star decoration German Stocks and Bonds star decoration

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2 Million Marks - German Bond

2 Million Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6668
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
1 Million Mark - German Bond

1 Million Mark - German Bond

Inv# FB6669
Country: Germany
Years: 1924
1 Million Marks - German Bond

1 Million Marks - German Bond

Inv# FB6670
Country: Germany
Years: 1924
Germany - 200 or 50 Reichsmark Bond

Germany - 200 or 50 Reichsmark Bond

Inv# FB6684
Country: Germany
Years: 1927
Germany - 1887 dated 1,000 German Mark Bond - Hamburg, Germany
Germany/Austria - 1922 dated 10,000 Kronen Bond - City of Vienna, Austria
Germany/Austria - 1923 dated 500,000 or 100,000 Kronen Bond
Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6687
Country: Germany
Years: 1886
Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6688
Country: Germany
Years: 1914
Germany - 20,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 20,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6689
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Germany - 50,000 or 100,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 50,000 or 100,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6689A
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Germany - 1000, 5000 or 10000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1000, 5000 or 10000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6690
Country: Germany
Years: 1909 or 1911
Germany - Various Denominations Bond

Germany - Various Denominations Bond

Inv# FB6691
Country: Germany
Years: 1919 or 1920
Germany - 1,000 or 2,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1,000 or 2,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6692
Country: Germany
Years: 1897
Germany - 5,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 5,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6694
Country: Germany
Years: 1908
Germany - 1,000 German Mark or 500 German Mark Bond
Germany - 2,000 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 2,000 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6696
Country: Germany
Years: 1900
Germany - 5,000, 2,000 or 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 5,000, 2,000 or 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6697
Country: Germany
Years: 1911
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 10,000 Mark Bond

Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 10,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6697A
Country: Germany
Years: 1911
Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6698
Country: Germany
Years: 1918
Germany - 500 German Mark or 2,000 Mark Bond

Germany - 500 German Mark or 2,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6699
Country: Germany
Years: 1919
Badische Hauptstadt Mannheim - Various Denominations Bond

Badische Hauptstadt Mannheim - Various Denominations Bond

Inv# FB6701
Country: Germany
Years: 1919 or 1920
Stadt Berlin Schudverfchreibung - Various Denominations Bond
Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - 20,000 Marks Bond
Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - 500 or 1,000 Marks Bond
Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt A.M. - Various Denominations Marks Bond
Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - 50,000 or 5,000 Marks Bond
Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - Various Denominations Bonds

Anleihe der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - Various Denominations Bonds

Inv# FB6707
Country: Germany
Years: 1914, 1920 or 1923
Dresdner Stadtanleihe vom Jahre - 3,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Grossherzogtum Baden - 500 or 200 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburger Hochbahn - 1922 dated 10,000 German Marks Bond (Uncanceled) - Hamburg, Germany
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 2,000 or 500 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe - 2,000 or 1,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Hamburgifche Staatsanleihe - 2,000 or 1,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Neckar-Aktiengesellschaft- 1,000 or 5,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Freien Hansestadt Bremen- 2,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Koln - 1920 dated 20,000 German Marks Bond (Uncanceled) - Cologne, Germany
Schuldverschreibung der Stadt Koln- 1,000  or 5,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Schuldverschreibung der Wurttembergischen Landeshauptstadt- 10,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Verband Gross Berlin- 1,000 or 5,000 Marks Bond (Uncanceled)
Buffalo Pittsburg and Western General Mortgage Bond - 1,000 Mark Bond

Buffalo Pittsburg and Western General Mortgage Bond - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6720
Country: Germany
State(s): New York
Years: 1885
Anleihe Der Stadt Elberfeld - 1,000 Mark Bond

Anleihe Der Stadt Elberfeld - 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6721
Country: Germany
Years: 1922
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Anleihe der Bayer.Landeshauptstadt Munchen - 200 Mark Bond
Anleihe der Kgl. Bayer.Haupt - 200 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Anleihe der Kgl. Bayer.Haupt - 200 and 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6723
Country: Germany
Years: 1918 or 1919
Besserungs-Schein - 1,000 Reichsmark Bond

Besserungs-Schein - 1,000 Reichsmark Bond

Inv# FB6724
Country: Germany
Years: 1962
Drahtfoler Uberfee-Verkehr- 1,000 Mark Bond

Drahtfoler Uberfee-Verkehr- 1,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6725
Country: Germany
Years: 1921
Dresdner Stadtanleihe- 500 Mark Bond

