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New Pennsylvania Petroleum Co. - Stock Certificate

New Pennsylvania Petroleum Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1521
State(s): California
Years: 1911 & 1917
New Tuxpam Star Oil Corporation - Stock Certificate
New York - Oklahoma Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

New York - Oklahoma Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1056
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1918
New York and Albany Petroleum and Mining Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
New York and Boston Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

New York and Boston Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1474
State(s): Massachusetts
New York
Years: 1865
New York and Connecticut Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
New York and Franklin Oil Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
New York and Hughes River Oil Co. - 1870 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
New York and Pennsylvania Oil Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
New York and Philadelphia Petroleum Co.- 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
New York and Tidioute Oil Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
New York Coalinga Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

New York Coalinga Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1890
State(s): Arizona
New York
Years: 1909
New York Flowing Oil Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
New York Petroleum Prize Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
New York Walnut Bend Petroleum Co.

New York Walnut Bend Petroleum Co.

Inv# OS1345
State(s): New York
Years: 1865
New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Consolidated Petroleum and Mining Co., New York - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Niagara Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Niagara Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1522
State(s): Indiana
Years: 1904
Niagara Oil Co. of Pennsylvania - 1877 dated Stock Certificate
Niagara Oil Syndicate - Stock Certificate

Niagara Oil Syndicate - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1816
State(s): Kansas
Years: 1921
Noble Farm Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Noble Well Oil Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Noe Oil and Gas Co. - Stock Certificate

Noe Oil and Gas Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1398
State(s): Louisiana
Years: 1923
Noehren-Mannix Petroleum, Limited

Noehren-Mannix Petroleum, Limited

Inv# OS1416
Country: Canada
Years: 1914
Norco First Drilling Corporation - 1940 dated Oil Stock Certificate - Wenatchee, Washington
Norman Oil Corporation - $1,000 Bond

Norman Oil Corporation - $1,000 Bond

Inv# OS1620
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1921
North American Coal and Oil Co.

North American Coal and Oil Co.

Inv# OS1605
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1921
North American Exploitation Co. - 1904 dated Trust Agreement

North American Exploitation Co. - 1904 dated Trust Agreement

Inv# OS2267
State(s): District Of Columbia
Years: 1904
North American Oil & Refining Corporation - Stock Certificate
North American Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

North American Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1817
State(s): Maryland
Years: 1937
North American Petroleum Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
North American Petroleum Corp. - 1960 dated Oil Stock Certificate
North American Uranium and Oil Corp. - Stock Certificate
North European Oil Royalty Trust - Unit Certificate
North Mill Creek Oil Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate

North Mill Creek Oil Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS2060
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1865
North River Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

North River Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

Inv# OS2269
State(s): New York
Years: 1865
North Western Oil Co. - 1865 or 1867 dated Stock Certificate

North Western Oil Co. - 1865 or 1867 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1891
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1865 or 1867
North-Central Oil Corporation - Stock Certificate

North-Central Oil Corporation - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1783
State(s): Montana
Years: 1920
Northeastern Oil and Gas Co. - 1937 dated West Virginia Stock Certificate
Northern Colorado Oil and Royalty Co.  - Stock Certificate
Northern National Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Northern National Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1652
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1920 or 1921
Northland Oil and Gas Corporation - Stock Certificate
Northwest Co. - Stock Certificate

Northwest Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1525
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1925
Northwest Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Northwest Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1819
State(s): Wyoming
Years: 1918 or 1921
Northwest Pipeline Corp. -  1976-1978 dated Stock Certificate
Northwestern Petroleum Co. - Stock Certificate

Northwestern Petroleum Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1526
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1918
Numac Oil and Gas Ltd.

Numac Oil and Gas Ltd.

Inv# SE2768
Country: Canada
Oak-View Lease Pool - Stock Certificate

Oak-View Lease Pool - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1691
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1927
Oakliana Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Oakliana Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1693
State(s): Indiana
Years: 1920
Ocean Oil Co. - 1868 dated Stock Certificate

Ocean Oil Co. - 1868 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS2062
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1868
Oceanic Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

Oceanic Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

Inv# OS2270
State(s): New York
Years: 1865
Ogden Oil Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate

Ogden Oil Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS2063
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1865
Ohio Amber Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Ohio Amber Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1436
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1865 or 1866
Ohio and Indiana Oil Co. - Unissued Stock Certificate

Ohio and Indiana Oil Co. - Unissued Stock Certificate

Inv# OS2332
State(s): Arizona
Years: 190-
Ohio Basin Oil Co. - 1865 dated Error Stock Certificate

Ohio Basin Oil Co. - 1865 dated Error Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1933A
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1865
Ohio Basin Oil Co. - 1865 or 1866 dated Stock Certificate

