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We do have an extensive inventory of Great Corporations. Many great pieces are offered in our catalogs. Please phone us as we would be happy to help you build an impressive collection of Great Corporations.
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Ford International Capital Corp. - 1969 dated $1,000 Automotive Bond - Famed Co. from Ford vs. Ferrari Movie
General Motors Corporation - 1960's-80's dated Automotive Stock Certificate - Famous Car Maker
Sterling Precision Corporation - Stock Certificate

Sterling Precision Corporation - Stock Certificate

Inv# AS1013
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1950's-60's
Sterling Precision Corporation - Automotive Stock Certificate
Studebaker-Worthington, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Studebaker-Worthington, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Inv# AS1016
State(s): Michigan
Years: 1970's
Studebaker-Packard Corporation - 1960's dated Automotive Stock Certificate - Famous Car Maker
White Motor Corporation - Automotive Stock Certificate

White Motor Corporation - Automotive Stock Certificate

Inv# AS1020
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1960's-80's
Irving Trust Co. - 1929 dated New York Banking Stock Certificate
B. F. Goodrich - 1970's Manufacturing Company Bond - Various Denominations - Available Green, Orange, Brown or Red
Cities Service - Various Denominations Bond

Cities Service - Various Denominations Bond

Inv# GB5005
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1980's
Corning International Corp - $1,000 Bond - Technology, Glass & Ceramics Company
Dow Chemical Co. - 1970's-80's dated American Multinational Chemical Bond
Georgia-Pacific Corporation - Pulp and Paper Company - Various Denominations Bond
Macy Credit Corporation - Bond

Macy Credit Corporation - Bond

Inv# GB5034
State(s): New York
Years: 1970's
Monsanto Co. - 1970's dated Agrochemical & Agricultural Biotechnology Corporation Bond
Tenneco Corporation - 1960's-70's dated Automotive Bond

Tenneco Corporation - 1960's-70's dated Automotive Bond

Inv# GB5088
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1960's-70's
Union Carbide Corporation - Chemical Corp. Bond

Union Carbide Corporation - Chemical Corp. Bond

Inv# GB5090
State(s): New York
Years: 1970's
A Complete Collection of America's Great Corporations - Collection of Scripophily
Admiral Corporation - 1960's dated Stock Certificate - American Appliance Brand

Admiral Corporation - 1960's dated Stock Certificate - American Appliance Brand

Inv# GS1004
Country: Canada
State(s): Delaware
New York
Years: 1960's
Air Products  and Chemicals, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1006
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1960's-70's
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