Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co. - Hawaiian Stock Certificate
Inv# GS2155 StockHawaii
Stock printed by Britton & Rey, San Francisco. Honolulu, Hawaii. Great!
The largest commerce in Ka'u was sugar and leading the industry during its prime was Hawaiian Agriculture Co and Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co.
Hawaiian Agriculture Co was established in 1876 but did not start producing sugar cane until 1880. Locally, it was known as the Pahala Plantation but legally the corporation was filed as the Hawaiian Agricultural Co. The company employed many locals including immigrants from Philippines, Japan, Portugal, and others. Corporate housing projects were built to provide living quarters for staff and added to the community of Pahala. The founders were Peter C. Jones, Charles R. Bishop, J.D. Brewer, and H.A.P. Carter.
The Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co was established in 1868 by Alexander Hutchinson and it was one of the oldest sugar companies on the Big Island. Shortly, the plantation was renamed Naalehu Sugar Plantation. In his honor, following Hutchinson's death in 1873, William G. Irwin and Claus Spreckels purchased the plantation and renamed it Hutchinson Sugar Plantation. The company purchased Hilea Sugar Plantation in 1890. In 1910, it was purchased by C. Brewer & Co. Just like its competitor, Hawaiian Agriculture Co, the company employed many locals including immigrants from Philippines, Japan, Portugal, and others. Corporate housing projects were built to provide living quarters for staff and added to the community of Na'alehu.
In 1972, Hawaiian Agricultural Co. merged with Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co. The merged companies were renamed Kau Sugar Co and was now the only sugar plantation in Ka'u. However, this unified industry was short lived. After twenty four years, the sugar cane era finally came to an end with the Ka'u Sugar Co closing operation in 1996.
The coffee industry has been low profile since the early 1900s. However, after the closure of the Ka'u Sugar co, interest in growing coffee has surged. Many of Ka'u Sugar co staff were given the option to acquire a land lease in five acre increments to engage in agriculture commerce. From the lease lots along with private owned lots, coffee were being grown. The most popular varietals that are grown in the area is Typica and Caturra.
Over the years, the coffee industry has been growing in importance, with the Kaʻū Coffee Festival held in Pāhala.
A stock certificate is issued by businesses, usually companies. A stock is part of the permanent finance of a business. Normally, they are never repaid, and the investor can recover his/her money only by selling to another investor. Most stocks, or also called shares, earn dividends, at the business's discretion, depending on how well it has traded. A stockholder or shareholder is a part-owner of the business that issued the stock certificates.
Ebay ID: labarre_galleries