star decoration Railroad Bonds star decoration

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1467 Items.  Showing Items 221 thru 240.
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Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls and Northwestern Railway Co. - 1884 dated $1,000/£200 British Pounds Bond
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Co. - 1889 dated $500 Railway Bond - Extremely Rare
Union Pacific Railroad Co. - 1907 dated $250 Railway Gold Fractional Warrant for Convertible Bond
New York, Pittsburgh and Chicago Railway Co. - 1881 dated $500 Railroad Bond

New York, Pittsburgh and Chicago Railway Co. - 1881 dated $500 Railroad Bond

Inv# RB5587A
State(s): Illinois
New York
Years: 1881
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Washington Central Railrway Co. - Circa 1910 $500 Northern Pacific Archive Bond - Brown Type
Washington Central Railway Co. - Circa 1910 $1,000 Northern Pacific Archive Bond - Green Type
Wabash Railway Co. - Railroad Specimen Bond
Proof Stock Certificate - Delaware & Raritan Canal & Camden & Amboy Rail Road & Transportation Co.
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad - 1964 dated $1,000 Specimen Bond
Chicago, Iowa and Dakota Railway Co. - Railroad Bond Proof

Chicago, Iowa and Dakota Railway Co. - Railroad Bond Proof

Inv# PR1034
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1882
Southern Railway Co. - 1902 dated $1,000 Railroad Gold Bond - Memphis Division
Pittsburgh Southern Rail Road Co. - $189.20 Railway Bond dated 1878
New York West Shore and Buffalo Railway Co. -  $10,000 and $1,000 Specimen Bond
St. Paul and Kansas City Short Line Railroad Co. - Red or Purple Are Left - 1911 dated Specimen Railway Gold Bond - Specify Color when Ordering
Helena, Boulder Valley and Butte Railroad Co. - $1,000 Specimen Bond
Butte, Anaconda and Pacific Railway Co. - 1914 dated $1,000 Specimen Bond
Winona and Southwestern Railway Co. - dated 1890 $100 Railroad Fractional Certificate
Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railway Co. - 1908 dated $1,000 Gold Certificate of Deposit
Town of Sandy Creek  - $100 Bond

Town of Sandy Creek - $100 Bond

Inv# RB7453
State(s): New York
Years: 1870
Town of North Danville, Virginia  - $500 Bond

Town of North Danville, Virginia - $500 Bond

Inv# RB7452
State(s): Virginia
Years: 1884
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1467 Items.  Showing Items 221 thru 240.
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