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1163 Items.  Showing Items 1 thru 100.
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Historical Society of Pennsylvania Membership -  1881 dated Americana

NewHistorical Society of Pennsylvania Membership - 1881 dated Americana

Inv# AM2582
New Item!
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1881
Chelten Hills Cemetery Co. Lot Sale -  1909 dated Americana

NewChelten Hills Cemetery Co. Lot Sale - 1909 dated Americana

Inv# AM2581
New Item!
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1909
City of Lynn Dog License -  1871 dated Americana

NewCity of Lynn Dog License - 1871 dated Americana

Inv# AM2580
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1871
OUT OF STOCK More Details
City of Lynn Dog License -  1873 or 1874 dated Americana

NewCity of Lynn Dog License - 1873 or 1874 dated Americana

Inv# AM2579
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1873 or 1874
City of Lynn Dog License -  1875-1883 dated Americana

NewCity of Lynn Dog License - 1875-1883 dated Americana

Inv# AM2578
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1875-1883
City of Lynn Dog License - 1861 dated Americana - Lynn, Massachusetts

NewCity of Lynn Dog License - 1861 dated Americana - Lynn, Massachusetts

Inv# AM2577
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1861
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Ballyhoo Magazine -  1932 dated Americana

NewBallyhoo Magazine - 1932 dated Americana

Inv# AM2576
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1932
Letter Between Masons -  1888 dated Americana

NewLetter Between Masons - 1888 dated Americana

Inv# AM2575
New Item!
State(s): New Hampshire
Years: 1888
Boston Sunday Post Centenary Booklet -  1800 dated Americana

NewBoston Sunday Post Centenary Booklet - 1800 dated Americana

Inv# AM2574
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1800
Democrat and Free Press Newspaper -  1861 dated Americana

NewDemocrat and Free Press Newspaper - 1861 dated Americana

Inv# AM2573
New Item!
State(s): Maine
Years: 1861
York Evening Express Newspaper -  1861 dated Americana

NewYork Evening Express Newspaper - 1861 dated Americana

Inv# AM2572
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1861
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Long Beach Bath House and Amusement Company Stock and Postcard -  1934 dated Americana
National Steamship Company Booklet -  1866 dated Americana

NewNational Steamship Company Booklet - 1866 dated Americana

Inv# AM2571
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1866
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Booklet -  1920's dated Americana
WWII Ration Stamps -  Americana

NewWWII Ration Stamps - Americana

Inv# AM2568
New Item!
State(s): California
Promisorry Note in Pounds - 1828 dated Americana

NewPromisorry Note in Pounds - 1828 dated Americana

Inv# AM2567
New Item!
State(s): Rhode Island
Years: 1828
Billheads and Receipts- Lot of 9 - 1863-1907 dated Americana

NewBillheads and Receipts- Lot of 9 - 1863-1907 dated Americana

Inv# AM2566
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1863-1907
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Disney Dollars and Envelope - 1987 dated Americana
19 Maine Farmers' Almanac Booklets - 1911-1933 dated Americana

New19 Maine Farmers' Almanac Booklets - 1911-1933 dated Americana

Inv# AM2564
New Item!
State(s): Maine
Years: 1913-1933
OUT OF STOCK More Details
7 Booklets from the Thomas Alva Edison Foundation - 1981 dated Americana
Unissued WWII Service Record - 1940 dated Americana

NewUnissued WWII Service Record - 1940 dated Americana

Inv# AM2562
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1940
History of Fort Ticonderoga Booklet - 1920's circa Americana

NewHistory of Fort Ticonderoga Booklet - 1920's circa Americana

Inv# AM2561
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1920's or so
Metropolitan Opera Centennial Official First Day Cover - 1883-1983 dated Americana
Tugby's Illustrated Guide to Niagara Falls - 1885 dated Americana

