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Millstone and New Brunswick Railroad Co. - 1884-1895 dated Stock Certificate
McKean and Elk Land and Improvement Co.

McKean and Elk Land and Improvement Co.

Inv# RS2666
State(s): New York
Years: 1862
Milwaukee Street Railway - Stock Certificate

Milwaukee Street Railway - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2665
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1891
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Milford and Uxbridge Street Railway - Stock Certificate

Milford and Uxbridge Street Railway - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2664
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1921
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Michigan Midland and Canada Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Michigan Midland and Canada Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2663
Country: Canada
State(s): Michigan
New York
Years: 1873-93
Malden and Melrose Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Malden and Melrose Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2662
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1858 or 1859
McKean and Buffalo Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

McKean and Buffalo Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2661
State(s): New York
Years: 1881
Maine Central Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Maine Central Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2660
State(s): Maine
Years: 1912-17
Maine Central Railroad - Stock Certificate

Maine Central Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2659
State(s): Maine
Years: 187-
Maine Central Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Maine Central Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2658
State(s): Maine
Years: 1912-15
Madison and Indianapolis Railroad - 1856-61 dated Indiana Railway Stock Certificate
Mahopac Falls Rail Road Co. - Stock Certificate

Mahopac Falls Rail Road Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2656
State(s): New York
Years: 188-
Madison, Illinois and St. Louis Railway

Madison, Illinois and St. Louis Railway

Inv# RS2655
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1921-40
Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2654
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1900's-1920's
Capital Traction Co. - Stock Certificate

Capital Traction Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS4925
State(s): District Of Columbia
Years: 1898-99
United States Express Co. - 1930 dated New York Express Stock Certificate

United States Express Co. - 1930 dated New York Express Stock Certificate

Inv# AX1011
Country: United States
State(s): New York
Years: 1930
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M-V All Weather Train Comptroller - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

M-V All Weather Train Comptroller - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)

Inv# RS2653
State(s): Delaware
New Jersey
Years: 1922
Saint Joseph and Western Railroad - Beautiful Red Colored Railway Stock Certificate
St. Joseph Railway, Light, Heat and Power Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate
Paterson and Hudson River Railroad - Railway Stock Certificate

Paterson and Hudson River Railroad - Railway Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2650
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1918 & 1927
Passaic Valley and Peapack Railroad Co. - New Jersey Railway Stock Certificate
Orleans and Jefferson Railway Co. - 1901 dated New Orleans, Louisiana Railroad Stock Certificate - Unlisted Rail Certificate
Newry Railroad - Stock Certificate

Newry Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2647
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1864
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Maine Central Railroad - Stock Certificate

Maine Central Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2645
State(s): Maine
Years: 1885-91
Loughridge Brake and Car Co. - Stock Certificate

Loughridge Brake and Car Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2644
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1893
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Harrisburg City Passenger Railway - Stock Certificate

Harrisburg City Passenger Railway - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2643
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1922
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Cincinnati, Lebanon and Northern Railway
Cincinnati, Lafayette and Chicago Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Cincinnati, Lafayette and Chicago Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2642
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1874
Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad - Stock Certificate
Choctaw and Memphis Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Choctaw and Memphis Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2640
State(s): Oklahoma
Years: 1899
Chicago, Inidanapolis and Louisville Railway

Chicago, Inidanapolis and Louisville Railway

Inv# RS2639
State(s): Illinois
Years: 19--
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Chicago-New York Electric Air Line Railroad Co. - 1908 dated Railway Stock Certificate - Very Important in Railroad History
Chicago, Indiana and Southern Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Chicago, Indiana and Southern Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2637
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1900's
Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2636
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1914-39
Chicago, Fort Madison and Des Moines Railroad - Stock Certificate
Chestnut Hill Railroad Co.

Chestnut Hill Railroad Co.

Inv# RS2634
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1861 or 92
Charles River Branch Railroad - Stock Certificate

Charles River Branch Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2633
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1853-55
Central Vermont Railway Co. - Vermont Unissued Railroad Stock Certificate
Cedar Falls and Minnesota Railroad - Stock Certificate

Cedar Falls and Minnesota Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2631
State(s): Iowa
Years: 1890's
Canada Southern Railway - 1893 dated Canadian Railroad Stock Certificate - Green Rare Type
Buffalo and Niagara Falls Railroad - Unissued Railway Stock Certificate
Brighton and Onondaga Vallery Railroad - Stock Certificate
Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Co. - Railway Stock Certificate

Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Co. - Railway Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2627
State(s): Connecticut
Years: 1880-81
Baring Cross Bridge Co. - Stock Certificate

Baring Cross Bridge Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2626
State(s): Arkansas
Years: 1906-27
Maysville and Lexington Railroad - 1872 dated Kentucky Railway Stock Certificate
Kilby Frog and Switch Co. - Stock Certificate

Kilby Frog and Switch Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2624
State(s): Alabama
Years: 1906 & 1925
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Chattanooga Union Railway Co. - circa 1880's Unissued Railroad Stock Certificate
Wabash Railway Co. - 1918-1938 dated Indiana Railroad Stock Certificate

Wabash Railway Co. - 1918-1938 dated Indiana Railroad Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2601
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1918-1938
William Jackson - Syracuse and Utica Railroad - Stock Certificate
Searcy and Des Arc Railroad of Searcy, AR - Stock Certificate
Strong Locomotive Co. - Stock Certificate

