montreal - Bond

City of Montreal - Bond

Inv# FS1239
Country: Canada
Years: 1928
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City of Nuremberg - $1,000

City of Nuremberg - $1,000

Inv# SE2435
Country: Germany
Years: 1953
City of Oslo

City of Oslo

Inv# SE2442
Country: Norway
Years: 1997
City of Porto Alegre - 1926 dated $1,000 Brazilian Bond - Brazil
Ciudad De Oaxaca De Juarez - 1,000 Pesos 1910 Mexican Bond
Cocosindustrie Wilhelmina - 100,000 Francs

Cocosindustrie Wilhelmina - 100,000 Francs

Inv# FB6416
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1922
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Collection of 12 Foreign Stocks & Bonds - Dated from 1911 to 1983 - All Different from 7 Different Countries

Collection of 12 Foreign Stocks & Bonds - Dated from 1911 to 1983 - All Different from 7 Different Countries

Inv# FS1634
Country: Belgium
Puerto Rico
Years: 1911-83
Colombia - Societe Nationale De Chemins De Fer En Colombie

Colombia - Societe Nationale De Chemins De Fer En Colombie

Inv# FS1320
Country: Belgium
Years: 1927
Colombia - Societe Nationale De Chemins De Fer En Colombie

Colombia - Societe Nationale De Chemins De Fer En Colombie

Inv# FS1320A
Country: Belgium
Years: 1927
Columbia Valley Orchards Limited - £20 British Pounds Canadian Bond
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico - 1958 dated $1,000 Specimen Bond
Compagnie de Chemin de Fer de Palencia a Ponferrada - Bond
Compagnie De Chemin De Fer Et De Navigation dAlais au Rhone et a la Mediterranee
Compagnie De Vapeurs Francais - 500 Francs

Compagnie De Vapeurs Francais - 500 Francs

Inv# FB6344
Country: France
Years: 1919
Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer Andalous - 500 Francs
Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer De L'Ouest De L'Espagne

Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer De L'Ouest De L'Espagne

Inv# FB6101
Country: France
Years: 1893
Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer De La Vendee - 500 Francs
Compagnie des Chemins de fer du Sud de L'Espagne - 500 Pesetas
Compagnie Du Chemin de Fer Du Nord-Donetz  - Bond (Uncanceled)
Compagnie Du Chemin De Fer Sao-Paulo and Rio Grande Railway Co. - Bond
Compagnie du Lubilash

Compagnie du Lubilash

Inv# FB6232
Country: Belgium
Years: 1944
Compagnie Generale Aeropostale

Compagnie Generale Aeropostale

Inv# FB6346
Country: France
Years: 1935
Companhia Brasileira De Exploracao De Portos

Companhia Brasileira De Exploracao De Portos

Inv# FB6051
Country: Brazil
Years: 1924
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Companhia Nacional de Caminhos De Ferro

Companhia Nacional de Caminhos De Ferro

Inv# FB6120
Country: Portugal
Years: 1858
Companhia Portuguesa Para A Construcao E Exploracao - 90 Escudos (Uncanceled)
Compania Argentina de Comodoro Rivadavia Explotacion de Petroleo - Stock Certificate
Compania Azucarera Antilla, S.A. - $100 Cuba 7 1/2% Gold Specimen Bond
Compania Azucarera Ermita - $1,000 Cuba 7.25% Gold Bond
Compania Cervecera Internacional - 1915 dated $500 Cuba 7% Uncanceled Bond
Compania Cubana De Electricidad - 1,000 Pesos Cuba Bond (Uncanceled)

Compania Cubana De Electricidad - 1,000 Pesos Cuba Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6377
Country: Cuba
State(s): Florida
Years: 1950
Compania Del Ferro-Carril Cienfuegos y Villa-Clara - 1895 dated 1,000 Pesos Cuban Bond - Cuba
Compania Del Ferrocarril Del Este.- $1,000 Bond dated 1860
Compania Espanola De Petroleos - 500 Pesetas

Compania Espanola De Petroleos - 500 Pesetas

Inv# FB6434
Country: Spain
Years: 1931
Compania General De Ferrocarriles Catalanes - 50 Pesetas - Bond
Compania Minera De Santa Gertrudis Y Guadalupe - Bond
Compania Salitrera De Tarapaga Y Antofagasta - $200 Bond
Compania Trasatlantica - 500 Pesetas Bond (Uncanceled)
Comuna Bucuresci - 1,000 Lei (Uncanceled)

Comuna Bucuresci - 1,000 Lei (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6406
Country: Hungary
Years: 1906
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Conseil De La Dette Publique Repartie De L'Ancien Empire Ottoman - Bond
Consolidated Railroads of Cuba - 1959 10,005 Pesos Bond
Consolidated Railroads of Cuba - 5,000 Pesos - Bond
Copenhagen Telephone Co., Incorporated - $1,000

Copenhagen Telephone Co., Incorporated - $1,000

Inv# FB6338
Country: Denmark
Years: 1971
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Costa Rica Railway Co., Limited - Bond

Costa Rica Railway Co., Limited - Bond

Inv# FB6053
Country: Costa Rica
Years: 1888
Credit Foncier Cubain - 1912 dated Havana Cuba Banking Bond (Uncanceled)
Credit Foncier De France - 100 Francs

Credit Foncier De France - 100 Francs

Inv# FB6347
Country: France
Years: 1887 or 1888
Credit Foncier De France - 20 Francs - Bond

Credit Foncier De France - 20 Francs - Bond

Inv# FB6348
Country: France
Years: 1887
Credit Foncier Egyptien

Credit Foncier Egyptien

Inv# FB6594
Country: Egypt
Years: 1951
Credito Hipotecario De Bolivia - $100

Credito Hipotecario De Bolivia - $100

Inv# SE2430
Country: Bolivia
Years: 19--
Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation

Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation

Inv# FB6457
Country: Cuba
Years: 1922
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Cuba Northern Railways - 1927 dated Cuban Railroad Bond (Uncanceled)
Cuba Northern Railways Co.

Cuba Northern Railways Co.

