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Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A. DE C.V. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A. DE C.V. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Inv# SE3451
Country: Mexico
State(s): New York
Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette, Inc. - 1997 dated Specimen Stock Certificate
Chrysler Corp. - Specimen Bond

Chrysler Corp. - Specimen Bond

Inv# SE3453
State(s): Delaware
Chrysler Financial Corp. - Famous Automotive Co. Specimen Bond - $1,000
eBay Inc. - 2001 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Extremely Rare

eBay Inc. - 2001 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Extremely Rare

Inv# SE3455
State(s): Delaware
New Jersey
New York
Years: 2001
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Enron Global Power and Pipelines L.L.C. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds
Enron Corp. - Brown Type - Only 1 Found - 1997 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Facsimile Signature of Kenneth Lay
Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Inv# SE3458
State(s): California
New York
General Instrument Corp. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. - Vignette of Marcus Goldman & Samuel Sachs - 1999 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Fantastic Design
Google Inc. Specimen Stock - Larry Page and Sergey Brin Printed Signatures - 2002 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Extremely Rare and Sought After
Gucci Group N.V. - Italian Luxury Fashion House - 1996 dated Specimen Stock Certificate
J.P. Morgan Chase and Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate

J.P. Morgan Chase and Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3463
State(s): Delaware
New Jersey
New York
OUT OF STOCK More Details
J.P. Morgan and Co. Inc. - Specimen Bond - Only 2 Bonds Discovered!
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. - 1994 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Green Type
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. - 1996 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Blue Type
Mattel, Inc. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Mattel, Inc. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Inv# SE3467
State(s): California
New York
Years: 1968
Mellon Financial Corporation - Specimen Stock Certificate - Judge Thomas Mellon Vignette
Mellon National Corporation - Specimen Stock Certificate - Vignette of Judge Thomas Mellon
Monster Worldwide - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Monster Worldwide - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Inv# SE3470
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1996
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