Strong Locomotive Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2619
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1891
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Sharon Railway - 1901-1927 dated Railroad Stock Certificate - Sharon Railroad Operated from 1873 to 1953
Sharon Railway - 1881-1892 dated Stock Certificate

Sharon Railway - 1881-1892 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2617
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1881 or 1892
Schuylkill and Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Schuylkill and Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2616
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1889 or 1934
Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate
Salem Railroad - 1864 dated New Jersey Railway Stock Certificate
Salem Railroad

Salem Railroad

Inv# RS2613
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1862-1864
Sarnia, Chatham and Erie Railway - Stock Certificate
St. Louis, Indianapolis and Eastern Railroad - Stock Certificate
St. Louis, Indianapolis and Eastern Railroad - Circa 1890's Unissued Railway Stock Certificate - Gorgeous Eagle and Dog Vignette
St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad - Stock Certificate

St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2608
State(s): Kansas
Years: April 26, 1887
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St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad - Stock Certificate

St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2607
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1880's
Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh Railroad - circa 1860's Unissued Railway Stock Certificate
Rock Island and Peoria Railway - Stock Certificate

Rock Island and Peoria Railway - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2605
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1899
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Rock Island Co. - Stock Certificate

Rock Island Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2604
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1902-14
Rochester and Lake Ontario Railroad - Stock Certificate
Rhode Island and Massachusetts Railroad - Unissued Railway Stock Certificate - Extremely Rare
Portland and Rumford Falls Railway - Stock Certificate
Pittsburgh, Youngstown and Ashtabula Railroad Co. - Unissued Stock Certificate
Portsmouth Horse Railroad - Stock Certificate

Portsmouth Horse Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2598
State(s): New Hampshire
Years: 1880's
Pittsburgh and West End Passenger Railway Co. - Stock Certificate
Pittsburgh and West End Passenger Railway Co. - 1891 dated Stock Certificate
Mansfield and Framingham Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Mansfield and Framingham Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2595
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1870 or 1872
Mahoning Coal Railroad Issued to and Signed by C. W. Harkness  - Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Thomas C. Durant signed Peoria and Bureau Valley Railroad Co. - 1865-69 dated Autograph Railway Stock Certificate

Missouri River Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Missouri River Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# NP1075
State(s): North Dakota
Years: 1900 or so
Fargo and Southwestern Railroad Co. -1800's dated Stock Certificate

Fargo and Southwestern Railroad Co. -1800's dated Stock Certificate

Inv# NP1072
State(s): Dakotas
Years: 1882, 1887 or 1896
Walla Walla Valley Traction Co. dated 1900's- Washington and Oregon Railroad Stock Certificate
United Railroads of Washington - Northern Pacific Archive - Unissued Railroad Stock Certificate - Washington State
Tacoma, Orting and Southeastern Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Tacoma, Orting and Southeastern Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# NP1063
State(s): Washington
Years: 1880's or so
Spokane and Seattle Railway Co. - 1890's dated Unissued Railroad Stock Certificate
Seattle and International Railway Co. - Northern Pacific Archive - Unissued Railroad Stock Certificate - Washington State
Olympic Peninsula Railway Co. - Northern Pacific Archive - Unissued Railroad Stock Certificate - Washington State
Portland Vancouver and Yakima Railway Co. signed by Louis Gerlinger - Railroad Stock Certificate
North Yakima & Valley Railway Co. - 1900's circa Unissued Washington Railroad Stock Certificate - Part of the Northern Pacific Railroad System
Mill Creek Railroad Co. - Northern Pacific Archive - Unissued Railway Stock Certificate - Washington State
Green River and Northern Railroad Co. - Northern Pacific Archive - Unissued Railway Stock Certificate - Washington State
Centralia Eastern Railroad Co. - Northern Pacific Archive - Unissued Railway Stock Certificate - Washington State
Gaylord and Ruby Valley Railway Co. - circa 1890's Railroad Stock Certificate - Part of the Northern Pacific Railroad System
Bear Creek and Western Railway Company - 1910's dated Montana Railroad Stock Certificate
Duluth, Crookston and Northern Railroad - Stock Certificate

Duluth, Crookston and Northern Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# NP1022
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1880's or so
Cuyuna Northern Railway - Stock Certificate

Cuyuna Northern Railway - Stock Certificate

Inv# NP1019
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1910 or so
Big Fork and Northern Railway Co. - Northern Pacific Archive
Big Fork and International Falls Railway - Northern Pacific Archive
Coeur D'Alene Railway and Navigation Co. - Brown or Green, You Choose - Idaho Railroad Stock Certificate
Lehigh Dock Co. of Superior City, Wisconsin - Shipping Stock Certificate - Subsidiary of the Northern Pacific Railway
Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railway Co. - 1887-1896 dated Railroad Stock Certificate - Branch Line of the Northern Pacific Railroad
St. Paul and Northern Pacific Railway - Minnesota Railroad Stock Certificate
Duluth Short Line Railway Co. - Unissued Minnesota Railroad Stock Certificate - Gorgeous Vignette
Seattle and San Francisco Railway and Navigation Co. - Washington and California Stock Certificate
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