star decoration Uncancelled Stocks and Bonds star decoration

Showing All 221 Items.
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Minerva Motors - Bond

Minerva Motors - Bond

Inv# AB5011
Country: Belgium
Years: 1931
Minerva Motors - Bond

Minerva Motors - Bond

Inv# AB5011A
Country: Belgium
Years: 1927
Santa Anna Bond dated 1866 signed by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna - Very Historic Autograph Uncanceled Bond
Paul Revere signed Revolutionary War Debt Bond Certificate - State of Massachusetts Bay February 19, 1777
Atlantic, Quebec and Western Railway Co. - 1906 dated 100 British Pound Canadian Railroad Bond - Dominion of Canada
Banco Popular Espanol - Foreign Bond

Banco Popular Espanol - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB5003
Country: Spain
Years: 1872
Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Inv# FB5007
Country: France
Years: 1935 or 1936
Compagnie de Chemin de Fer de Palencia a Ponferrada - Bond
Compagnie Du Chemin de Fer D'Olonetz - Bond (Uncanceled)
Compagnie Du Chemin de Fer de Riazan-Ourals 4% 1903 Bond (Uncanceled)
Compagnie Du Chemin de Fer Du Nord-Donetz  - Bond (Uncanceled)
Compagnie Du Chemin de Fer Du Nord-Est de L'Oural - Bond (Uncanceled)
Companie Du Chemin de Fer de Semiretchensk (Est-Turkestan) - 1913 dated Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
Ferrocarril Mexicano Del Centro, S.A. - Bond

Ferrocarril Mexicano Del Centro, S.A. - Bond

Inv# FB5025
Country: Mexico
Years: 1910
Suomen Vientiluotto Oy-Finlands Exportkredit AB - $1,000 1970 dated Bond
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie - 1880 dated 125 Roubles Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie, 4% - Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie 4% 1902 Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie, 4% - 1902 Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
Grande Societe Des Chemins de Fer Russes - Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia, 3 8/10% Conversion 1898 dated 150 Roubles Uncanceled Bond
Imperial Government of Russia, 4% 1889 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Govt of Russia, 3% 1891 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
 Imperial Govt of Russia, 3% 1896 Gold Loan Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Govt of Russia, Russian 4% Gold Loan - Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia, 4% 1889 Gold Bond (Uncanceled) - Russian Gold Bond
Imperial Government of Russia - Imperial Land Mortgage Bank For Nobility  - Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Govt of Russia-Nicolas 1867 Bond (Uncanceled)
1869 Dated Imperial Government of Russia - Nicolas Railroad - Railway Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Mortgage-Bank For The Land Nobility - Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Russian Government, 5% 1906 Bond (Uncanceled) - Russian Gold Bond
Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Inv# FB5044
Country: France
Years: 1924
Obligacion Hipotecaria Del Exmo Sr. Duque de  Osuna Y Del Infantado - Bond (Uncanceled)
Panama-Companie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama - 1888 dated Bond - Extremely Famous
Russian 4 1/2% 1909 State Loan Bond (Uncanceled)
Societe Des Embranchements de Chemins de Fer - Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
The Peasants' Land Bank - Russia Bond (Uncanceled)
Canal Interoceanique de Panama - Bond (Uncanceled) - Several Types Available
Brazil Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate with Dividend Coupons Attached - Foreign Bond
Brazil Railway Co. - Railroad Stock Certificate with Dividend Coupons Attached
Chinese ยฃ100 British Pounds Reorganization Gold Loan Blue Bond of 1913 with PASS-CO authentication - Uncanceled Gold Bond of China

Chinese ยฃ20 British Pounds Reorganization Gold Loan Brown Bond of 1913 with PASS-CO authentication - Uncanceled Gold Bond of China

Chinese ยฃ20 British Pounds Reorganization Gold Loan Green Bond of 1913 with PASS-CO authentication - Uncanceled Gold Bond of China

500 Belgian Francs China-Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway - 1921 dated Green Railroad Bond (Uncanceled)
Gral. Ramon Leocadio Bonachea - 1949 dated Set of 3 - Cuba Bonds
Patria, Religion Y Familia - 1943 dated Cuba Bond
Manila Railway Co. 1906 Limited - 1909 dated Philippine ยฃ100 Railroad Bond - Philippines
100 British Pound Imperial Chinese Government dated 1911 Hukuang Railway ยฃ100 British Pounds Gold Bond (Uncanceled) - China Railway Gold Bond
20 British Pound Imperial Chinese Government dated 1911 Hukuang Railway Gold Bond (Uncanceled) - China Railway Gold Bond
Manoa Co. Ltd. with Pass-co Authentication - Bond (Uncanceled)

