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National Steamship Company Booklet -  1866 dated Americana

NewNational Steamship Company Booklet - 1866 dated Americana

Inv# AM2571
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1866
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Booklet -  1920's dated Americana
WWII Ration Stamps -  Americana

NewWWII Ration Stamps - Americana

Inv# AM2568
New Item!
State(s): California
Promisorry Note in Pounds - 1828 dated Americana

NewPromisorry Note in Pounds - 1828 dated Americana

Inv# AM2567
New Item!
State(s): Rhode Island
Years: 1828
Billheads and Receipts- Lot of 9 - 1863-1907 dated Americana

NewBillheads and Receipts- Lot of 9 - 1863-1907 dated Americana

Inv# AM2566
New Item!
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1863-1907
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Disney Dollars and Envelope - 1987 dated Americana
19 Maine Farmers' Almanac Booklets - 1911-1933 dated Americana

New19 Maine Farmers' Almanac Booklets - 1911-1933 dated Americana

Inv# AM2564
New Item!
State(s): Maine
Years: 1913-1933
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7 Booklets from the Thomas Alva Edison Foundation - 1981 dated Americana
Unissued WWII Service Record - 1940 dated Americana

NewUnissued WWII Service Record - 1940 dated Americana

Inv# AM2562
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1940
History of Fort Ticonderoga Booklet - 1920's circa Americana

NewHistory of Fort Ticonderoga Booklet - 1920's circa Americana

Inv# AM2561
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1920's or so
Metropolitan Opera Centennial Official First Day Cover - 1883-1983 dated Americana
Tugby's Illustrated Guide to Niagara Falls - 1885 dated Americana

NewTugby's Illustrated Guide to Niagara Falls - 1885 dated Americana

Inv# AM2559
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1885
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N.P.R.A. - 9th Annual Concert and Ball of the Nashua Police Relief Assoc. - 1901 dated Americana
1721 German Booklet  -  Foreign Miscellaneous

New1721 German Booklet - Foreign Miscellaneous

Inv# FX1008
New Item!
Country: Germany
Years: 1721
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co. Issued to Hamilton Fish Webster - 1923 dated Autograph Stocks and Bonds
Wm H. Vanderbilt Transfer Sheet of New York Central and Hudson Railroad Co., not signed - 1870 dated Autograph Stocks and Bonds


New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co.- Mrs. Frank C. Vanderbilt transfers $200,000, not signed - 1870 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co.- Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt transfers $20,000, not signed - 1870 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co.- Various amounts transferred to Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, not signed - 1870 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co.- Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt transfers $5,880 and signs - 1870 dated Autographed Stock Certificate

Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris Railroad Co. issued to and signed by Alice G. Vanderbilt - 1900 dated Stock Certificate

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. signed by J. Pierpont Morgan for Drexel Morgan Co. - 1875 dated Bond

Pullman Co. signed by Robert Todd Lincoln dated 1912- Autographed Stock and Bonds

Hearst Consolidated Publications, Inc. Stock with William Randolph Hearst Printed Signature - 1950 dated Stock Certificate

International Mercantile Marine Co. Stock Issued to Harry S. Harkness - 1916 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds

International Mercantile Marine Co. Stock Issued to Harry Harkness and Signed by Philip Franklin - 1915 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds

Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Co. Issued to and Signed by Chauncey M. Depew - 1927 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds


John Jacob Astor Jr. signed Delaware, Lackawana and Western Railroad Stock - 1867 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Issued to Wm. B. Astor and Signed by his son Wm. Astor - 1867 dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Hopewell Oil Co. Signed by J. Simpson Africa - 1865  dated Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Sophie Tucker Signed Photograph - Autograph
Debbie Reynolds Signed Photograph - Autograph

Jonas Salk Signed Paper - Autograph


William L. Marcy Signed Paper - 1846 dated Autograph

NewWilliam L. Marcy Signed Paper - 1846 dated Autograph

Inv# AU1860
New Item!
State(s): District Of Columbia
Years: 1846


Jayne Mansfield signed Note - 1965 dated Autograph

NewJayne Mansfield signed Note - 1965 dated Autograph

Inv# AU1859
New Item!
State(s): Vermont
Years: 1965


Liberace signed Portrait with drawing - Autograph


Marvin Hamlisch signed Check - 1964 dated Autograph

NewMarvin Hamlisch signed Check - 1964 dated Autograph

Inv# AU1857
New Item!
State(s): California
Years: 1964
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Deborah Kerr signed typed letter and portrait - Autograph Photo
Deanna Durbin signed Portrait - Autograph Photo
Princess Grace de Monaco signed Check - 1980 dated Autograph

NewPrincess Grace de Monaco signed Check - 1980 dated Autograph

Inv# AU1854
New Item!
State(s): Minnesota
Years: 1980
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Typed Letter signed by Sammy Davis Jr. -  1974 dated Autograph

NewTyped Letter signed by Sammy Davis Jr. - 1974 dated Autograph

Inv# AU1853
New Item!
State(s): Florida
Years: 1974

Handwritten Note signed by Walter Damrosch -  1915 dated Autograph

Photograph signed by Maurice Chevalier -  Autograph

Parker Playhouse Playbill signed by Carol Channing - 1984 dated Autograph

Palace Theatre Playbill signed by Carol Channing - 1974 dated Autograph

Votes for Women signed by Alva Belmont - 1916 dated Autograph

NewVotes for Women signed by Alva Belmont - 1916 dated Autograph

Inv# AU1848
New Item!
State(s): New York
Years: 1916
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Dick Clark and Frankie Avalon signed Contract - 1961 dated Autograph

NewDick Clark and Frankie Avalon signed Contract - 1961 dated Autograph

Inv# AU1847
New Item!
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1961


Dick Clark and Paul Anka signed Contract - 1960 dated Autograph

NewDick Clark and Paul Anka signed Contract - 1960 dated Autograph

Inv# AU1846
New Item!
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1960


Keystone Electric Co. - 1884 dated Stock Certificate

NewKeystone Electric Co. - 1884 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# US1179
New Item!
State(s): Pennsylvania
Years: 1884
Santa Fe Telephone Company, Inc. - 1952 or 1956 dated Stock Certificate

NewSanta Fe Telephone Company, Inc. - 1952 or 1956 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# TT1095
New Item!
State(s): Florida
Years: 1952 or 1956
512 Items.  Showing Items 51 thru 100.
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