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1467 Items.  Showing Items 621 thru 640.
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Louisville and Nashville Railroad Equipment Trust - $1,000 Bond - Other Various Denominations Available
Lincoln and North=Western Railroad Co. - $500 - Bond

Lincoln and North=Western Railroad Co. - $500 - Bond

Inv# RB7250
State(s): Nebraska
Years: 1879
Lehigh Valley Terminal - $1,000 - Bond

Lehigh Valley Terminal - $1,000 - Bond

Inv# RB7249
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1891
Lake Superior Corporation - 1904 dated $1,000 General Gold Bond
Kankakee and Seneca Railroad Co. - $1,000 - Bond (Uncanceled)
Jamestown, Franklin and Clearfield Railroad Co. - Various Denominations - Bond
Jackson Consolidated Traction Co. - $1,000 - Bond

Jackson Consolidated Traction Co. - $1,000 - Bond

Inv# RB7245
State(s): Michigan
Years: 1904
Unissued Carolina and North Western Railroad - (Immigration Bureau) - Railroad Bonds
Detroit Terminal and Tunnel - $10,000 - Bond

Detroit Terminal and Tunnel - $10,000 - Bond

Inv# RB7243
Country: Canada
State(s): Michigan
Years: 1911 or 1914
Connecting Railway Co. - 1911 dated $1,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Gold Bond
Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek District Railway Co. - $1,000 - Bond
Cleveland, Painsville and Ashtabula Rail Road Co. - 1850 dated $1,000 Railway Bond
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Co. - $1,000 Bond
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Co. - $5,000 Bond

Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Co. - $5,000 Bond

Inv# RB7238
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1888
Chicago and North Western Railway Co. - 1939 dated $1,000 Railroad Bond
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. - $100 Bond
Chicago and Alton Railroad Co. - $1,000 - Bond

Chicago and Alton Railroad Co. - $1,000 - Bond

Inv# RB7235
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1862
Central New York and Western Railroad Co. - 1892 dated $1,000 Railway Gold Bond - Absolutely Beautiful Design
Buffalo Northwestern Railway Co. - $1,000 - Bond

Buffalo Northwestern Railway Co. - $1,000 - Bond

Inv# RB7233
State(s): Oklahoma
Years: 1917
Broadway and Seventh Avenue Railroad Co. - $1,000 - Bond
1467 Items.  Showing Items 621 thru 640.
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