Inv# FB6055
Country: Cuba
Years: 1916
Cuba Railroad Co. - 1902 dated $1,000 Railway Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Cuba Uncut Sheet of 10 Notes - Cuban Lottery Ticket Sheet
Cuban Cane Products Co., Inc - 1930 dated $100 Cuba Gold Bond (Uncanceled) - Your Choice
Cuban Cane Products Co., Inc. - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Cuban Cane Products Co., Inc. - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5109A
Country: Cuba
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1930
Cuban Dominican Sugar Co. - 1924 dated Cuba Bond (Uncanceled)

Cuban Dominican Sugar Co. - 1924 dated Cuba Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5110
Country: Cuba
State(s): Maryland
Years: 1924
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Cuban Mortgage Bank - 1915 dated $100 Cuba Bond
Cubo Mining and Milling Co. - $500 Bond

Cubo Mining and Milling Co. - $500 Bond

Inv# FB6163
Country: Mexico
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1908
DAF N.V. Gevestigd te Eindhoven- Stock Certificate
Daimler-Benz - Bond

Daimler-Benz - Bond

Inv# AB5015
Country: Germany
Years: 1942
Darekamp's Motordienst - 200,000 Francs

Darekamp's Motordienst - 200,000 Francs

Inv# FB6417
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1918
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De L'Etat Hongrois - 100 Francs Bond

De L'Etat Hongrois - 100 Francs Bond

Inv# FB6773
Country: Hungary
Years: 1924
Debito Pubblico Del Regno D'Italia

Debito Pubblico Del Regno D'Italia

Inv# FB6067
Country: Italy
Years: 1937
Debito Pvbblico Del Regno D'Italia

Debito Pvbblico Del Regno D'Italia

Inv# FB5135
Country: Italy
Years: 1934
Desert Storm War Bond

Desert Storm War Bond

Inv# FB6410
Country: Iraq
Years: 1991 or so
Desert Storm War Bond

Desert Storm War Bond

Inv# FB6411
Country: Iraq
Years: 1991 or so
Deuda Publica de Espana - Spain 4% 1,000 Pesetas Specimen Bond
Deuda Publica de Espana - Specimen Bond

Deuda Publica de Espana - Specimen Bond

Inv# FB6127
Country: Spain
Years: 1933
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Deutsch-Niederlandische Bank A.-G., Dusseldorf- Stock Certificate
Deutsche Centralbodenkredit-Aktiengesellschaft 1,000 Reichsmark - Bond
Deutsche Niles Werke Aktiengesellschaft 1,000 Reichsmark - Bond
Dominguez' Grant - Mexican Bond

Dominguez' Grant - Mexican Bond

Inv# FB6155
Country: Mexico
State(s): Texas
Years: 1831
Doornkaat Aktiengesellschaft- Stock Certificate

Doornkaat Aktiengesellschaft- Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2209
Country: Germany
Years: 1966
Dortmund Municipal Utilities 6.5% Uncancelled $1000 Bond dated 1928 - Includes PASS-CO Authentication
Drahtfoler Uberfee-Verkehr- 1,000 Mark Bond

Drahtfoler Uberfee-Verkehr- 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6725
Country: Germany
Years: 1921
Dresdner Stadtanleihe - 2,000, 1,000 or 500 Mark - Bond
Dresdner Stadtanleihe vom Jahre - 3,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Dresdner Stadtanleihe- 500 Mark Bond

Dresdner Stadtanleihe- 500 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6726
Country: Germany
Years: 1913
Durango Central Railroad Co. - 1902 dated $1,000 50 Year 5% Mexico Uncanceled Gold Bond with almost 2 Full Pages of Coupons
East Canada Power and Pulp Co. Limited - Stock Certificate
Eastern Cuba Sugar Corporation  - Bond
Eastern Townships Mutual Realty Co. - Coaticook, Quebec, Canada - $1,000 Certificate
Eesti Hupoteegipank Banque Hypothecaire Estonienne - Bond
Egyptian Bond dated 1901 - Egypt

Egyptian Bond dated 1901 - Egypt

Inv# FB6553
Country: Egypt
Years: 1901
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Limited - 1922 dated Bearer Coupon
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Limited Pair

Egyptian Delta Light Railways Limited Pair

Inv# FB6103
Country: Egypt
Years: 1921
Einlage - Bond

Einlage - Bond

Inv# FB6741
Country: Germany
Years: 1919
El Banco Chileno - 1,000 Pesos Bond

El Banco Chileno - 1,000 Pesos Bond

Inv# FB5054
Country: Chile
Years: 19--
Electric Power Corporation 6.5% Uncancelled $1000 Bond
Elektrowerke Aktiengesellschaft 500 Reichsmark - Bond
Etablissements O. De Rycker

Etablissements O. De Rycker

Inv# FB6333
Country: Belgium
Years: 1948
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Exploratie-Syndicaat Pagoeat - 50 Gulden Bond

Exploratie-Syndicaat Pagoeat - 50 Gulden Bond

Inv# FB6779
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1904
Exposition Universelle - 25 Francs Bond

Exposition Universelle - 25 Francs Bond

Inv# FB6151
Country: France
Years: 1889
Exposition Universelle De 1900 - Bond

Exposition Universelle De 1900 - Bond

Inv# FB6518
Country: France
Years: 1900
Ferro Carril Central de Buenos Aires Limitada - 1923 dated Argentina £100 Bond
Ferro-Carriles de Caibarien - 1892 dated Cuba Specimen Stock Certificate
Ferrocarril Mexicano Del Centro, S.A. - Bond

Ferrocarril Mexicano Del Centro, S.A. - Bond

Inv# FB5025
Country: Mexico
Years: 1910
Ferrocarriles Nacionales De Mexico - Mexican 6% Gold Bond
Finametaf - Belgium Stock Certificate

Finametaf - Belgium Stock Certificate

Inv# FB6588
Country: Belgium
Years: 1938
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Free State of Bavaria 6.5% Uncancelled $1000 German Bond of 1925 (Uncanceled)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen - 50,000 Mark - German Bond
French Collection of 7 Stocks
Fuente Coal Co. - $1,000 Bond

Fuente Coal Co. - $1,000 Bond

Inv# MB5024
Country: Mexico
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1894
Fuller's United Electric Works, Limited

Fuller's United Electric Works, Limited

Inv# FB6554
Country: England
Years: 1924
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Gemeinschaftsgruppe Deutscher Hypothekenbanken - 1923 dated 10000000, 1000000 or 50000 Mark - Bond
Gemeinschaftsgruppe Deutscher Hypothekenbanken - 1923 dated 500,000 Mark German Bond
Gemeinschaftsgruppe Deutscher Hypothekenbanken - 500,000 or 50,000 Mark - Bond
General Bicur Cholim Hospital

General Bicur Cholim Hospital

Inv# FB6565
Country: Israel
Years: 193-
General Electric Co. Germany (AEG) - $1,000 Specimen Bond
Genoa and District Water Works Co. Limited - £20 Bond
German Atlantic Cable Co. - $1,000 (Uncanceled)

German Atlantic Cable Co. - $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6452
Country: Germany
Years: 1925
OUT OF STOCK More Details
German Consolidated Municipal Loan of German Savings Banks and Clearing Association - $1,000
German Government International 5.5% 1930 Young Gold Bond (Uncanceled) with PASS-CO Authentication
German Government International 500 Pound 5.5% 1930 Young Bond - Canceled 500 Pound Bond
German Government International Loan - $1,000 Bond
German Provincial and Communal Banks Consolidated Agricultural Loan 6.5% 1928 Bond (Uncanceled)
German Young Government International 5.5% 1930 Uncancelled 1,000 Swiss Francs Gold Bond with Pass-co Authentication (Uncanceled)
Germany - 1,000 German Mark or 500 German Mark Bond
Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6687
Country: Germany
Years: 1886
Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6688
Country: Germany
Years: 1914
Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6698
Country: Germany
Years: 1918
Germany - 1,000 or 2,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1,000 or 2,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6692
Country: Germany
Years: 1897
Germany - 1000, 5000 or 10000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1000, 5000 or 10000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6690
Country: Germany
Years: 1909 or 1911
Germany - 1887 dated 1,000 German Mark Bond - Hamburg, Germany
Germany - 2,000 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 2,000 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6696
Country: Germany
Years: 1900
Germany - 20,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 20,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6689
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Germany - 200 or 50 Reichsmark Bond

