star decoration Railroad Bonds star decoration

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Chicago Rapid Transit Co.- $1,000 or $100 Bond (Uncanceled) dated 1923
Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad Co. - 1896 dated $1,000 5% Railway Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Blanchard Avenue Street Railway - $1,000 Ohio Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Baltimore and Drum Point Railroad - 1888 dated $1,000 Railway Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad - 1887 dated $1,000 Railway Vertical Bond (Uncanceled)
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Co. - 1887 dated $1,000 Uncanceled Railway Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Arkansas, Louisiana and Gulf Railway - $1,000 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Robert Schuyler signed Illinois Central Rail-Road Co. - $1,000 Autograph Railway Bond


Jepha H. Wade - Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids RR - $1,000 Bond
Cairo and Norfolk Railroad Co. - $100 Uncancelled Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
New York Central Railroad Co. signed by Harold Stirling Vanderbilt - $50,000 - Bond (Uncanceled)
Group of three $10,000 Railroad Bonds

Group of three $10,000 Railroad Bonds

Inv# RB5162
State(s): New York
Years: 1920's or so
Group of three $50,000 Railroad Bonds

Group of three $50,000 Railroad Bonds

Inv# RB5161
State(s): New York
Years: 1920's or so
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St. Louis, Alton and Springfield Railroad - $1,000 Bond
New Bedford Railroad - Bond

New Bedford Railroad - Bond

Inv# RB5158
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1876
Mobile and Girard Railroad - 1860's dated $500 Railway Bond - Great Early Graphics with Washington Revenue
Michigan Central Railroad - Registered Bond (Uncanceled)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts for Railroad Grade Crossings - Bond
Mansfield and Framingham Railroad - Bond

Mansfield and Framingham Railroad - Bond

Inv# RB5154
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1871
International - Great Northern Railroad - Bond
1460 Items.  Showing Items 1301 thru 1320.
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