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Montezuma Gold Mining Co. - 1866 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# MS2434   Stock
State(s): Colorado
Years: 1866

Stock printed by Snyder, Black & Sturn, N.Y. Central City, Colorado. 25 cents revenue stamp!

The Montezuma Gold Mining Company had 300 feet on the Newroundland, in the lower part of Nevada Gulch; a shaft nearly in the center of the mine, well curbed and in fine shape. The vein is regularly Tregular — that Is lo say, they nave It about half the time. and tour tee in width it at all. Sixty feet west is a shaft 140 feet deep. drifted to the other shatt. There are several drifts on pockets from the main shaft 15 to 4U Teet long. Tney are now sinking the main shaft, and running a leve east, 300 feet trom the surtace, on a 20-inch vein. On the mine is a shalt-nouse to by su, with a 1u-horse engine and hoisting works complete — no pump, put a bucket of water can be raised every two minutes. Three hundred teet trom the mine is a new trame mill, irregular In shape, about /0 by 100 in size. It is intended for a Crosby & Inompson outfit entirely; contains one of Otis Tufts'. It has latterly been aoing very well on the company's ore from the Leavitt. Such is the tenor ot our advices from Colorado. 120-horse engines, thought (by Mr Cushman) to be the finest in Colorado; a Blake crusher, Crosby & Thompson desulphurizer, 4-foot ball pulverizer, 30-inch ball pulverizer, three Hepburn pans, two shaking-tables, all put up in the best of stvle. he mechanical arrangement for handling the ore is pertect. They have just started and are depending on the Crosby & Thompson process for success, coula edstly substitute Keith's, or any other, should that prove worthless. The capacity of the mill is 15 tons a day. Samuel Cushman. of central, was the agent.

Condition: Excellent

A stock certificate is issued by businesses, usually companies. A stock is part of the permanent finance of a business. Normally, they are never repaid, and the investor can recover his/her money only by selling to another investor. Most stocks, or also called shares, earn dividends, at the business's discretion, depending on how well it has traded. A stockholder or shareholder is a part-owner of the business that issued the stock certificates.

Item ordered may not be exact piece shown. All original and authentic.
Price: $397.00