Germany - 200 or 50 Reichsmark Bond

Inv# FB6684
Country: Germany
Years: 1927
Germany - 5,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 5,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6694
Country: Germany
Years: 1908
Germany - 5,000, 2,000 or 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 5,000, 2,000 or 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6697
Country: Germany
Years: 1911
Germany - 50,000 or 100,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 50,000 or 100,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6689A
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Germany - 500 German Mark or 2,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 500 German Mark or 2,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6699
Country: Germany
Years: 1919
Germany - Various Denominations Bond

Germany - Various Denominations Bond

Inv# FB6691
Country: Germany
Years: 1919 or 1920
Germany/Austria - 1922 dated 10,000 Kronen Bond - City of Vienna, Austria
Germany/Austria - 1923 dated 500,000 or 100,000 Kronen Bond
Goldpfandbrief des Mecklenburgischen - Goldmark Bond

Goldpfandbrief des Mecklenburgischen - Goldmark Bond

Inv# FB6601
Country: Germany
Years: 1931 or 1926
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Gouvernement Imperial de Russie - 1880 dated 125 Roubles Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie 4% 1902 Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie, 4% - 1902 Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie, 4% - Bond (Uncanceled)
Government of Palestine - 10 Pounds Bond

Government of Palestine - 10 Pounds Bond

Inv# FB6739
Country: Palestine
Years: 1945
Gral. Ramon Leocadio Bonachea - 1949 dated Set of 3 - Cuba Bonds
Gran Metropolitano De Barcelona S.A. - 15,000,000 Pesetas
Grande Societe Des Chemins de Fer Russes - Bond (Uncanceled)
Greek Government - 1933 $10.50 Gold Bond

Greek Government - 1933 $10.50 Gold Bond

Inv# FB6796
Country: Greece
Years: 1933
Grossherzogtum Baden - 500 or 200 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Gulf and Western International N.V. - dated 1968 Netherlands $1,000 Sinking Fund Bond

Gulf and Western International N.V. - dated 1968 Netherlands $1,000 Sinking Fund Bond

Inv# FB6793
Country: Netherlands
State(s): Rhode Island
Years: 1968
Hamburger Hochbahn - 1922 dated 10,000 German Marks Bond (Uncanceled) - Hamburg, Germany
Hamburgifche Staatsanleihe - 2,000 or 1,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgifche Staatsanleihe - Various Denominations - Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 10,000 Mark Bond

Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 10,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6697A
Country: Germany
Years: 1911
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 2,000 or 1,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 2,000 or 500 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe Von 1886 - 5,000 Mark Bond
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe Von 1899 - 5,000 Mark Bond
Hamersley Holdings Limited - 1977 dated $1000 Australian Mining Bond - Australia

Hamersley Holdings Limited - 1977 dated $1000 Australian Mining Bond - Australia

Inv# FB6748
Country: Australia
Denomination: $1,000US
State(s): Outside North America
Years: 1977
Hamersley Iron Finance N.V. - 1970 dated $1,000 Bond - Netherlands

Hamersley Iron Finance N.V. - 1970 dated $1,000 Bond - Netherlands

Inv# FB6747
Country: Netherlands Antilles
State(s): Outside North America
Years: 1970
Hamilton Electric Light Co. $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Hamilton Electric Light Co. $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5104
Country: Canada
Years: 1890
Harris International Finance N.V. - $1,000 Bond

Harris International Finance N.V. - $1,000 Bond

Inv# FB6746
Country: Netherlands
State(s): Outside North America
Years: 1972
Hauptstadt Mannheim - 2,000 German Mark Bond

Hauptstadt Mannheim - 2,000 German Mark Bond

Inv# FB6728
Country: Germany
Years: 1912
Hauptstadt Mannheim - 5,000 German Mark Bond

Hauptstadt Mannheim - 5,000 German Mark Bond

Inv# FB6727
Country: Germany
Years: 1908
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Henschel and Gohn, Gassel - 1,000 German Mark Bond
Hollandsche Zijde Maatschappij

Hollandsche Zijde Maatschappij

Inv# FB6627
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1910
Hungarian Bond - 50 Pengol Bond

Hungarian Bond - 50 Pengol Bond

Inv# FB6800
Country: Hungary
Years: 1926
Hungarian Bond - Foreign Bond

Hungarian Bond - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6798
Country: Hungary
Years: 1882
Hungarian-Italian Bank, Limited  (Uncanceled)

Hungarian-Italian Bank, Limited (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5134
Country: Hungary
Years: 1928
Hypothekenpfandbrief der Mecklenburgischen - 100 Reichsmark Bond
IBM Credit Corporation - Y 1 Million - Famous Computer Co. Specimen Bond
Imperial Chinese Government £20 Gold Loan Bond - 1908 dated £5,000,000 Capitalization (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia - 625 Roubles (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia 3% 1896 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia 4% 1890 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia 4% 1893 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia 4% 1901 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia, 3 1/2% 1897 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia, 3% 1894 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia, 4% 1894 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Investment Corporation Ltd. - 1960 dated $1,000 Collateral Trust Bond
Imperial Mortgage-Bank For The Land Nobility - Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Russian Government - 1957 dated $1,000 Russia Bond

Imperial Russian Government - 1957 dated $1,000 Russia Bond

Inv# FB6657
Country: Russia
State(s): New York
Years: 1957
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Imperial Russian Government 5% 1906 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imprumutul Reintregirll - Romanian Bond

Imprumutul Reintregirll - Romanian Bond

Inv# FB5174
Country: Romania
Years: 1941
Independence Irrigation Co. - 1914 dated $100 Bond

Independence Irrigation Co. - 1914 dated $100 Bond

Inv# FB6806
Country: France
State(s): Wyoming
Years: 1914
India General Navigation and Railway Co., Limited
Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture
Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture - $500 Bond
International Garanti 1933-1953 - 1,000 Francs Bond
International Livestock Corporation, S.A. - $1,000 or $500 Specimen Bond
International Railways of Central America - 1912 dated Guatemala Railroad Money Bond - Extremely Rare - First We Have Seen!
International Standard Electric Corporation - 1,000 Francs
Islas Del Guadalquivir S.A.

Islas Del Guadalquivir S.A.