Dresdner Stadtanleihe- 500 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6726
Country: Germany
Years: 1913
Hauptstadt Mannheim - 5,000 German Mark Bond

Hauptstadt Mannheim - 5,000 German Mark Bond

Inv# FB6727
Country: Germany
Years: 1908
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Hauptstadt Mannheim - 2,000 German Mark Bond

Hauptstadt Mannheim - 2,000 German Mark Bond

Inv# FB6728
Country: Germany
Years: 1912
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe Von 1886 - 5,000 Mark Bond
Hamburgische Staatsanleihe Von 1899 - 5,000 Mark Bond
Henschel and Gohn, Gassel - 1,000 German Mark Bond
Rheinprovinz. Regierungsbezirk Dusseldorf- 5,000 Mark Bond
Schuldverfchreibung der Stadt Mainz- 5,000 Mark Bond
Schuldverfchreibung- 10,000 Mark Bond

Schuldverfchreibung- 10,000 Mark Bond

Inv# FB6734
Country: Germany
Years: 1921
Schuldverchreibung der Stadt Stettin- 1,000 Mark Bond
Schuldverfchreibung der Stadt Coln- 1,000 Mark Bond
Thyssen and Co. Aktiengesellschaft- 1,000 Mark Bond
Ablosungsanleihe der Stadt Koln- 50 Reichsmark Bond
General Electric Co. Germany (AEG) - $1,000 Specimen Bond
Einlage - Bond

Einlage - Bond

Inv# FB6741
Country: Germany
Years: 1919
Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Kreuger and Toll - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6783
Country: Sweden
Years: 1928
Stadt Stuttgart - 1956-57 dated German Stock Certificate - City of Stuttgart, Germany
Bank fur Handel und Gewerbe - Stock Certificate

Bank fur Handel und Gewerbe - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1161
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
I.G. Farbenindustrie - Stock Certificate

I.G. Farbenindustrie - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1162
Country: Germany
Years: 1953
Deutsche Bank - 1986 dated German Stock Certificate - Frankfurt, Germany
Hamburger Handels - Bank - Stock Certificate

Hamburger Handels - Bank - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1902
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Siemens Elektrische Betriebe Aktiengesellschaft - 1908 dated German Stock Certificate
Westafrikanische Pflanzungs-Gesellschaft - Stock Certificate
Reichsbank-Anteilschein - Stock Certificate

Reichsbank-Anteilschein - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1907
Country: Germany
Years: 1925
Kerkerbachbahn Aktien-Gesellschaft - Stock Certificate
Getreidebank Anhalt Aktiengesellschaft - Stock Certificate
Berlinische Feuer-Versicherungs-Anstalt (Berlin Fire Insurance Co.) - Stock Certificate
Hoesch Aktiengesellschaft Dortmund - Stock Certificate
Miag Muhlenbau und Industrie Aktiengesellschaft - Stock Certificate
Schlesische Dampfer-Compagnie-Berliner Lloyd Aktien-Gesellschaft - Stock Certificate
Mittelland Gummiwerke A.-G. - Stock Certificate

Mittelland Gummiwerke A.-G. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2202
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
Siegen-Solinger Gussstahl-Aktien-Verein - Stock Certificate
Traub Aktiengesellschaft - dated 1986 German Stock Certificate - Action or Aktie or Aktien or Stück
Deutsch-Niederlandische Bank A.-G., Dusseldorf- Stock Certificate
Rheinische Strohzellstoff Aktiengesellschaft- Stock Certificate
Mercur-Rhederei - German Stock Certificate

Mercur-Rhederei - German Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2207
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
DAF N.V. Gevestigd te Eindhoven- Stock Certificate
Doornkaat Aktiengesellschaft- Stock Certificate

Doornkaat Aktiengesellschaft- Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2209
Country: Germany
Years: 1966
Harzer Braunkohlen- Aktiengesellschaft in Hamburg- Stock Certificate
Fahrzeugfabrik Dusseldorf Aktiengesellschaft - Stock Certificate
Kamerun-Kautschuk-Compagnie Aktiengesellschaft in Berlin - Stock Certificate
Atlantis - 1969 dated German Aviation Stock Certificate - Luftverkehrsunternehmen Atlantis - Germany
Strelow-Hartpapier - Stock Certificate

Strelow-Hartpapier - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2214
Country: Germany
Years: 1923
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