Columbus and Xenia Railroad - 1915-1920's dated Copper Colored Check - Great History!
Inv# CK1018 CheckCheck. Shiny Copper Ink! Train vignette. Unusual and Scarce! Impressive!! The Columbus and Xenia Railroad was a railway that connected Columbus to Xenia, Ohio. Chartered on March 12, 1844, the railroad aimed to link Columbus with the Little Miami Railroad in Xenia, establishing the first rail connection between Cincinnati and Columbus. Among its early leaders was William Dennison, who later became the Governor of Ohio.
Construction began in October 1847, and the line opened in February 1850. Initially authorized to issue $500,000 in stock, the railroad struggled to raise funds. To support the project, Greene County and Xenia were authorized to invest $50,000 and $5,000 in 1846, respectively. The following year, Franklin County and Columbus were each authorized to purchase $50,000 in stock, and the railroad was permitted to seek loans up to $300,000. Additional investments were authorized, with Greene County and Xenia contributing another $50,000 and $6,000, respectively, and Madison County up to $20,000. Despite these efforts, by April 1845, only $200,000 had been raised, and no route survey had been completed by early 1847. To facilitate construction, the state legislature amended the charter in February 1848 to allow an additional $1 million in stock and unlimited loans necessary for completing the railroad.
Ebay ID: labarre_galleries