Inv# FS1590
Country: Spain
Years: 1926
Israel Bond - Foreign Bond

Israel Bond - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6418
Country: Israel
Years: 1962
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Japanese Bond

Japanese Bond

Inv# JB1024
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond

Japanese Bond

Inv# JB1025
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond

Japanese Bond

Inv# JB1026
Country: Japan
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Japanese Bond

Japanese Bond

Inv# JB1027
Country: Japan
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Japanese Bond

Japanese Bond

Inv# JB1028
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond

Japanese Bond

Inv# JB1029
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond

Japanese Bond

Inv# JB1030
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond  (Uncanceled)

Japanese Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# JB1032
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond  (Uncanceled)

Japanese Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# JB1033
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond  (Uncanceled)

Japanese Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# JB1035
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond  (Uncanceled)

Japanese Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# JB1037
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond  (Uncanceled)

Japanese Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# JB1038
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond (Uncanceled)

Japanese Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# JB1034
Country: Japan
Japanese Bond (Uncanceled)

Japanese Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# JB1036
Country: Japan
Jaradekkolcson - 1,000 Crowns - Bond

Jaradekkolcson - 1,000 Crowns - Bond

Inv# FB6543
Country: Hungary
Years: 1897
Jaradekkolcson- 1,000 Korona Bond

Jaradekkolcson- 1,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6764
Country: Hungary
Years: 1881
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Jaradekkolcson- 200 Korona Bond

Jaradekkolcson- 200 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6765
Country: Hungary
Years: 1903
Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad Co. - Million Gulden Railway Bond - Netherlands

Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad Co. - Million Gulden Railway Bond - Netherlands

Inv# RB7341
Country: Belgium
State(s): Missouri
Years: 1895
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Kg. Bayer. Haupt- und Residenzstadt Munchen - Various Denominations Bonds
Kingdom of Bulgaria - 1928 $1,000 or $500 Bulgarian Bond - Canceled
Kingdom of Bulgaria - Bond (Uncanceled)

Kingdom of Bulgaria - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5131
Country: Bulgaria
Years: 1927
Kingdom of Greece - Hellenic Government Loan of 1914 Bond (Uncanceled)
Kingdom of Hungary - State Bond (Uncanceled) - Various Denominations
Kingdom of Hungary - Various Denominations Bond

Kingdom of Hungary - Various Denominations Bond

Inv# FB6117
Country: Hungary
Years: 1915 or 1917
Kingdom of Hungary - Various Denominations Bond

Kingdom of Hungary - Various Denominations Bond

Inv# FB6474
Country: Hungary
Years: 1917
Kingdom of Roumania - Bond

Kingdom of Roumania - Bond

Inv# FB5119
Country: Romania
Years: 1922
Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes  - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)
Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes  - Bond (Uncanceled)
Kingdom of Yugoslavia - $100 Bond

Kingdom of Yugoslavia - $100 Bond

Inv# FB6633
Country: Yugoslavia
Years: 1932 or 1936
Koniglich Preussische Konsolidirte Vierprocentige Staatsanleihe - 5,000 or 1,000 Mark - Bond


Inv# FB6019
Country: Korea
Years: 1950
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6783
Country: Sweden
Years: 1928
Kriegsanleihe - 2,000 Kronen Bond

Kriegsanleihe - 2,000 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6770
Country: Hungary
Years: 1915
Kuwait - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - 1968 dated Specimen Bond
L'Assurance Financiere - Bond (Uncanceled)

L'Assurance Financiere - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6350
Country: France
Years: 1881, 1883 or 84
L'etat de Fribourg -  500 Francs

L'etat de Fribourg - 500 Francs

Inv# FB6617
Country: Switzerland
Years: 1903
L. Mosseri & Co. -  Bond

L. Mosseri & Co. - Bond

Inv# FB6659
Country: Egypt
Years: 1916
La Mutuelle Des Proprietaires - 100 Francs

La Mutuelle Des Proprietaires - 100 Francs

Inv# FB6349
Country: France
Years: 1905
La Republica de Cuba - 1,000 Pesos - Bond (Uncanceled)
La Republica de Cuba - 100 Pesos 7% Uncanceled Gold Bond
La Virginia Societa Industriale Di Miniere - Bond
Las Vegas and Hot Springs Electric Railway Light and Power Co. - 1903 dated $500 Railroad Gold Bond - Payable in Gold Coin
Le Nickel Caledonien - 1905 dated 500 Francs Bond or Obligation
Leembruggen, Guepin and Muysken

Leembruggen, Guepin and Muysken

Inv# FB6606
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1916
Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Inv# FB5044
Country: France
Years: 1924
Levis and Kennebec Railway Co. - £100

Levis and Kennebec Railway Co. - £100

Inv# FB6574
Country: Canada
Years: 1876
Liberty - 2,000 Korona Bond

Liberty - 2,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6771
Country: Hungary
Years: 1923
Lithuanian Liberty Loan Bond

Lithuanian Liberty Loan Bond

Inv# FB5136
Country: Lithuania
Years: 1919
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Liverpool and London and Globe Fire and Life Insurance Co. - 1860 dated $2,500 Bond

Liverpool and London and Globe Fire and Life Insurance Co. - 1860 dated $2,500 Bond

Inv# IS1296
Country: England
State(s): New York
Years: 1860
Lloyd Bank - 1923 dated 1 Kronen Hungarian Bond - Hungary
Loan of the City of Nikolaef - 189 Roubles - Bond
Loan of the Republic of Paraguay - Unissued Form of Application
Loan of the Town of Hagen - 1923 dated 50,000 German Marks Bond (Uncanceled) - Hagen, Germany
Macmillan Bloedel Limited - 1977 dated $1,000 Canadian Bond - Canada
Madeira-Mamore Railway Co. - Bond

Madeira-Mamore Railway Co. - Bond

Inv# FB6479
Country: Brazil
State(s): Maine
Years: 1922
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Magyar Altalanos Takarekpenztar Reszvenytarsasag - 2,000 Korona Bond

Magyar Altalanos Takarekpenztar Reszvenytarsasag - 2,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6759
Country: Hungary
Years: 1911, 1918 or 1919
Magyar Jelzalog Hitelbank Budapest - 200 Kronen (Uncanceled)
Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank - 500 Francs (Uncanceled)
Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank Budapesten - 1,000 Forint Denomination Uncanceled Bond
Magyar Jelzalog-Hitelbank Budapesten - 500 Francs (Uncanceled)
Magyar Kiralyi Allami Penztarjegy - 10,000 Korona Bond
Magyar Kiralyi Allami Penztarjegy - 10,000 Korona Bond
Magyar Kiralyi Allami Penztarjegy - Various Denominations Bond
Magyar Orszagos Kozponti Takarekpenztar - 500 Korona (Uncanceled)
Magyar Varosi Bank - 400 Kronen Bond

Magyar Varosi Bank - 400 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6758
Country: Hungary
Years: 1921 or 1918
Magyarorszagi Josziv-Egyesulet 2 Forint - 1888 dated Uncanceled Hungarian Bond
Manila Railway Co. 1906 Limited - 1909 dated Philippine £100 Railroad Bond - Philippines
Manila Railway Co. 1906 Limited - Philippine £100 Railroad Bond - Philippines

Manila Railway Co. 1906 Limited - Philippine £100 Railroad Bond - Philippines

Inv# FB5061A
Country: Philippines
Denomination: £100
Years: 1907
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Manoa Co. Limited - 1885 dated $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Manoa Co. Limited - 1885 dated $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5101A
Country: England
Years: 1885
Manoa Co. Ltd. with Pass-co Authentication - Bond (Uncanceled)