NewTugby's Illustrated Guide to Niagara Falls - 1885 dated Americana

Inv# AM2559
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1885
N.P.R.A. - 9th Annual Concert and Ball of the Nashua Police Relief Assoc. - 1901 dated Americana
7 Different Wright Brothers French Postcards - Americana

New7 Different Wright Brothers French Postcards - Americana

Inv# AM2557
New Item!
Country: France
Years: (1910 or so)
J No. 168 Burner Ad with Uncle Sam - Americana

NewJ No. 168 Burner Ad with Uncle Sam - Americana

Inv# AM2556
New Item!
Country: United States
Map of Boston Massachusetts and Vicinity Including Port Facilities - 1948 dated Boston and Maine Railroad Map - Americana
Harpers Weekly "The Village Lawyer" in matte - 1876 dated Americana
Heinz Pickle Label - 1869 dated Americana
Request Letter for Militia in War of 1812 - 1859 dated Americana

NewRequest Letter for Militia in War of 1812 - 1859 dated Americana

Inv# AM2553
New Item!
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1859
Revolutionary War Service Request Letter - 1855 dated Americana

NewRevolutionary War Service Request Letter - 1855 dated Americana

Inv# AM2552
New Item!
State(s): Connecticut
Years: October 24, 1855
Pair of Service Request Letters - 1853 dated Americana

NewPair of Service Request Letters - 1853 dated Americana

Inv# AM2551
New Item!
State(s): Connecticut
Years: July 6 and June 29, 1853
Service Request Letter - 1853 dated Americana

NewService Request Letter - 1853 dated Americana

Inv# AM2550
New Item!
State(s): Connecticut
Years: August 16, 1853
Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula RR Co. Transfer Sheets with Revenue Stamps - 1863 and 1864 dated Americana
Boston and Providence RR Dividend Letter with Revenue Stamp - 1872 dated Americana

NewBoston and Providence RR Dividend Letter with Revenue Stamp - 1872 dated Americana

Inv# AM2543
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
New York
Years: January 6, 1872
Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley RR Co. Land Sale with Revenue Stamp - 1870 dated Americana

NewUtica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley RR Co. Land Sale with Revenue Stamp - 1870 dated Americana

Inv# AM2541
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: June 24, 1870
Land Sale Agreement with Revenue Stamp - 1870 dated Americana

NewLand Sale Agreement with Revenue Stamp - 1870 dated Americana

Inv# AM2540
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: June 11, 1870
Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley RR Co. Land Sale with Revenue Stamp - 1872 dated Americana
Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley RR Co. Land Sale with Revenue Stamp - 1870's dated Americana
2 Handwritten Letters with Revenue Stamps - 1870 dated Americana
Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula RR Co. Letter with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Americana
Northern Pacific RR Co. Stub with List on back - 1882 dated Americana

NewNorthern Pacific RR Co. Stub with List on back - 1882 dated Americana

Inv# AM2535
New Item!
State(s): Illinois
Years: April 12, 1882


Providence Warren and Bristol RR Corp. Receipt with Revenue Stamp - 1867 dated Americana
Farmers RR Co. Receipt with Revenue Stamp - 1867 dated Americana

NewFarmers RR Co. Receipt with Revenue Stamp - 1867 dated Americana

Inv# AM2534
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: April 22, 1867
Morris and Essex RR Co. Estimate with Revenue Stamp - 1868 dated Americana

NewMorris and Essex RR Co. Estimate with Revenue Stamp - 1868 dated Americana

Inv# AM2533
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: May 1, 1868
Receipt for Clothing for the Morris and Essex RR Company with Revenue Stamp - 1868 dated Americana
Dividend Order with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Americana

NewDividend Order with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Americana

Inv# AM2531
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1865
Land Record with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Americana

NewLand Record with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Americana

Inv# AM2530
New Item!
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1865
Article of Agreement with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Americana

NewArticle of Agreement with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Americana

Inv# AM2529
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1865
Mortgage Indenture with Revenue Stamp - 1868 dated Americana

