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Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad - Stock Certificate

Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# NP1004
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1870's-90's
Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad - Stock Certificate

Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# NP1003
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1870's-90's
Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. - Minnesota Railway Stock Certificate - Northern Pacific Archive
Set of 3 Stock Certificates of the Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Co. - 1870's-90's dated Minnesota Railway Stock - Northern Pacific Railroad Archive
Set of 5 Northern Pacific Railroad dated 1876-97 Stock Certificates - 5 Different Gorgeous Colors - Fantastic History
Panama Rail Road Co. - 1872 dated Railway Stock Certificate - Great Railroad History

NewPanama Rail Road Co. - 1872 dated Railway Stock Certificate - Great Railroad History

Inv# FS1116
New Item!
Country: Panama
State(s): New York
Years: 1872
Monopoly Board Game Set of 3 - B&O RR, Penn RR & Reading RR - 2 Stock Certificates & 1 Bond
St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2593
Country: Canada
State(s): New York
Years: 1901 or 1902
Rutland and Noyan Railway - Unissued Vermont & Canada Railroad Stock Certificate - Canada and Vermont
Ontario Pacific Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Ontario Pacific Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2591
Country: Canada
Years: 1897
Norwood and Montreal Railroad - Unissued Canadian Railway Stock Certificate
State Line and Union Railroad Co.- Unissued Stock Certificate
Milwaukee and Northwestern Railway - Stock Certificate
Parkersburg Branch Railroad - 1870's circa Unissued Railway Stock Certificate - Successor of the North Western Virginia Railroad
Parkersburg Branch Railroad - Stock Certificate

Parkersburg Branch Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2585
State(s): West Virginia
Years: 1860's-70's
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Northern and Southern West Virginia Railroad - Stock Certificate
Southern Railway Set of 3 - Three Stock Certificates

Southern Railway Set of 3 - Three Stock Certificates

Inv# RS2583
State(s): Virginia
Years: 1960's
Norfolk Southern Railway Co. - 1956-1962 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Camden and Northeastern Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
Southern Trans-Continental Railway

Southern Trans-Continental Railway

Inv# RS2551
State(s): Texas
Years: 1870's
Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad - 1890's Railway Stock Certificate
Memphis Street Railway Co. - Tennessee Railroad Stocks
Memphis Street Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Memphis Street Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2547
State(s): Tennessee
Years: 1943
Memphis Street Railway Co. - circa 1900 Tennessee Unissued Railroad Stock Certificate
Memphis and Raleigh Springs Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
Northern Pacific Railway Co. - 1914 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
United Telpherage Co. - Stock Certificate

United Telpherage Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2543
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1902-04
New York and Fort Lee Railroad Co. - Railway Stock Certificate

New York and Fort Lee Railroad Co. - Railway Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2542
State(s): New Jersey
New York
Years: 1914
New York and Fort Lee Railroad - Unissued Railway Stock Certificate
New York and Fort Lee Railroad - Railway Stock Certificate
Office of the United New Jersey Railroad and Canal Co. - 1870's-1900's dated Railway Stock Certificate
New Jersey Junction Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

New Jersey Junction Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2538
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1880's-1930's
Northern Railroad - Stock Certificate

Northern Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2537
State(s): New Hampshire
Years: 1840's
Wilton Railroad - 1880's circa Unissued New Hampshire Railway Stock Certificate

Wilton Railroad - 1880's circa Unissued New Hampshire Railway Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2536
State(s): New Hampshire
Years: 18--(1880's or so)
Northern Railroad - Stock Certificate

Northern Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2535
State(s): New Hampshire
Years: 1860's-70's
Manchester and Lawrence Railroad - 1900's dated Unissued Railway Stock Certificate - New Hampshire and Massachusetts
Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. - Railroad and Bridge Stock Certificate
Omaha and St. Louis Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate
Omaha Bridge and Terminal Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Helena and Red Mountain Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
Sturgis, Goshen and St. Louis Railway - 1880's-90's dated Missouri Railroad Stock Certificate - Merged with New York Central in 1915
St. Louis Belt and Terminal Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

St. Louis Belt and Terminal Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2528
State(s): Missouri
Years: 1900's-50's
Pacific Railroad of Missouri - 1870's dated Railway Stock Certificate - Beautiful Certificate
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. - The Katy - 1890's-1919 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway - The Katy - 1890's-1900's dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Co. - 1920's-30's dated Railway Stock Certificate

Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Co. - 1920's-30's dated Railway Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2524
State(s): Kansas
Years: 1920's-30's
Kansas City Railways - 1924 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railway Co. - 1906-10 dated Kansas Railroad Stock Certificate
Interstate Sand and Car Transfer Co - Stock Certificate
East St. Louis Connecting Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

East St. Louis Connecting Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2520
State(s): Missouri
Years: 1890's-1950's
East St. Louis and Carondelet Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