Manoa Co. Ltd. with Pass-co Authentication - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5101
Country: Venezuela
British Guyana
Years: 1885
Marbro-Rubber - 500 Francs

Marbro-Rubber - 500 Francs

Inv# FB6352
Country: France
Years: 1928
Mercur-Rhederei - German Stock Certificate

Mercur-Rhederei - German Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2207
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Metropolis of Tokyo

Metropolis of Tokyo

Inv# JB1031
Country: Japan
Years: 1964
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Mexican Central Railway Co. Limited

Mexican Central Railway Co. Limited

Inv# FB5148
Country: Mexico
Years: 1881
Mexican Consolidated - 1864 dated 10 Shillings Mexican Bond - Mexico
Mexican Electric Light Co. Limited - 1916 dated Deposit Receipt for $1,000 5% First Mortgage Gold Bond
Mexican Pacific Railway Limited - Bond

Mexican Pacific Railway Limited - Bond

Inv# FB6167
Country: Mexico
Years: 1889
Mexico - Estado De Chihuahua

Mexico - Estado De Chihuahua

Inv# FB5143
Country: Mexico
Years: 1901
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Mexico North Western Railway Co. - £100 - Bond (Uncanceled)
Miag Mill Machinery Co. 7% Uncancelled $1000 Bond of 1926
Midway Terminals Ltd. - $1,000

Midway Terminals Ltd. - $1,000

Inv# FB6552
Country: Canada
Years: 1958
Mijnbouw Maatschappij Granplacer - Bond

Mijnbouw Maatschappij Granplacer - Bond

Inv# FB6514
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1900
Minerva Motors - Bond

Minerva Motors - Bond

Inv# AB5011
Country: Belgium
Years: 1931
Minerva Motors - Bond

Minerva Motors - Bond

Inv# AB5011A
Country: Belgium
Years: 1927
Mines Operating Co.

Mines Operating Co.

Inv# MB5099
Country: Canada
Years: 1921 or 1924
Ministerio de Trabajo Instituto Nacional de la Vivienda - 100 Pesetas
Ministry of Railway - Chinese Bond

Ministry of Railway - Chinese Bond

Inv# FB6745A
Country: China
Years: 1930's
Ministry of Railway - Various Denominations Bond
Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Limited - $1,000

Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Limited - $1,000

Inv# FB6566
Country: Japan
Years: 1974
Mitsui and Co., Ltd. - 1969 dated $1,000 US Dollar Japanese Bond - Japan
Mittelland Gummiwerke A.-G. - Stock Certificate

Mittelland Gummiwerke A.-G. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2202
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Monsanto International N.V. - $1,000 Bond - Agrochemical and Agricultural Biotechnology Corporation Bond dated 1970
Municipal Gas and Electric Corporation of Recklinghausen - $1,000 (Uncanceled)
Munro Copper Mines Limited - $1,000 Foreign Bond
N.V. Gemeenschappelijk Bezit Van Aandeelen Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken
Naamlooze Vennootschap

Naamlooze Vennootschap

Inv# FB6568
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1894
Naamlooze Vennootschap Amsterdamsche Rijtuigvereeniging - 1,000 Gulden Bond
Naamlooze Vennootschap Maatschappij Voor Tabakhandel Tabacus
Naamlooze Vennootschap Mijnbouw Maatschappij Soemalata - 250 Francs Bond
National Pisco To YCA Railway Co.  (Uncanceled)
Nationalist Government of China - $10 Bond

Nationalist Government of China - $10 Bond

Inv# FB6635
Country: China
Years: 1928
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Neckar-Aktiengesellschaft- 1,000 or 5,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
New Schibaieff Petroleum Co., Limited £100

New Schibaieff Petroleum Co., Limited £100

Inv# FB6421
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1913
New York and Foreign Investing Corporation

New York and Foreign Investing Corporation

Inv# FB6420
Country: Netherlands
State(s): New York
Years: 1930
New Zealand Forest Products Finance N.V. -$100,000

New Zealand Forest Products Finance N.V. -$100,000

Inv# SE2441
Country: New Zealand
Years: 1985
Nicaragua Canal Construction Co.

Nicaragua Canal Construction Co.

Inv# FB6426
Country: Nicaragua
Years: 1894
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Nord-Ouest De L'Espagne - Bond

Nord-Ouest De L'Espagne - Bond

Inv# FB6122
Country: Spain
Years: 1850's-60's
Obligacion Especialmente Garantida Por Bonos Del Emprestito Bolivano De 1870
Obligacion Hipotecaria Del Exmo Sr. Duque de  Osuna Y Del Infantado - Bond (Uncanceled)
Obligaciones Del Tesoro - 500 Pesetas Specimen Bond
Obligacja M. Warszawy - Bond of the City of Warsaw, Poland
Ontario Copper and Smelting Co. - $100 Bond

Ontario Copper and Smelting Co. - $100 Bond

Inv# MB5073
Country: Canada
Years: 1910
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Osterreichische Funfeinhalbprozentige Kriegsanleihe - 10,000 Kronen Bond dated 1915
P.J. Kilmartin Check

P.J. Kilmartin Check

Inv# FB6159
Country: Ireland
Years: 1951
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Pachuca Light and Power Co. - 1916 dated Mexican Utility Bond - Bank of Scotland - Mexico
Pair of Nevada Freehold Properties Trust dated 1869 - Foreign Bonds

Pair of Nevada Freehold Properties Trust dated 1869 - Foreign Bonds

Inv# FB6454
Country: England
State(s): Nevada
Years: 1869
Paleis Voor Volksvlijt Te Amsterdam

Paleis Voor Volksvlijt Te Amsterdam

Inv# FB6569
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1867
Panama Power and Light Co. - 500 Balboas

Panama Power and Light Co. - 500 Balboas

Inv# FB6427
Country: Panama
Years: 1958
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Panama Sugar Co. - 1922 dated $1,000 Sugar Refining Panamanian Bond
Panama-Companie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama - 1888 dated Bond - Extremely Famous
Patria, Religion Y Familia - 1943 dated Cuba Bond
Peasant's Land Bank Bond - Imperial Government of Russia - 150 Roubles (Uncanceled)
People of Puerto Rico

People of Puerto Rico

Inv# FB6064
Country: Puerto Rico
Years: 1935
People's Republic of China - 1955 dated 1,000,000 Chinese Yuan Bond - National Economic Construction Loan - Extremely Rare
People's Republic of China - 500,000 Yuan Bond of 1955

People's Republic of China - 500,000 Yuan Bond of 1955

Inv# FB6742
Country: China
Years: Jan. 1, 1955
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Peruvian Mining Smelting and Refining Co.

Peruvian Mining Smelting and Refining Co.