Manoa Co. Ltd. with Pass-co Authentication - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5101
Country: Venezuela
British Guyana
Years: 1885
Hamilton Electric Light Co. $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Hamilton Electric Light Co. $1,000 (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5104
Country: Canada
Years: 1890
$5 29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan Republic of China - 1940 Chinese Bond (Uncanceled)
500 Francs Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai 1925 Bond - Becoming Very Rare (Uncanceled)
Cespedes Sugar Co. - $1,000 (Uncanceled) Cuba Bond
Credit Foncier Cubain - 1912 dated Havana Cuba Banking Bond (Uncanceled)
Cuban Cane Products Co., Inc - 1930 dated $100 Cuba Gold Bond (Uncanceled) - Your Choice
Cuban Cane Products Co., Inc. - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Cuban Cane Products Co., Inc. - $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5109A
Country: Cuba
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1930
Cuban Dominican Sugar Co. - 1924 dated Cuba Bond (Uncanceled)

Cuban Dominican Sugar Co. - 1924 dated Cuba Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5110
Country: Cuba
State(s): Maryland
Years: 1924
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Cuba Northern Railways - 1927 dated Cuban Railroad Bond (Uncanceled)
Republic of Cuba - 1937 dated $1,000 Bond (Uncanceled)
La Republica de Cuba - 100 Pesos 7% Uncanceled Gold Bond
La Republica de Cuba - 1,000 Pesos - Bond (Uncanceled)
American-Honduras Co. (Uncanceled)

American-Honduras Co. (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5114
Country: Honduras
Years: 1902
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Kingdom of Hungary - State Bond (Uncanceled) - Various Denominations
Republica Mexicana - Bond (Uncanceled)

Republica Mexicana - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5116
Country: Mexico
Years: 1862-63
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Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes  - Bond (Uncanceled)
Kingdom of Roumania - Bond

Kingdom of Roumania - Bond

Inv# FB5119
Country: Romania
Years: 1922
Russia - P-S886 - 200 Rubles Bond

Russia - P-S886 - 200 Rubles Bond

Inv# FB5120
Country: Russia
Years: 1917
Eastern Cuba Sugar Corporation  - Bond
Redencion Co. and The Buenaventura Co. of Cuba - 1915 dated $25 Bond

Redencion Co. and The Buenaventura Co. of Cuba - 1915 dated $25 Bond

Inv# FB5124
Country: Cuba
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1915
500 Francs Gouvernment Imperial De Chine Emprunt Chinois with Pass-co Authentication - Bond
ยฃ20 Government of the Chinese Republic 1922 Railway Equipment Bond
1913 Super Petchili Uncanceled Gold Bond with Pass-Co Authentication - Chinese Republic 20 Pound 5% Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway

Caisse Autonome Des Monopoles Du Royaume De Roumanie - Romanian Bond
Hungarian-Italian Bank, Limited  (Uncanceled)

Hungarian-Italian Bank, Limited (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB5134
Country: Hungary
Years: 1928
Debito Pvbblico Del Regno D'Italia

Debito Pvbblico Del Regno D'Italia

Inv# FB5135
Country: Italy
Years: 1934
Lithuanian Liberty Loan Bond

Lithuanian Liberty Loan Bond

Inv# FB5136
Country: Lithuania
Years: 1919
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Imperial Russian Government - $1,000 5 1/2% Uncanceled Gold Bond - Fully Engraved with Pass-co Authentication
ยฃ100 Imperial Chinese Government 5% Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan 1908 Uncanceled Gold Bond - China
Two Presidents Bond - Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Two Presidents Bond - Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Tesoro 195 Republica Mexicana Bono Del Tesoro
Mexico - Estado De Chihuahua

Mexico - Estado De Chihuahua

Inv# FB5143
Country: Mexico
Years: 1901
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Yugoslavia - Emprunt International

Yugoslavia - Emprunt International

Inv# FB5146
Country: Yugoslavia
Years: 1931
Mexican Central Railway Co. Limited

Mexican Central Railway Co. Limited

Inv# FB5148
Country: Mexico
Years: 1881
Mexicana Orange Republica Mexicana 1899 Series A
Tesoro 195 Republica Mexicana Bono Del Tesoro