East St. Louis and Carondelet Railway Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2519
State(s): Missouri
Years: 1870's-80's
Central Belt Railway - Stock Certificate
Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2517
State(s): Mississippi
Years: 18--(1850's)
Gulfport and Mississippi Coast Traction Co - 1905 dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Grand Gulf and Port Gibson Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
Alabama and Vicksburg Railway - Stock Certificate

Alabama and Vicksburg Railway - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2552
State(s): Mississippi
Years: 18--(1880's or so)
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St. Paul and Des Moines Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

St. Paul and Des Moines Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2514
State(s): Iowa
Years: 1909-26
Old Colony Railroad Company - 1874-1877 dated Railway Bond - Available in Black, Green or Brown - Please Specify Color
Old Colony Railroad Corporation - $1,000 Bond

Old Colony Railroad Corporation - $1,000 Bond

Inv# RS2512
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1854
Boston and Albany Railroad - Bond

Boston and Albany Railroad - Bond

Inv# RB5800
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1928
Pittsfield and North Adams Railroad - Unissued Railway Stock Certificate
Old Colony Railroad - Stock Certificate

Old Colony Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2509
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 188-
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Old Colony Railroad - Stock Certificate

Old Colony Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2508
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1850's
Newburyport Railroad - Stock Certificate

Newburyport Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2507
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1870
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Laconia Car Co. - Stock Certificate

Laconia Car Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2506
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1917-20's
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Boston and Maine Railroad - Stock Certificate

Boston and Maine Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2505
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1926
Boston and Maine Railroad Collection of 4 Stock Certificates - Collection of Four Pieces
Boston and Maine Railroad - Stock Certificate

Boston and Maine Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2503
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1930's-50's
Easton Branch Railroad - Stock Certificate

Easton Branch Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2502
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 185-
Boston and Providence Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Boston and Providence Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2501
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1850's and later
Boston, Clinton, Fitchburg and New Bedford Railroad Co. - 1876-1877 dated Stock Certificate
Set of 3 Different Colors of Western Maryland Railway - 1950's dated Three Railroad Stock Certificates - Group of Three
Collection of 6 Different Color Stocks - Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Collection of Six Stock Certificates
Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad

Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad

Inv# RS2362
State(s): Maryland
Years: 189-
Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad - Unissued Stock Certificate
Washington County Railroad

Washington County Railroad

Inv# RS2360
State(s): Maine
Years: 190-
Somerset and Kennebec Railroad Co.

Somerset and Kennebec Railroad Co.

Inv# RS2359
State(s): Maine
Years: 185-
Rumford Falls and Rangeley Lakes Railroad - circa 1910's Unissued Railway Stock Certificate
Portland and Rumford Falls Railway Co. - Stock Certificate
Portland Railroad

Portland Railroad

Inv# RS2356
State(s): Maine
Years: 1940's
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Maine Central Railroad

Maine Central Railroad

Inv# RS2355
State(s): Maine
Years: 1907-08
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Lewiston Suspension Bridge Co. - Stock Certificate

Lewiston Suspension Bridge Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2354
State(s): Maine
Years: 1850's or so
Draper Corporation

Draper Corporation

Inv# RS2353
State(s): Maine
Years: 1930's
New Orleans Great Northern Railway - 1933 dated Railroad Stock Certificate - Successor of the East Louisiana Railroad
New Orleans, Mobile and Chicago Railroad - Stock Certificate
Mobile and Ohio Railroad

Mobile and Ohio Railroad

Inv# RS2350
State(s): Louisiana
Years: 1870's
Louisville Southern Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
Louisville Bridge and Terminal Railway Co. - Stock Certificate
Iowa Central Air Line Railroad - Bond

Iowa Central Air Line Railroad - Bond

Inv# RS2346
State(s): Iowa
Years: 185-
Sioux City and Pacific Railroad Co. - Stock Certificate
Ottumwa, Cedar Falls and St. Paul Railway Co. - Stock Certificate
Keokuk and Des Moines Railway Co. - Stock Certificate
Keokuk and Des Moines Railway Co. - 1880's-90's dated Railroad Stock Certificate
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co - Stock Certificate
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co - Stock Certificate
Burlington and Northwestern Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate
Southwestern Development Co - Stock Certificate

Southwestern Development Co - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2371
State(s): Georgia
Years: 1870's-90's
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Central of Georgia Railway - Set of 3 - Stock Certificate
Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line Railway Co. - 1890's-1940's dated Stock Certificate

Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line Railway Co. - 1890's-1940's dated Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2336
State(s): Georgia
North Carolina
Years: 1890's-1940's
Washington Railway and Electric Co - Stock Certificate

Washington Railway and Electric Co - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS2555
State(s): District Of Columbia
Years: 1905
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