Brazil Railway Co. - 1912 dated Railroad Stock Certificate with Dividend Coupons Attached
Inv# FB5053A Stock
PMG Graded Bond, 58 EPQ Choice About Uncirculated. The Brazil Railway Company was a company would ferroviaria Brazilian who was created at the beginning of century XX, more necessarily in day 9 of November of 1906. It became enlarged itself very to the point that, passed 10 years, already controlled 11 all a thousand km of the 23,4 a thousand km existing in Brazil, that is 47% of the Brazilian railroads, have controlled this that kept until the 1917 middles. Percival Farquhar belonged to the famous Farquhar union, led for the controversial and bold United States capitalist who, beyond railroads controlled: companies of navigation, settling, lumber, you inject, industries of paper, cold storage rooms, hotels, companies of electricity, telephony, ports, service of trams, siderurgy, farms of cattle, mineral extration, etc.
The Brazil Railway Co, was proprietor or withheld the control of the railroads: Railroad Sorocabana, Railroad Wood, Railroad Paraná, Railroad Dona Tereza Cristina, Railroad North of the Paraná, Railroad Are Pablo-River Grande, Railroad Victory the Mines, São Paulo Railroad S/A, Cia. Mogiana de Estradas de Ferro, Companhie Auxiliaire DES Chémins de Fer au Brésil. Beyond the services of Trams of Salvador, São Paulo, Belém, Great River. E the Southern Brazil Lumber & Colonization Company. In 1917, the Brazil Railway and its subsidiary enters in regimen of forced agreement, its activities is expropriated and passes to the control of the state, except the Southern Brazil Lumber & Colonization Company, that survives up to 1938, when finally is nationalized in the Getúlio government Vargas. Read more at
A stock certificate is issued by businesses, usually companies. A stock is part of the permanent finance of a business. Normally, they are never repaid, and the investor can recover his/her money only by selling to another investor. Most stocks, or also called shares, earn dividends, at the business's discretion, depending on how well it has traded. A stockholder or shareholder is a part-owner of the business that issued the stock certificates.
Ebay ID: labarre_galleries