Tesoro 195 Republica Mexicana Bono Del Tesoro

Inv# FB5150
Country: Mexico
Years: 1913
Mexicana Orange Republica Mexicana 1899

Mexicana Orange Republica Mexicana 1899

Inv# FB5153
Country: Mexico
Years: 1899
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White Dove Republic of Mexico - 1913 dated ยฃ2,000 British Pounds Mexican Bond
Republica Mexicana 1885 Bond

Republica Mexicana 1885 Bond

Inv# FB5155
Country: Mexico
Years: 1885
Christopher Columbus 1885 - Republica Mexicana

Christopher Columbus 1885 - Republica Mexicana

Inv# FB5156
Country: Mexico
Years: 1885
Double White Dove - Republic of Mexico - 1913 dated ยฃ20,000 British Pounds Mexican Bond
White Dove Republic of Mexico - 1913 dated ยฃ5,000 British Pounds Mexican Bond
Maximilian ยฃ500 British Pounds 1864 dated Mexican Empire Bond
Mexicana Green Republica Mexicana

Mexicana Green Republica Mexicana

Inv# FB5160
Country: Mexico
Years: 1899
White Dove Republic of Mexico - 1913 dated ยฃ1,000 British Pounds Bond
ยฃ100 Chinese Imperial Canton-Kowloon Railway 5% Gold Bond with Pass-co Authentication (Uncanceled)
Green Lady or Green Diamond - 1895 dated Estados Unidos Mexicanos Bond
Green Lady/Green Diamond Estados Unidos Mexicanos - Price is for 1 (ONE) Bond
German Dawes External Gold Loan 7% 1924 $1,000US Bond with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
Peruvian Mining Smelting and Refining Co.

Peruvian Mining Smelting and Refining Co.

Inv# FB5168
Country: Peru
Years: 1906
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Compania Del Ferro-Carril Cienfuegos y Villa-Clara - 1895 dated 1,000 Pesos Cuban Bond - Cuba
Compania Argentina de Comodoro Rivadavia Explotacion de Petroleo - Stock Certificate
National Pisco To YCA Railway Co.  (Uncanceled)
Imprumutul Reintregirll - Romanian Bond

Imprumutul Reintregirll - Romanian Bond

Inv# FB5174
Country: Romania
Years: 1941
ยฃ100 Crisp Gold Loan Chinese Government 5% 1912 Bond - China
20 British Pound Crisp Gold Loan Chinese Government 5% 1912 Gold Bond - China
ยฃ500 Crisp Gold Loan Chinese Government 5% 1912 Bond - China
Ruhr Gas Corporation 6.5% 1928 Uncancelled German Gold Bond with PASS-CO AUTHENTICATION (Uncanceled)
5 WWII Russian Bonds

5 WWII Russian Bonds

Inv# FB5181
Country: Russia
Years: 1945
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Banco De Credito Real Do Brazil  (Uncanceled) - Foreign Bond
German Provincial and Communal Banks Consolidated Agricultural Loan 6.5% 1928 Bond (Uncanceled)
Ciudad De Puebla De Zaragoza - 500 Pesos Bond (Uncanceled)
Russia 100 Rubles 5% 1866 Bond

Russia 100 Rubles 5% 1866 Bond

Inv# FB5185
Country: Russia
Years: 1866
Blue Dove 1904 Series A Estados Unidos Mexicanos Bond

Blue Dove 1904 Series A Estados Unidos Mexicanos Bond

Inv# FB6001
Country: Mexico
Denomination: $1,000USDollar
Years: 1904
Mexicana Brown Republica Mexicana, Deuda Consolidada Exterior Del 5% de 1899, ยฃ500 British Pounds, $2,425 US GOLD
Mexicana Grey Republica Mexicana, Deuda Consolidada Exterior Del 5% de 1899 dated, ยฃ200 British Pounds, $970 US GOLD
Mexicana Olive Republica Mexicana, Deuda Consolidada Exterior Del 5% de 1899 dated, ยฃ100 British Pounds, $485 US GOLD
Tesoro 195 Republica Mexicana Bono Del Tesoro - 1913 20 British Pound Mexican Gold Bond
German Young Gold Loan 1930 Uncancelled $1,000 Denominated Bond with Pass-co Authentication (Uncanceled)
Orange Dove Estados Unidos Mexicanos