NewMortgage Indenture with Revenue Stamp - 1868 dated Americana

Inv# AM2528
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1868
Letter Concerning Shares in Railroad - 1854 dated Americana

NewLetter Concerning Shares in Railroad - 1854 dated Americana

Inv# AM2527
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: February 13, 1854
Deed for the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg RR Co. with Revenue Stamps - 1867 dated Americana
Morris and Essex RR Co. Dividend Receipt with Revenue Stamp - 1864 dated Americana

NewMorris and Essex RR Co. Dividend Receipt with Revenue Stamp - 1864 dated Americana

Inv# AM2525
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: February 2, 1864
Boston and Providence RR Corp. Invoice with Revenue Stamp - 1870 dated Americana

NewBoston and Providence RR Corp. Invoice with Revenue Stamp - 1870 dated Americana

Inv# AM2523
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Rhode Island
Years: April 4, 1870
Boston and Providence RR Corp. Invoice with Revenue Stamp - 1868 dated Americana

NewBoston and Providence RR Corp. Invoice with Revenue Stamp - 1868 dated Americana

Inv# AM2522
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Rhode Island
Years: 1868
Boston and Providence RR Co. Invoice with Revenue Stamp - Americana

NewBoston and Providence RR Co. Invoice with Revenue Stamp - Americana

Inv# AM2521
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Rhode Island
Dividend Receipts and Letter with Revenue Stamp - 1872 dated Americana
Receipt with Revenue Stamp - 1867 dated Americana

NewReceipt with Revenue Stamp - 1867 dated Americana

Inv# AM2519
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: October, 18, 1867
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Receipt with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Americana

NewReceipt with Revenue Stamp - 1865 dated Americana

Inv# AM2518
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Rhode Island
Years: 1865



Provisions Return from the War of 1812 - 1813 dated Americana

NewProvisions Return from the War of 1812 - 1813 dated Americana

Inv# AM2517
New Item!
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1813



Receipts and Invoice with Revenue Stamps - 1862, 1865 and 1868 dated Americana

NewReceipts and Invoice with Revenue Stamps - 1862, 1865 and 1868 dated Americana

Inv# AM2516
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1862, 1865 and 1868



Memo of Agreement between Robert H. Day and Napoleon B. Archambault - 1865 dated Americana



Canvas Toll of DeWitt Clinton Election for Governor - 1826 dated Americana


Court Decree of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Co. vs. Jabez C. Howe and others - 1866 dated Americana
Patent License for the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Co. - 1870 dated Americana

NewPatent License for the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Co. - 1870 dated Americana

Inv# AM2512
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1870
Lot of Railroad Letters and Documents - 1870's-1920's dated Americana

NewLot of Railroad Letters and Documents - 1870's-1920's dated Americana

Inv# AM2511
New Item!
State(s): New York
South Dakota
Years: 1870's-1920's
Lot of Railroad Letters and Documents - 1860's-1870's dated Americana

NewLot of Railroad Letters and Documents - 1860's-1870's dated Americana

Inv# AM2510
New Item!
State(s): Maryland
Years: 1860's-1870's
Pair of B and O Railroad Stock Transfers - 1891 and 1892 dated Americana

NewPair of B and O Railroad Stock Transfers - 1891 and 1892 dated Americana

Inv# AM2509
New Item!
State(s): Maryland
Years: 1891 and 1892
Lot of Railroad Related Documents - Americana

NewLot of Railroad Related Documents - Americana

Inv# AM2508
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1860's
APPLE Computer, Inc.  SPECIMEN Common Stock Certificate - Extremely Popular

NewAPPLE Computer, Inc. SPECIMEN Common Stock Certificate - Extremely Popular

Inv# SE4475A
New Item!
State(s): California
New York
Years: 12-27-80
Purchase Order with Revenue Stamp - 1864 dated Americana