Ohio Basin Oil Co. - 1865 or 1866 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1933
State(s): Ohio
Years: 1865 or 1866
Ohio Petroleum Co. -  1864 dated Stock Certificate

Ohio Petroleum Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS2379
State(s): New York
Years: 1864
Ohio-Ranger Oil Co. - 1920 dated Stock Certificate

Ohio-Ranger Oil Co. - 1920 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1437
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1920
Oil City and Ridgeway Railway and Mining Co. - Stock Certificate
Oil City Petroleum and Refining Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate

NewOil City Petroleum and Refining Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS2390
New Item!
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1865
Oil Creek and Cherry Run Oil Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate
Oil Creek and East Sandy Oil Co. - 1866 dated Stock Certificate
Oil Creek Gas Mineral and Mining Co. - Stock Certificate
Oil Creek Gas Mineral and Mining Co. - Stock Certificate
Oil Creek Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Oil Creek Petroleum Co. - Stock Certificate

Oil Creek Petroleum Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1068
State(s): California
Years: 1860's
Oil Fields Development Co. - Stock Certificate

Oil Fields Development Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1280
State(s): Arizona
Years: 1918-20
Oil Finance Corp. - Stock Certificate

Oil Finance Corp. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1946
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1952-1961
Oil Land Co. - Stock Certificate

Oil Land Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1528
State(s): South Dakota
Years: 1901
Oil Lease Development Co. - Stock Certificate

Oil Lease Development Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1692
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1922
Oil Leaseholders' Syndicate - Foreign Stock Certificate
Oil Operators Trust - 1921 or 1922 dated Fort Worth, Texas Stock Certificate
Oil Producers Co. - Stock Certificate

Oil Producers Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1820
State(s): California
Years: 1924
Oil Run Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate

Oil Run Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS2064
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1865
Oil Run Petroleum Co. - 1865 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Oil Spring Petroleum and Refining Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate
Oil Valley Petroleum Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate

Oil Valley Petroleum Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1144
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1864
Oil Ventures Limited - Stock Certificate

Oil Ventures Limited - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1821
Country: Canada
Years: 1943
Okalta Oils, Limited - 1958 dated Stock Certificate
Okay Leasing Co. Certificate

Okay Leasing Co. Certificate

Inv# TX1051
State(s): Texas
Years: 1920
Oklahoma Oil Corporation signed by J. Paul Getty - 1921 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

Oklahoma-Boston Oil Co - Stock Certificate

Oklahoma-Boston Oil Co - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1354
State(s): Maine
Years: 1920
Oklahoma-Iowa Oil Producers Co. - Stock Certificate

Oklahoma-Iowa Oil Producers Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1822
State(s): Iowa
Years: 1918
Oklahoma-Kansas Oil and Refining Co. - Oil Stock Certificate

Oklahoma-Kansas Oil and Refining Co. - Oil Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1734
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1918
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Oklatex Oil and Gas Co. - Stock Certificate

Oklatex Oil and Gas Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1823
State(s): Oklahoma
Years: 1916
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Okmulgee Producing and Refining Co. - Stock Certificate
Old Capitol Petroleum Fuel & Iron Co. - 1919 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Old Colony Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Old Colony Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1040
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1865
Olympian Oil Co. - Colorado Oil Stock Certificate

Olympian Oil Co. - Colorado Oil Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1632
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1917
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Olympic Oil Co. - Seattle, Washington Stock Certificate

Olympic Oil Co. - Seattle, Washington Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1025
State(s): Washington
Years: 1919-20
Omaha Oil Co. - 1883 dated Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Omar Oil and Gas Co. - 1924 dated Stock Certificate - Petroleum Industry
Ontario-Alberta Oil Explorations Limited - Stock Certificate
Onwego Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Onwego Oil Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1824
State(s): Oklahoma
Years: 1920 or 1921
Orange Oil and Refining Co. - 1902 or 1903 dated Stock Certificate

Orange Oil and Refining Co. - 1902 or 1903 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1234
State(s): West Virginia
Years: 1902 or 1903
Orange Oil Production Co. - Stock Certificate

Orange Oil Production Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1892
State(s): Texas
Years: 19--
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Orfic Gasoline Production Co

Orfic Gasoline Production Co

Inv# OS1616
State(s): Oklahoma
Years: 1924
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Organic Oil Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate

Organic Oil Co. - 1864 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS2066
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1864
Osage Oil and Refining Co.

Osage Oil and Refining Co.

Inv# OS1206
State(s): South Dakota
Years: 1918
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Osage-Gulf Oil and Refining Co. - 1921 dated Stock Certificate
Otay Oil Co.

Otay Oil Co.

Inv# OS1653
State(s): California
Years: 1917
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