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Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Inv# FB5007
Country: France
Years: 1935 or 1936
Compagnie Des Chemins de Fer Des Charentes

Compagnie Des Chemins de Fer Des Charentes

Inv# FS1645
Country: France
Years: 1873 or 74
Compagnie de Chemin de Fer de Palencia a Ponferrada - Bond
Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Inv# FB5044
Country: France
Years: 1924
Panama-Companie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama - 1888 dated Bond - Extremely Famous
Approvisionnements Generaux - Stock Certificate
Banque D'Alsace and De Lorraine - 1928 dated French Banking Stock Certificate - Available in Purple or Blue - Please Specify Color
Chantiers Navals de L'Ouest - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Des Docks Et Entrepots de Marseille - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Des Eaux Thermales de Bou-Hanifia - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Francaise Du Froid Sec - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Generale de Boulets Et Agglomerants - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Generale Des Tabacs - Stock Certificate
Comptoir Industriel - Stock Certificate

Comptoir Industriel - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1023
Country: Belgium
Years: 1889
Credit Foncier Argentin - 1920 dated Argentina Stock Certificate
Dewitte and Cie - Stock Certificate

Dewitte and Cie - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1028
Country: France
Years: 1964
Domaines Africains - 1929 dated Stock Certificate
Entreprises Chemin Et Industrielle Fonciere Routiere - Stock Certificate
Etablissements A. Lecomte - Stock Certificate

Etablissements A. Lecomte - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1031
Country: France
Years: 1928
Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1032
Country: France
Years: 1930's
Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1033
Country: France
Years: 1930's
Etablissements Hurtu - 1923 dated French Automotive Stock Certificate - France
Euro Disneyland S.C.A. - 1983 dated Disney Entertainment Stock Certificate - Disneyland Park Paris
Filatures Et Teintureries de Saint-Epin - Stock Certificate
Filatures Et Teintureries De Saint-Epin - Stock Certificate
Fonderies Saint-Joseph and Samson Reunies - Stock Certificate
Gaumont-Franco-Film-Aubert - French Film Company Stock Certificate - Fantastic History
Imprimerie A. Rey - 1899 dated French Stock Certificate - Lyon, France
La Fonciere Immobiliere - Stock Certificate

La Fonciere Immobiliere - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1043
Country: France
Years: 1914
La Soie de Compiegne - Stock Certificate

La Soie de Compiegne - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1044
Country: France
Years: 1920's
Le Contreplaque Francais Etablissements F.M.H. Voulton - Stock Certificate
Mecalux-Societe D'Eclairage Et D'Electro-Mecanique - Paris, France - 1931 dated French Stock Certificate
Messier - Stock Certificate

Messier - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1047
Country: France
Years: 1966
Metrocolex - Stock Certificate

Metrocolex - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1048
Country: France
Years: 1930's or so
Mines D'Argent De La Caunette - Stock Certificate

Mines D'Argent De La Caunette - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1049
Country: France
Years: 1920's
Pates Alimentaires 'La Croix' - Stock Certificate
Paul Gruin - Stock Certificate

Paul Gruin - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1054
Country: France
Years: 1928
Societe Agricole Du Song-Ray - Stock Certificate

Societe Agricole Du Song-Ray - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1058
Country: France
Years: 1927
Societe Anglo-Algerienne - Algeria Shipping Stock Certificate - Fantastic Design
Societe Anonyme de L'Imprimerie A. Mulcey - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme de L'Imprimerie a. Mulcey - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme de L'Imprimerie a. Rey - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Des Etablissements Ricalens - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Ottomane Des Mines de Balia-Karaidin - Stock Certificate
Societe Coloniale Agricole Et Miniere-Scam - Stock Certificate
Societe Commerciale D'Automobiles - Stock Certificate
Societe Dauphinoise De Constructions Mecaniques - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Ateliers and Chantiers de Nicolaieff - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Chantiers and Ateliers De La Gironde - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Transports En Commun De La Region Parisienne - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Usines Du Laurium - Stock Certificate