Purchase Order with Revenue Stamp - 1864 dated Americana

Inv# AM2435
State(s): Rhode Island
Years: 1864
Purchase Order with Revenue Stamp - 1864 dated Americana
Purchase Order with Revenue Stamp - 1867 dated Americana

Purchase Order with Revenue Stamp - 1867 dated Americana

Inv# AM2433
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1867
 New-York Morning Post Early Reprint - 1783 dated Americana
Modern Reprint of the Overland Mail Company Schedule - 1858 dated Americana

Modern Reprint of the Overland Mail Company Schedule - 1858 dated Americana

Inv# AM2410
State(s): California
Years: 1858
An Act of the Delaware, Lehigh and Wyoming Valley Railroad Co. - 1853 dated Americana
Annual Report of the Lackawanna and Montrose Railroad - 1891-1892 dated Americana
An Act of 1884 State Taxes on Railroads - Americana

An Act of 1884 State Taxes on Railroads - Americana

Inv# AM2407
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1884
Morris and Essex RR leased to Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR - 1875  dated Americana
List of Stocks and Bonds Stolen - 1876  dated Americana

List of Stocks and Bonds Stolen - 1876 dated Americana

Inv# AM2405
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1/26/1876
Pictures of Famous Financial and Business People - 1882  dated Americana
Sarah Bernhardt Tour Program - 1905-1906  dated Americana

Sarah Bernhardt Tour Program - 1905-1906 dated Americana

Inv# AM2403
State(s): New York
Years: 1905-1906
Ad for Cincinnati Gazette - 1882  dated Americana
Request for payment of Mortgage and Interest Bonds - 1812  dated Americana
 Brown Herald Newspaper  -  1898 dated Americana

Brown Herald Newspaper - 1898 dated Americana

Inv# AM2400
State(s): Rhode Island
Years: 1898
 Uncut Sheet of 5 Mining Checks  -  189- dated Americana

Uncut Sheet of 5 Mining Checks - 189- dated Americana

Inv# AM2399
State(s): Montana
New York
Years: 189-
 Historical Wood Relic  -  1925 dated Americana

Historical Wood Relic - 1925 dated Americana

Inv# AM2398
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1925
 Western Sheet Music by Percy Wenrich  -  Americana
 Wild West Weekly  -  1913 dated Americana

Wild West Weekly - 1913 dated Americana

Inv# AM2396
State(s): New York
Years: 1913
 Wild West Weekly  -  1910 dated Americana

Wild West Weekly - 1910 dated Americana

Inv# AM2395
State(s): New York
Years: 1910
 Dime Novel  -  1909 dated Americana

Dime Novel - 1909 dated Americana

Inv# AM2394
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1909
 Daguerreotype of Man with Book  -  Americana
United States Commission of Patents Document signed by Robert McClelland - 4th United States Secretary of the Interior - 1854 dated Americana
 Indenture of Land Sale Document - 1860 dated Americana

Indenture of Land Sale Document - 1860 dated Americana

Inv# AM2390
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1860
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Group of 74 Various Bill Heads - 1920's-1930's - Americana

Group of 74 Various Bill Heads - 1920's-1930's - Americana

Inv# AM2389
State(s): Missouri
New Jersey
Years: 1920's-1930's
Group of 65 Various Bill Heads - 1920's - Americana

Group of 65 Various Bill Heads - 1920's - Americana

Inv# AM2388
State(s): Missouri
New Jersey
New York
Years: 1920's
Group of 100 Various Bill Heads - 1920's and 1930's - Americana

Group of 100 Various Bill Heads - 1920's and 1930's - Americana

Inv# AM2387
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1920's-1930's
Group of 58 Various Bill Heads - 1920's and 1930's - Americana

Group of 58 Various Bill Heads - 1920's and 1930's - Americana

Inv# AM2386
State(s): Missouri
Years: 1920's-1930's
Militia Commission - 1821 dated - Americana

Militia Commission - 1821 dated - Americana

Inv# AM2385
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1821
1163 Items.  Showing Items 1 thru 100.
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