Orange Dove Estados Unidos Mexicanos

Inv# FB6009
Country: Mexico
Years: 1904
Christopher Columbus 1885 - Republica Mexicana - Price is for 1 (ONE) Bond
Christopher Columbus 1885 - Republica Mexicana

Christopher Columbus 1885 - Republica Mexicana

Inv# FB6011
Country: Mexico
Years: 1885
Christopher Columbus 1885 - Republica Mexicana - Price is for 1 (ONE) Bond
1904 Compania del Ferrocarril Nacional de Tehuantepec Bond with PASS-CO Authentication - 5%, ยฃ100 British Pounds Sterling, 2,040 Marks, Series B Bond
Maximilian Mexican Empire 1864 6% 420 Francs Bond - Mexico Government Obligation - With Pass-co Authentication
Christopher Columbus 1885 - Republica Mexicana

Christopher Columbus 1885 - Republica Mexicana

Inv# FB6017
Country: Mexico
Years: 1885


Inv# FB6018
Country: China
Years: 1927
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Inv# FB6019
Country: Korea
Years: 1950
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Anleihe des Deutfchen Reichs Schuldverfchreibung - 100,000 German Mark Bond (Uncanceled)
Anleihe des Deutfchen Reichs Schuldverfchreibung - 1922 dated 1,000 German Mark Bond (Uncanceled)
Anleihe des Deutfchen Reichs Schuldverfchreibung - 2,000 German Mark Bond (Uncanceled)
Anleihe des Deutfchen Reichs Schuldverfchreibung - 5,000 German Mark Bond (Uncanceled)
Anleihe des Deutfchen Reichs Schuldverfchreibung - 10,000 German Mark Bond (Uncanceled)
Anleihe des Deutfchen Reichs Schuldverfchreibung - 20,000 German Mark Bond (Uncanceled)
Anleihe des Deutfchen Reichs Schuldverfchreibung - 50,000 German Mark Bond (Uncanceled)
Maximilian 1864 dated Mexican Empire ยฃ100 British Pounds, 6% Bearer Bond
Cienfuegos, Palmira and Cruces Electric Railway and Power Co. - 1,000 Gold Pesos Uncanceled Cuba Bond
Rzeczpospolita Polska

Rzeczpospolita Polska

Inv# FB6039
Country: Poland
Years: 1924
Rzeczpospolita Polska - 100 Zlotych Bond dated 1924

NewRzeczpospolita Polska - 100 Zlotych Bond dated 1924

Inv# FB6039A
New Item!
Country: Poland
Years: 1924
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Rzeczpospolita Polska - 10 Zlotych Bond

Rzeczpospolita Polska - 10 Zlotych Bond

Inv# FB6040
Country: Poland
Years: 1924
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Tysiac Marek Polskich

Tysiac Marek Polskich

Inv# FB6041
Country: Poland
Years: 1920
Republic of Poland - Bond

Republic of Poland - Bond

Inv# FB6042
Country: Poland
Years: 1925
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German Central Bank For Agriculture (Uncanceled)

German Central Bank For Agriculture (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6043
Country: Germany
Years: 1927
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German Central Bank For Agriculture (Uncanceled)

German Central Bank For Agriculture (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6044
Country: Germany
Years: 1925
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City of Berlin - Canceled $1,000 6% 1928 dated Gold Bond
City of Munich, Germany (Uncanceled)

City of Munich, Germany (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6046
Country: Germany
Years: 1925
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Germany - Electric Power Corporation (Uncanceled)

Germany - Electric Power Corporation (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6047
Country: Germany
Years: 1925
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Conversion Office for German Foreign Debts - $100 Bond (Uncanceled)
Conversion Office for German Foreign Debts - $500 Bond (Uncanceled)
State of Bremen (Uncanceled)

State of Bremen (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6050
Country: Germany
Years: 1925
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Companhia Brasileira De Exploracao De Portos

Companhia Brasileira De Exploracao De Portos

Inv# FB6051
Country: Brazil
Years: 1924
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Banco Hipotecario - Foreign Bond

Banco Hipotecario - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6052
Country: Chile
Years: 1953
Costa Rica Railway Co., Limited - Bond

Costa Rica Railway Co., Limited - Bond

Inv# FB6053
Country: Costa Rica
Years: 1888
Cuba Northern Railways Co.

Cuba Northern Railways Co.

