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Collectible Bonds

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Bond of the County of Yuba - $1,000 Bond dated 1866

NewBond of the County of Yuba - $1,000 Bond dated 1866

Inv# GB5760
New Item!
State(s): California
Years: 1866
Trustees of Francis Ellershausen - 1868/69 dated $10,000 Bond

NewTrustees of Francis Ellershausen - 1868/69 dated $10,000 Bond

Inv# GB5759
New Item!
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1868/69
City of Yonkers Consolidated Bond - 1875 dated $1,000 Bond

NewCity of Yonkers Consolidated Bond - 1875 dated $1,000 Bond

Inv# GB5758
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1875
Town of Gold Hill Warrant -  $6.80 Bond

Town of Gold Hill Warrant - $6.80 Bond

Inv# GB5757
State(s): Nevada
Years: 1878
State of Ohio Belmont County -  1852 dated $1,000 Bond
Newtown, Queens County, N.Y. -  1870 dated $500 Bond
Hebrew Tabernacle Assoc. -  1930 dated $100 Building Bond
American Legal Assoc. -  1851 dated $5.00 Membership Certificate

American Legal Assoc. - 1851 dated $5.00 Membership Certificate

Inv# GB5753
State(s): New Hampshire
New York
Years: 1851
St. Mary's Church Land Fund - 1907 dated $10.00 Bond

St. Mary's Church Land Fund - 1907 dated $10.00 Bond

Inv# GB5752
State(s): Rhode Island
Years: 1907
Midwest Wool Marketing Cooperative, Inc. - 1942 dated $7.35 Bond
Aetna State Corp. - 1934 dated $10.90 Bond
United States of America - State of New Jersey - Double sided $500 1872 dated Bond
Atlantic Fruit and Sugar Co. - Uncancelled 1924 dated $1,000 Bond
Gallego Mills Co. - Uncancelled 1895 dated $500 Bond
City of Yonkers, County of Westchester - 1894 or 1896 dated $5,000 or $8,000 Bond
State of New Jersey - County of Atlantic - 1973 $1000 County Improvement Specimen Bond
City and County of San Francisco - 1912 dated $1,000 Bond
City and County of San Francisco - 1950 dated $1,000 Bond
Bucks County Bounty Fund - 1864 dated $300 Bond

Bucks County Bounty Fund - 1864 dated $300 Bond

Inv# GB5743
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1864
Zayre Corporation - 1976 dated $10,000 Bond - Chain Store that Merged into Ames and TJ Maxx
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