Inv# FB5168
Country: Peru
Years: 1906
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Pester Ungarische Commercial Bank - 500 Francs (Uncanceled)
Pesti Hazai Elso Takarekpenztar-Egyesulet - 100 Kronen (Uncanceled)
Pfandbrief - 100 Gulden Bond

Pfandbrief - 100 Gulden Bond

Inv# FB6150
Country: Austria
Years: 1893
Pfandbrief des Medlenburgischen - 200 Reichsmark Bond
Pink Lady or Red Diamond Estados Unidos Mexicanos £20 British Pounds/100 Pesos Bond - Several Dates Available
PMG Graded Buenos Ayres Lacroze Tramways -  £100 1913 dated Bond
Poland Bond - 10,000 Polish Marka dated 1920

Poland Bond - 10,000 Polish Marka dated 1920

Inv# FB6661
Country: Poland
Years: 1920
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Polish Bond - 1,000 ZL Bond

Polish Bond - 1,000 ZL Bond

Inv# FB6656
Country: Poland
Years: 1937
Port Hood Richmond Railway Coal Co. Limited - $500 Bond
Port of Para - Bond

Port of Para - Bond

Inv# FB6480
Country: Brazil
State(s): Maine
Years: 1907
Pramien=Schuldverschreibung - 100 Gulden Bond

Pramien=Schuldverschreibung - 100 Gulden Bond

Inv# FB6768
Country: Hungary
Years: 1889
Prestito esterno della Germania - 1924 German Bond

Prestito esterno della Germania - 1924 German Bond

Inv# FB6586
Country: Germany
Years: 1924
Province of Canada - Great Western Railroad Co. - 1853 dated £100 Railway Bond
Province of Hanover - $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Province of Hanover - $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6448
Country: Germany
Years: 1929
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Province of Hanover - $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Province of Hanover - $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6449
Country: Germany
Years: 1927
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Province of Ontario, Canada - 1874 dated $100 Bond
Province of Silesia - 1928 dated $1,000 Bond

Province of Silesia - 1928 dated $1,000 Bond

Inv# FB6807
Country: Poland
Years: 1928
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Provincial Governement of Kwang-Tung - $2 Bond

Provincial Governement of Kwang-Tung - $2 Bond

Inv# FB6752
Country: China
Years: 1912
Prussian Electric Co. - $1,000

Prussian Electric Co. - $1,000

Inv# FB6562
Country: Germany
Years: 1929
Prussian Electric Co. - £500 Bond

Prussian Electric Co. - £500 Bond

Inv# FB6563
Country: Germany
Years: 1928
Puerto Rico Highway Authority - $5,000

Puerto Rico Highway Authority - $5,000

Inv# SE2446
Country: Puerto Rico
Years: 1972
Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority - 1955 dated $1,000 Puerto Rican Bond
Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority - PREPA - 1974 dated $5,000 Puerto Rican Specimen Bond
Pyecombe and Hickstead Turnpike Road - £3.10 dated 1845 Bond
R.K. Kerkleen St. Trinitatis - 1,000 or 500 Gulden Bond
Raab-Odenburg Ebenfurther Eisenbahn - 1897 Hungarian 400 Marks (Uncanceled) Bond
Redencion Co. and The Buenaventura Co. of Cuba - 1915 dated $25 Bond

Redencion Co. and The Buenaventura Co. of Cuba - 1915 dated $25 Bond

Inv# FB5124
Country: Cuba
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1915
Reformed Mission House - Toyko, Japan - 1881 dated Contribution Certificate
Rentelooze Geldleening - 25 Gulden Bond

Rentelooze Geldleening - 25 Gulden Bond

Inv# FB6422
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1905
Republic of Austria - $1,000

Republic of Austria - $1,000

Inv# SE2429
Country: Austria
State(s): New York
Years: 1976
Republic of Bolivia - $1,000 Uncanceled Gold Bond

Republic of Bolivia - $1,000 Uncanceled Gold Bond

Inv# FB6542
Country: Bolivia
Years: 1922
Republic of China $1,000 - Bond (Uncanceled)

Republic of China $1,000 - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6202
Country: China
Years: 1937
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Republic of China 30th Year Army Supply 100 Yuan Bond
Republic of China Allied Victory U.S. Dollor loan, 4% Bond of 1942
Republic of Colombia - $1,000 Bond

Republic of Colombia - $1,000 Bond

Inv# FB6593
Country: Colombia
Years: 1940
Republic of Colombia - $1,000 Specimen Bond

Republic of Colombia - $1,000 Specimen Bond

Inv# SE2432A
Country: Colombia
Years: 1973
Republic of Colombia - $500

Republic of Colombia - $500

Inv# SE2432
Country: Colombia
Years: 1940
Republic of Cuba - 1937 dated $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)
Republic of Nicaragua

Republic of Nicaragua

Inv# FB6204
Country: Nicaragua
State(s): Louisiana
Years: 1856
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Republic of Panama

Republic of Panama

Inv# FB6062
Country: Panama
Years: 1926
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Republic of Poland - $100 or $50 Uncancelled Bond
Republic of Poland - Bond

Republic of Poland - Bond

Inv# FB5047
Country: Poland
Years: 1937
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Republic of Poland - Bond

Republic of Poland - Bond

Inv# FB6042
Country: Poland
Years: 1925
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Republica de Bolivia

Republica de Bolivia

Inv# FB6550
Country: Bolivia
Years: 1870
Republica de Cuba - 1905 dated 100 Pesos Bond
Republica Del Peru Bono De Desarrollo - 10 Intis
Republica Del Peru Bonos De Reconstruccion - 1,000 Soles Ore
Republica Mexicana - Bond (Uncanceled)

Republica Mexicana - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5116
Country: Mexico
Years: 1862-63
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Republica Mexicana 1885 Bond

Republica Mexicana 1885 Bond

Inv# FB5155
Country: Mexico
Years: 1885
Republica Oriental Del Uruguay Bonos De Expropiaciones - Bond
Republique Chinoise of 1925 - $50US Chinese Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Republiques Haiti

Republiques Haiti

Inv# FB6059
Country: France
Years: 1911
Reszkotveny - 200 Kronen - Bond

Reszkotveny - 200 Kronen - Bond

Inv# FB6544
Country: Hungary
Years: 1897
Rheinelbe Union Gelsenkirchen Mining Corporation 7% $1000 German Uncancelled Bond of 1926 - Extremely Rare - Includes PASS-CO Authentication
Rheinische Strohzellstoff Aktiengesellschaft- Stock Certificate
Rheinprovinz. Regierungsbezirk Dusseldorf- 5,000 Mark Bond
Rhine-Westphalia Electric Power Corp. 7% Uncancelled $1000 Bond of 1925
Rhine-Westphalia Electric Power Corporation 7% 1925 Gold Bond
Rodez Coal Co. Limited - £20 Bond

Rodez Coal Co. Limited - £20 Bond

Inv# FB6511
Country: Great Britain
Years: 1912
Romania - 1913 dated 500 Romanian Lei Bond

Romania - 1913 dated 500 Romanian Lei Bond

Inv# FB6789
Country: Romania
Years: 1913
Romanian Bond

Romanian Bond

Inv# FB6164
Country: Romania
Years: 1945
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Romanian Bond - 10,000 Lei Foreign Bond - Romania