Inv# FB6055
Country: Cuba
Years: 1916
Republica de Cuba - 1905 dated 100 Pesos Bond
Channel Tubular Railway Preliminary Co. Ltd. - Bond
Republiques Haiti

Republiques Haiti

Inv# FB6059
Country: France
Years: 1911
Republic of Panama

Republic of Panama

Inv# FB6062
Country: Panama
Years: 1926
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People of Puerto Rico

People of Puerto Rico

Inv# FB6064
Country: Puerto Rico
Years: 1935
South Porto Rico Sugar Co. - Bond

South Porto Rico Sugar Co. - Bond

Inv# FB6065
Country: Puerto Rico
Years: 1906
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Debito Pubblico Del Regno D'Italia

Debito Pubblico Del Regno D'Italia

Inv# FB6067
Country: Italy
Years: 1937
Queen Elizabeth Banco Hipotecario De Credito Territorial Mexicano, S.A.
Stadt Frankfurt am Main - 2,000  or 1,000 Mark - Bond (Uncanceled)
German External Dawes Loan Uncancelled 7% 1924 ยฃ100 or 100 British Pound Gold Bond with Pass-co Authentication (Uncanceled)

German External Dawes Loan Uncancelled 7% 1924 ยฃ100 or 100 British Pound Gold Bond with Pass-co Authentication (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6575
Country: Germany
Denomination: 100 British Pound Sterling or ยฃ100
State(s): Outside North America
Years: 1924
Conversion Office for German Foreign Debts $1,000 Bond - Very Popular (Uncanceled)
500 Belgian Francs China-Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway 1923 Brown Bond (Uncanceled)
Poland Bond - 10,000 Polish Marka dated 1920

Poland Bond - 10,000 Polish Marka dated 1920

Inv# FB6661
Country: Poland
Years: 1920
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Venezuela Central Railway Co. - ยฃ10 Bond

Venezuela Central Railway Co. - ยฃ10 Bond

Inv# FB6664
Country: Venezuela
Years: 1910
Venezuela Central Railway Co. - ยฃ10 Bond

Venezuela Central Railway Co. - ยฃ10 Bond

Inv# FB6665
Country: Venezuela
Years: 1910
Afghanistan - Afghani - P-29 - Foreign Paper Money

Afghanistan - Afghani - P-29 - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM1748
Country: Afghanistan
Years: 1948
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Compania Mexicana de Petroleo 'El Aguila', S.A. - Stock Certificate
Blueberry The Banco Central Mexicano Dividend Stock Certificate - 1 Share 100 Pesos Blueberries
Queen Blueberry Banco Central Mexicano - 10 Shares 1,000 Pesos Blueberries - Dividend Stock Certificate
Compania Minera Nazareno Y Anexas En Temascaltepec Estado De Mexico - 5 Share Mexican Stock Certificate
Compania Minera Nazareno Y Anexas En Temascaltepec Estado De Mexico - 10 Share Mexican Stock Certificate
Compania Salitrera De Tarapaga Y Antofagasta - $200 Bond
Queen Elizabeth Banco Hipotecario De Credito Territorial Mexicano, S.A.
Banco Del Estado De Mexico

Banco Del Estado De Mexico

Inv# FS1383
Country: Mexico
Years: 1899
Winston Churchill - Banco De Guanajuato

Winston Churchill - Banco De Guanajuato

Inv# FS1384
Country: Mexico
Years: 1906
Twin Ladies Banco Peninsular Mexicano - Stock Certificate
Twin Flags Miners and Investors Trust Co.

Twin Flags Miners and Investors Trust Co.

Inv# FS1392
Country: Mexico
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1882
Queen Victoria 100 Pesos Banco De Londres Y Mexico

Queen Victoria 100 Pesos Banco De Londres Y Mexico

Inv# FS1401
Country: Mexico
Years: 1905
Queen Victoria 10 Pesos Banco De Londres Y Mexico
Tecolote Silver Mining Co.

Tecolote Silver Mining Co.

Inv# FS1421
Country: Mexico
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1883
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Negociacion Minera De San Rafael Y Anexas, S.A. - Stock Certificate
Las Nueve Minas De Santa Maria Gold and Silver Mining Co.

Las Nueve Minas De Santa Maria Gold and Silver Mining Co.