Societe Des Usines Du Laurium - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1074
Country: France
Years: 1923
Societe Francaise D'Exploitations Auriferes - Stock Certificate
Societe Francaise De Cinematographie Et De Photographie, Films Encouleurs-Keller-Dorian - Stock Certificate
Societe Immobiliere Et Hoteliere de Thorenc - Stock Certificate
Societe La Renaissance Immobiliere de France - Stock Certificate
Societe Les Affreteurs Reunis - 1920 dated French Stock Certificate - France
Stadium De Paris - 1934 dated Stock Certificate
Station Climaterique Et Immobiliere de Thorenc - Stock Certificate
Tabacs D'Orient and D'Outre-Mer - Stock Certificate
Tabacs De Macedoine Et D'Asie Mineure - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme de la Vieille Cure de Cenon - Stock Certificate
Panama Canal 1880 dated Stock Certificate - Canal Interoceanique de Panama - French & Panamanian
Comet Mining Co of Utah, USA - 1883 dated Utah Mining Stock Certificate
Exposition Coloniale Internationale

Exposition Coloniale Internationale

Inv# WF1006
Country: France
Years: 1931
Maison J. Hre. Secrestat Aine - Stock Certificate
Societe Nationale Pour L'Execution du Canal des Deux Mers - 1891 dated French Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
French Colonial - Societe Generale Des Comptoirs Franco-Africains - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
French Colonial - Savana Societe Industrielle, Commerciale Et Financiere - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Societe Anonyme Des Charbonnages de Bonne-Fin - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme D'Applications Industrielles Du Bois - Stock Certificate
Ets Toutmain - Stock Certificate

Ets Toutmain - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1110
Country: France
Years: 1932
Jondovah Five O'Clock Tea - Stock Certificate

Jondovah Five O'Clock Tea - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1112
Country: France
Years: 1913
Societe Des Mines de Tuco-Cheira - Stock Certificate
Petit Journal - Stock Certificate

Petit Journal - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1113
Country: France
Years: 1896
Societe des Comptoirs D'Importation and D'Exploratioin "Congo-Cameroun" - Stock Certificate
Ford Societe Anonyme Francaise - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme D'Applications Industrielles du Bois - Stock Certificate
Compagnie des Claridges Hotels - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Francaise du Caoutchouc - Stock Certificate
Constructions P.A.P. - Stock Certificate

Constructions P.A.P. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1118
Country: France
Years: 1923 or 1930
Etablissements Cochin Freres - Stock Certificate
Omnibus de Paris - 1910's dated French Stock Certificate - France
Stade-Velodrome de la Ville de Nice - Stock Certificate
Treillage Ceramique Francais - Stock Certificate
Union des Beurreries De France - Bond

Union des Beurreries De France - Bond

Inv# FS1328
Country: France
Years: 1910
International Elevaready

International Elevaready

Inv# FS1212
Country: France
Years: 1930
Canal Maritime de Corinthe - Stock Certificate

Canal Maritime de Corinthe - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1220
Country: France
Years: 1882
Societe Anonyme Des Ets Jules Richard - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Grands Hotels De La Riviera - Stock Certificate
Jewett Typewriter Co. - Stock Certificate

Jewett Typewriter Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1224
Country: France
United States
Years: 1903


Inv# FM1350 Cat#P-147d
Country: France
Years: 8-1-71 or 4-1-73
OUT OF STOCK More Details
French Automotive Stock - Taxis-Citroen - Bond

French Automotive Stock - Taxis-Citroen - Bond

Inv# AS1113
Country: France
Years: 1924
Chemins de Fer Ethiopiens - 1899 dated Foreign Stocks

Chemins de Fer Ethiopiens - 1899 dated Foreign Stocks

Inv# FS1238
Country: Ethiopia
Years: 1899
France - 5 Francs - P-83 - 1940 dated Foreign Paper Money

France - 5 Francs - P-83 - 1940 dated Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM1368 Cat#P-83
Country: France
Denomination: 5 Francs
Years: 26.12.1940
Paris Gigantic Wheel and Varieties Co., Ltd - Stock Certificate
L'Hippodrome - Stock Certificate

L'Hippodrome - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1253
Country: France
Years: 1898
Phonographes et Cinematographes "Lux"

Phonographes et Cinematographes "Lux"

Inv# FS1254
Country: France
Years: 1907
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Usines D'Automobiles G. Brouhot - Stock Certificate
Comet Mining Co. of Utah, USA - Stock Certificate

Comet Mining Co. of Utah, USA - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1258
Country: Belgium
State(s): Utah
Years: 1889
Chaux and Ciments Portland Artificiels De L'Aisne - Stock Certificate

661 Items.

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