Romanian Bond - 10,000 Lei Foreign Bond - Romania

Inv# FB6786
Country: Romania
Years: 1920
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Royal Hungarian Bond dated 1897 - Various Denominations (Uncanceled)
Royal Hungarian Bonds - Various Denominations

Royal Hungarian Bonds - Various Denominations

Inv# FB6399
Country: Hungary
Years: 1900 & 1903
Royal Hungarian £10 Gold Bond dated 1881

Royal Hungarian £10 Gold Bond dated 1881

Inv# FB6408
Country: Hungary
Years: 1881
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Royal Navy Bills of Exchange

Royal Navy Bills of Exchange

Inv# FB6572
Country: England
Years: 1975
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Royaume De Belgique

Royaume De Belgique

Inv# FB6149
Country: Belgium
Years: 1924
Royaume De Yougoslavie Emprunt Funding - 500 or 250 Francs Bond

Royaume De Yougoslavie Emprunt Funding - 500 or 250 Francs Bond

Inv# FB6632
Country: Yugoslavia
Years: 1937 or 1933
Ruhr Chemical Corporation 6% Uncancelled $1000 Bond of 1928
Runcorn White Lead Co., Limited

Runcorn White Lead Co., Limited

Inv# FB6555
Country: England
Years: 1902
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Russian Bond - 1914 dated 50 Rubles Denominated Bond
Russian Bond - 1915 dated 100 Rubles Denominated Bond
Russian Bond - dated 1956 100 Rubles Russia Bond
Russian Bond 1902

Russian Bond 1902

Inv# FB6584
Country: Russia
Years: 1902
Rzeczpospolita Polska

Rzeczpospolita Polska

Inv# FB6039
Country: Poland
Years: 1924
Rzeczpospolita Polska

Rzeczpospolita Polska

Inv# FB6118
Country: Poland
Years: 1935
Rzeczpospolita Polska - 10 Zlotych Bond

Rzeczpospolita Polska - 10 Zlotych Bond

Inv# FB6040
Country: Poland
Years: 1924
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Rzeczpospolita Polska - 100 Zlotych Bond dated 1924

NewRzeczpospolita Polska - 100 Zlotych Bond dated 1924

Inv# FB6039A
New Item!
Country: Poland
Years: 1924
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Co. -  $1,000 Specimen Bond

Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Co. - $1,000 Specimen Bond

Inv# SE4446
Country: Canada
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1883
Salvador Railway Co. Limited - 1899 dated £100 El Salvador Bond
San Juan Pacific Railway Co. - $100 or $500 - Bond (Uncanceled)
Schatzanweifung des Deutfchen Reichs dated 1923 - 100,000 German Marks Bond
Schatzanweifung des Deutfchen Reichs dated 1923 - 200,000 German Marks Bond
Schatzanweifung des Deutfchen Reichs dated 1923 - 500,000 German Marks Bond
Schuld-Schein Der Stadt Leipzig - 1,000 or 500 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuld-Schein der Stadt Leipzig - 2,000 Mark - Bond
Schuld-Schein Der Stadt Leipzig - Various Denominations - Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuld-Schein Der Stadt Leipzig - Various Denominations - Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldschein uber Funfzigtausend Mark - 1923 dated 50,000 German Mark Bond (Uncanceled) - Germany
Schuldschein Zwanzigtausend Mark - 20,000 Mark Bond
Schuldverchreibung der Stadt Stettin- 1,000 Mark Bond
Schuldverfchreibung der Stadt Berlin - Various Denominations Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverfchreibung der Stadt Coln- 1,000 Mark Bond
Schuldverfchreibung der Stadt Mainz- 5,000 Mark Bond
Schuldverfchreibung- 10,000 Mark Bond

Schuldverfchreibung- 10,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6734
Country: Germany
Years: 1921
Schuldverschreibung - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Schuldverschreibung - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6444
Country: Germany
Years: 1937
Schuldverschreibung - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Schuldverschreibung - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6445
Country: Germany
Years: 1937
Schuldverschreibung der Bundeshauptstadt Wien - 1931 dated 250 Francs Bond
Schuldverschreibung der Freien Hansestadt Bremen - Various Denominations - Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Freien Hansestadt Bremen- 2,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Coblenz - 1,000 Mark - Bond
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Coblenz - 200,000 Mark Bond
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Dortmund - 5,000 or 10,000 Marks - Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Essen - 1,000 Mark - Bond
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Koln - 1920 dated 20,000 German Marks Bond (Uncanceled) - Cologne, Germany
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Koln- 1,000  or 5,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Wurttembergischen Landeshauptstadt- 10,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung Stadt Essen - 100,000 Mark - German Bond
Serbia - 100 Francs Bond

Serbia - 100 Francs Bond

Inv# FB6630
Country: Serbia
Years: 1881
Shin Mitsubishi Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha

Shin Mitsubishi Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha

Inv# FB6123
Country: Japan
Years: 1977
Siegen-Solinger Gussstahl-Aktien-Verein - Stock Certificate
Simmer Deep, Limited - Bond

Simmer Deep, Limited - Bond

Inv# FB6517
Country: South Africa
Years: 1909
Simmer Deep, Limited - Bond

Simmer Deep, Limited - Bond

Inv# FB6517A
Country: South Africa
Years: 1907
Societe Anonyme Des Charbonnages Des Quatre-Jean De Retinne and Queue-Du-Bois - Bond
Societe Belge d'Entreprises en Chine - 500 Francs Bond
Societe De La Brasserie De Lutece - 300,000 Francs
Societe Des Embranchements de Chemins de Fer - Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
Societe Les Affreteurs Reunis - 500 Francs - Bond
Societe Lorraine Et Meridionale De Laminage Continu - $5,000
Societe Mutuelle Francaise - 100 Francs

Societe Mutuelle Francaise - 100 Francs

Inv# FB6355
Country: France
Years: 1907
Societe Serbe De La Croix-Rouge - 20 Francs (Uncanceled)
South Porto Rico Sugar Co. - Bond

South Porto Rico Sugar Co. - Bond

Inv# FB6065
Country: Puerto Rico
Years: 1906
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Spassky Copper Mine Limited - Bond

Spassky Copper Mine Limited - Bond

Inv# FB6512
Country: Russia
Great Britain
Years: 1913
St. Petersburg Land and Mortgage Co. Limited - £100 Foreign Bond
Staats-Schuldverschreibung - 15 Marz Bond

Staats-Schuldverschreibung - 15 Marz Bond

Inv# FB6647
Country: Austria
Years: 1860
Staatsanleihe - 20,000 Korona Bond

Staatsanleihe - 20,000 Korona Bond

Inv# FB6762
Country: Hungary
Years: 1917
Staatsanleihe - 20,000 Kronen Bond

Staatsanleihe - 20,000 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6775
Country: Hungary
Years: 1918
Stadt Berlin 1,000 Reichsmark Bond

Stadt Berlin 1,000 Reichsmark Bond

Inv# FB6604
Country: Germany
Years: 1926
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Stadt Berlin Schudverfchreibung - Various Denominations Bond
Stadt Frankfurt am Main - 2,000  or 1,000 Mark - Bond (Uncanceled)
State of Hamburg (Germany) 6% 1926 $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)
State of Israel - $1,000 Specimen Bond