Inv# FS1425
Country: Mexico
State(s): New York
Years: 1882
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Guanajuato Consolidated Mining and Milling Co. - Stock Certificate

Guanajuato Consolidated Mining and Milling Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1426A
Country: Mexico
State(s): West Virginia
Years: 1901
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16 Court Street, Inc. - Bond (Uncanceled)

16 Court Street, Inc. - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5422
State(s): New York
Years: 1933
16 Court Street, Inc. - Bond (Uncanceled)

16 Court Street, Inc. - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5423
State(s): New York
Years: 1933
25 West 14th Street Corporation (Uncanceled)

25 West 14th Street Corporation (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5424
State(s): New York
Years: 1928
345 West 86th Street Apartment Building (Uncanceled)

345 West 86th Street Apartment Building (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5425
State(s): New York
Years: 1923
OUT OF STOCK More Details
A.A. Henninger, Inc. - 1931 dated $1,000 Gold Bond (Uncanceled) - More Research is Needed of the Company
Accumulator Co. Bond signed by Theodore Newton Vail - (Uncanceled)
Accumulator Co. (Uncanceled)

Accumulator Co. (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5428
State(s): New Jersey
Years: 1890
Accumulator Co. Bond signed by Theodore Newton Vail - 1890 dated $1,000 Uncanceled Autograph Gold Bond
Ajax Rubber Co., Inc. - Bond (Uncanceled)

Ajax Rubber Co., Inc. - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5430
State(s): New York
Years: 1921
American Chemical Co. of Maine - Bond (Uncanceled)

American Chemical Co. of Maine - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5432
State(s): Maine
Years: 1912
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American Debenture Co. (Uncanceled)

American Debenture Co. (Uncanceled)

Inv# GB5433
State(s): New York
Years: 189-
Sleeper Machine Co. - Stock Certificate

Sleeper Machine Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS5625
State(s): Maine
Years: 1894
Robinson Foster Electric Railway Motor Co - Only 2 Known - Stock Certificate

Robinson Foster Electric Railway Motor Co - Only 2 Known - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS5656
Country: United States
State(s): Maine
Years: 1889
WWII Gold Yen Bond

WWII Gold Yen Bond

Inv# JB1000
Country: Japan
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Japan World War II Treasury Bond

Japan World War II Treasury Bond

Inv# JB1001
Country: Japan
Years: 1943
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Japan WWII

Japan WWII

Inv# JB1002
Country: Japan
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Inv# JB1003
Country: Japan
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Japan WWII

Japan WWII

Inv# JB1004
Country: Japan
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Japan WWII

Japan WWII

Inv# JB1005
Country: Japan
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Inv# JB1006
Country: Japan
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Inv# JB1007
Country: Japan
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Inv# JB1008
Country: Japan


Inv# JB1009
Country: Japan
Years: WWII or earlier
Leavenworth Gold Mining Co. of Colorado

Leavenworth Gold Mining Co. of Colorado

Inv# MS2230
Country: United States
State(s): Colorado
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Schley Mining and Milling Co. - Stock Certificate

Schley Mining and Milling Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# MS2231
Country: Mexico
State(s): New York
Years: 1882
Humboldt Mining and Smelting Co. - Stock Certificate

Humboldt Mining and Smelting Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# MS2232
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1884 or 1892
Deming, Sierra Madre and Pacific Railroad Gold Bond - 1889 dated $1,000 6% First Mortgage Railway Uncanceled Bond
Las Vegas and Hot Springs Electric Railway Light and Power Co. - 1903 dated $500 Railroad Gold Bond - Payable in Gold Coin
Addison and Pennsylvania Railway Co. (Uncanceled)

Addison and Pennsylvania Railway Co. (Uncanceled)

Inv# RB7081
State(s): New York
Years: 1887
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Amador Railway Co. (Uncanceled)

Amador Railway Co. (Uncanceled)

Inv# RB7082
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1905
Allegheny Kinzua Railroad Co. (Uncanceled)

Allegheny Kinzua Railroad Co. (Uncanceled)

Inv# RB7083
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1890
Toledo, Cincinniati adn St. Louis Railroad Co. - Various Denominations - Bond (Uncanceled)
$1,000 Fourth Liberty Loan 4.25% Gold Bond with Original Receipt - Unique of the Long Type

$1,000 Fourth Liberty Loan 4.25% Gold Bond with Original Receipt - Unique of the Long Type

Inv# TB1120
Country: United States
Denomination: $1,000
State(s): District Of Columbia
Years: 1918
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