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Cincinnati, Lafayette and Chicago R.R. Co. - Stock Receipt

Cincinnati, Lafayette and Chicago R.R. Co. - Stock Receipt

Inv# RS5258
State(s): Illinois
New York
Years: 1873 or 1876
Dunkirk, Warren and Pittsburgh Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Receipt
Dunkirk, Warren and Pittsburgh Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Receipt
Dunkirk, Warren and Pittsburgh Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Receipt
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - Stock Transfer

Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - Stock Transfer

Inv# RS5260
State(s): Michigan
New York
Years: 1878
New-York Central Railroad Co. - Stock Receipt

New-York Central Railroad Co. - Stock Receipt

Inv# RS5261
State(s): New York
Years: 1853
Utica and Black River Rail Road Co. - Unissued Railway Stock Certificate
New-York Central Railroad Co. - Stock Transfer dated 1867
New-York Central Railroad Co. - 37 pages of Stock Dividend and Interest sheets dated 1855
Erie Railroad Co. - Specimen Bond

Erie Railroad Co. - Specimen Bond

Inv# SE3271
State(s): New York
Years: 19--
70 Items.  Showing Items 61 thru 70.
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