State of Israel - $1,000 Specimen Bond

Inv# SE2436
Country: Israel
Years: 1962
OUT OF STOCK More Details
State of Jalisco Estado De Jalisco - Two Language $1,000 1898 Gold Bond
Stuhl Weissenburg - Raab - Grazer - 150 Gulden (Uncanceled)
Styrian Water Power and Electricity Co 6% Uncancelled $100US Gold Bond of 1929 with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
Styrian Water Power and Electricity Co 6% Uncancelled $500US Gold Bond of 1929 with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
Styrian Water Power and Electricity Co. Limited - Various Denominations Bond
Suomen Vientiluotto Oy-Finlands Exportkredit AB - $1,000 1970 dated Bond
Teilfchuldverfchreibung - 5,000 Kronen Bond

Teilfchuldverfchreibung - 5,000 Kronen Bond

Inv# FB6776
Country: Hungary
Years: 1918
The Peasants' Land Bank - Russia Bond (Uncanceled)
Thyssen and Co. Aktiengesellschaft- 1,000 Mark Bond
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1908 - 20 British Pounds Chinese Uncanceled Bond - China
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1910 £100 Chinese Uncanceled Bond - China
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1910 £20 Chinese Uncancelled Bond with PASS-CO authentication - China
Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Co.

Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Co.

Inv# FB6203
Country: Canada
Years: 1884
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Tramways De Carthagene - 5,000,000 Francs Capitalization - Stock Certificate
Trans-Era Oils Limited - $1,000 Bond

Trans-Era Oils Limited - $1,000 Bond

Inv# FB6751
Country: Canada
Years: 1953
Transportes, Aduanas y Consignaciones, S.A. 500 Pesetas

Transportes, Aduanas y Consignaciones, S.A. 500 Pesetas

Inv# FB6616
Country: Spain
Years: 1948 or 1944
Traub Aktiengesellschaft - dated 1986 German Stock Certificate - Action or Aktie or Aktien or Stück
Two Presidents Bond - Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Two Presidents Bond - Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Tysiac Marek Polskich

Tysiac Marek Polskich

Inv# FB6041
Country: Poland
Years: 1920
Tysiac Marek Polskich - 1,000

Tysiac Marek Polskich - 1,000

Inv# FB6570
Country: Poland
Years: 1920
Ucastina Slovenskej Banky NA - 1922 dated 200 or 5,000 Korun Bond
Uncanceled 1917 dated Austrian Bond - 1,000 Kronen Blue, 2,000 Kronen Orange or 5,000 Kronen - Please Specify Denomination
Unilever N.V. Gevestigd te Rotterdam - 1937 dated 1,000 Francs Bond (Uncanceled)
Union Commerciale and Industrielle De Metallurgie and D'Applications Electriques - 1,000,000 Francs - Bond
United Industrial Corp. 6.5% Uncancelled $1,000US Gold Bond of 1926 with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
United Mexican States - $1,000

United Mexican States - $1,000

Inv# SE2440
Country: Mexico
Years: 1976
OUT OF STOCK More Details
United Portland Cement and Brick Works, Limited - £10
United States of Mexico - 1922 or 1923 dated Transfer Receipt
United Steel Works Corp. 6.5% Uncancelled $1000 Gold Bond of 1926 with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
United Steel Works Corp. Uncancelled $1000 Gold Bond
United Sugar Companies, S.A. - 1924 dated $1,000 Bond
Usines and Acieries Leonard-Giot

Usines and Acieries Leonard-Giot

Inv# FB6589
Country: Belgium
Years: 1944
Venezuela Central Railway Co. - £10 Bond

Venezuela Central Railway Co. - £10 Bond

Inv# FB6664
Country: Venezuela
Years: 1910
Venezuela Central Railway Co. - £10 Bond

Venezuela Central Railway Co. - £10 Bond

Inv# FB6665
Country: Venezuela
Years: 1910
Verband Gross Berlin- 1,000 or 5,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Vereeniging Tot Bevordering Van's Lands Weebbaarheid

Vereeniging Tot Bevordering Van's Lands Weebbaarheid

Inv# FB6161
Country: Netherlands
Years: 1871
Vickers Loan Chinese Uncancelled 1919 100 British Pound Sterling Bond with Pass-co Authentication (Uncanceled)

Vickers Loan Chinese Uncancelled 1919 100 British Pound Sterling Bond with Pass-co Authentication (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6154A
Country: China
Denomination: 100 British Pound Sterling or £100
Years: 1919
Ville De Bruxelles

Ville De Bruxelles

Inv# FB6618
Country: Belgium
Years: 1925
Ville De Bruxelles 1905

Ville De Bruxelles 1905

Inv# FB6590
Country: Belgium
Years: 1905
Ville De Paris

Ville De Paris

Inv# FB6559
Country: France
Years: 1876
Ville De Paris

Ville De Paris

Inv# FB6560
Country: France
Years: 1930
Ville De Paris - 912 Million Francs

Ville De Paris - 912 Million Francs

Inv# FB6358
Country: France
Years: 1948
Ville De Paris - Bond

Ville De Paris - Bond

Inv# FB6519
Country: France
Years: 1932
Ville de Tokyo - 500 Francs

Ville de Tokyo - 500 Francs

Inv# JB1039
Country: Japan
Years: 1912
Wabash Spoorweg-Maatschappij - Foreign Stock Certificate
Walchensee-Anleihe - 10,000 or 20,000 Mark Bond

Walchensee-Anleihe - 10,000 or 20,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6700
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Warschau-Wiener Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft 500 Francs Bond

Warschau-Wiener Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft 500 Francs Bond

Inv# FB6227
Country: Austria
Years: 1857
Westphalia United Electric Power Corporation Uncancelled $1,000 Gold Bond of 1928 - Vereinigte Elektrizitätswerke Westfalen G.m.b.H.
Wiener Bank-Verein Bond

Wiener Bank-Verein Bond

Inv# FB6229
Country: Austria
Years: 1920's
World Collection of Stocks and Bonds
WWII Japanese Bond - Foreign Bond
Xerox Credit Overseas Finance N.V. - 1982 dated Specimen Bond
Yugoslavia - Emprunt International

Yugoslavia - Emprunt International

Inv# FB5146
Country: Yugoslavia
Years: 1931
Zentralstadtschaft - 1923 dated 100,000 Mark Uncanceled 10% German Bond
Zum Funfzighahrigen Jubilaum

Zum Funfzighahrigen Jubilaum

Inv# FB6030
Country: Germany
State(s): Kentucky
Years: 1891
OUT OF STOCK More Details
£1,000 Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
£1,000 Crisp Gold Loan Chinese Government 5% 1912 Bond - China
£10 Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
£100 Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
£100 Pound Denominated Bond of 1898 Anglo-German Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan - China
£50 Bond of 1898 Anglo-German Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan - China
£50 Chinese Government Skoda Loan II 1925 bearing 8% Interest Bond - China Uncanceled Bond
Showing All 697 Items.
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