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1467 Items.  Showing Items 481 thru 500.
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New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co. - 1925 dated $100 Railway Bond
Middletown and Unionville Railroad Co. - $500 Bond

Middletown and Unionville Railroad Co. - $500 Bond

Inv# RB7317
State(s): New York
Years: 1913
Middletown and Unionville Railroad Co. - $1,000 Bond

Middletown and Unionville Railroad Co. - $1,000 Bond

Inv# RB7316
State(s): New York
Years: 1913
Lehigh Valley Car Co. of Allentown, Penna. - $1,000 Bond

Lehigh Valley Car Co. of Allentown, Penna. - $1,000 Bond

Inv# RB7315
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1887
Lehigh Valley Harbor Terminal Railway Co. - $1,000 Bond

Lehigh Valley Harbor Terminal Railway Co. - $1,000 Bond

Inv# RB5784A
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1924 & 1949
Lehigh and New England Terminal Ware House Co. - $1,000 or $500 Bond

Lehigh and New England Terminal Ware House Co. - $1,000 or $500 Bond

Inv# RB7314
State(s): New York
Years: 1925
Lehigh and New England Terminal Ware House Co. - $1,000 Bond

Lehigh and New England Terminal Ware House Co. - $1,000 Bond

Inv# RB7313
State(s): New York
Years: 1925
Lehigh and Eastern Railway Co. - $1,000 Bond

Lehigh and Eastern Railway Co. - $1,000 Bond

Inv# RB7312
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1878
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1930's-1940's dated $10,000 Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1897 dated $5,000 Railroad Gold Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1900-1930's dated $1,000 Railroad Bond
Erie Railroad Co. - Specimen Bond

Erie Railroad Co. - Specimen Bond

Inv# RB5685B
State(s): New York
Years: 1945
New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. - 1922-1935 dated Railway Bond
New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. - 1918 or 1936 dated $1,000 Railway Bond
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co. - 1920-1938 dated Railroad Bond
Issued to Sarah L. Winchester on 1924 New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co. - Wife of Winchester Repeating Arms Founder

Issued to Sarah L. Winchester on Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway - 1924 dated Railroad $1,000 Bond - Wife of Winchester Repeating Arms Founder

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to Horatio Nelson Slater - $1,000 Bond

Henry H. Rogers issued New York Central & Hudson River Railroad $1,000 Bond - Of Standard Oil Fame

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. issued to J.P. Morgan and Co. - $1,000 Bond

1467 Items.  Showing Items 481 thru 500.
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