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Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Inv# FB5007
Country: France
Years: 1935 or 1936
Compagnie Des Chemins de Fer Des Charentes

Compagnie Des Chemins de Fer Des Charentes

Inv# FS1645
Country: France
Years: 1873 or 74
Compagnie de Chemin de Fer de Palencia a Ponferrada - Bond
Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Inv# FB5044
Country: France
Years: 1924
Panama-Companie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama - 1888 dated Bond - Extremely Famous
Approvisionnements Generaux - Stock Certificate
Banque D'Alsace and De Lorraine - 1928 dated French Banking Stock Certificate - Available in Purple or Blue - Please Specify Color
Chantiers Navals de L'Ouest - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Des Docks Et Entrepots de Marseille - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Des Eaux Thermales de Bou-Hanifia - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Francaise Du Froid Sec - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Generale de Boulets Et Agglomerants - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Generale Des Tabacs - Stock Certificate
Comptoir Industriel - Stock Certificate

Comptoir Industriel - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1023
Country: Belgium
Years: 1889
Credit Foncier Argentin - 1920 dated Argentina Stock Certificate
Dewitte and Cie - Stock Certificate

Dewitte and Cie - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1028
Country: France
Years: 1964
Domaines Africains - 1929 dated Stock Certificate
Entreprises Chemin Et Industrielle Fonciere Routiere - Stock Certificate
Etablissements A. Lecomte - Stock Certificate

Etablissements A. Lecomte - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1031
Country: France
Years: 1928
Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1032
Country: France
Years: 1930's
Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1033
Country: France
Years: 1930's
Etablissements Hurtu - 1923 dated French Automotive Stock Certificate - France
Euro Disneyland S.C.A. - 1983 dated Disney Entertainment Stock Certificate - Disneyland Park Paris
Filatures Et Teintureries de Saint-Epin - Stock Certificate
Filatures Et Teintureries De Saint-Epin - Stock Certificate
Fonderies Saint-Joseph and Samson Reunies - Stock Certificate
Gaumont-Franco-Film-Aubert - French Film Company Stock Certificate - Fantastic History
Imprimerie A. Rey - 1899 dated French Stock Certificate - Lyon, France
La Fonciere Immobiliere - Stock Certificate

La Fonciere Immobiliere - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1043
Country: France
Years: 1914
La Soie de Compiegne - Stock Certificate

La Soie de Compiegne - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1044
Country: France
Years: 1920's
Le Contreplaque Francais Etablissements F.M.H. Voulton - Stock Certificate
Mecalux-Societe D'Eclairage Et D'Electro-Mecanique - Paris, France - 1931 dated French Stock Certificate
Messier - Stock Certificate

Messier - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1047
Country: France
Years: 1966
Metrocolex - Stock Certificate

Metrocolex - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1048
Country: France
Years: 1930's or so
Mines D'Argent De La Caunette - Stock Certificate

Mines D'Argent De La Caunette - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1049
Country: France
Years: 1920's
Pates Alimentaires 'La Croix' - Stock Certificate
Paul Gruin - Stock Certificate

Paul Gruin - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1054
Country: France
Years: 1928
Societe Agricole Du Song-Ray - Stock Certificate

Societe Agricole Du Song-Ray - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1058
Country: France
Years: 1927
Societe Anglo-Algerienne - Algeria Shipping Stock Certificate - Fantastic Design
Societe Anonyme de L'Imprimerie A. Mulcey - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme de L'Imprimerie a. Mulcey - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme de L'Imprimerie a. Rey - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Des Etablissements Ricalens - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Ottomane Des Mines de Balia-Karaidin - Stock Certificate
Societe Coloniale Agricole Et Miniere-Scam - Stock Certificate
Societe Commerciale D'Automobiles - Stock Certificate
Societe Dauphinoise De Constructions Mecaniques - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Ateliers and Chantiers de Nicolaieff - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Chantiers and Ateliers De La Gironde - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Transports En Commun De La Region Parisienne - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Usines Du Laurium - Stock Certificate

Societe Des Usines Du Laurium - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1074
Country: France
Years: 1923
Societe Francaise D'Exploitations Auriferes - Stock Certificate
Societe Francaise De Cinematographie Et De Photographie, Films Encouleurs-Keller-Dorian - Stock Certificate
Societe Immobiliere Et Hoteliere de Thorenc - Stock Certificate
Societe La Renaissance Immobiliere de France - Stock Certificate
Societe Les Affreteurs Reunis - 1920 dated French Stock Certificate - France
Stadium De Paris - 1934 dated Stock Certificate
Station Climaterique Et Immobiliere de Thorenc - Stock Certificate
Tabacs D'Orient and D'Outre-Mer - Stock Certificate
Tabacs De Macedoine Et D'Asie Mineure - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme de la Vieille Cure de Cenon - Stock Certificate
Panama Canal 1880 dated Stock Certificate - Canal Interoceanique de Panama - French & Panamanian
Comet Mining Co of Utah, USA - 1883 dated Utah Mining Stock Certificate
Exposition Coloniale Internationale

Exposition Coloniale Internationale

Inv# WF1006
Country: France
Years: 1931
Maison J. Hre. Secrestat Aine - Stock Certificate
Societe Nationale Pour L'Execution du Canal des Deux Mers - 1891 dated French Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
French Colonial - Societe Generale Des Comptoirs Franco-Africains - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
French Colonial - Savana Societe Industrielle, Commerciale Et Financiere - Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Societe Anonyme Des Charbonnages de Bonne-Fin - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme D'Applications Industrielles Du Bois - Stock Certificate
Ets Toutmain - Stock Certificate

Ets Toutmain - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1110
Country: France
Years: 1932
Jondovah Five O'Clock Tea - Stock Certificate

Jondovah Five O'Clock Tea - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1112
Country: France
Years: 1913
Societe Des Mines de Tuco-Cheira - Stock Certificate
Petit Journal - Stock Certificate

Petit Journal - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1113
Country: France
Years: 1896
Societe des Comptoirs D'Importation and D'Exploratioin "Congo-Cameroun" - Stock Certificate
Ford Societe Anonyme Francaise - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme D'Applications Industrielles du Bois - Stock Certificate
Compagnie des Claridges Hotels - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Francaise du Caoutchouc - Stock Certificate
Constructions P.A.P. - Stock Certificate

Constructions P.A.P. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1118
Country: France
Years: 1923 or 1930
Etablissements Cochin Freres - Stock Certificate
Omnibus de Paris - 1910's dated French Stock Certificate - France
Stade-Velodrome de la Ville de Nice - Stock Certificate
Treillage Ceramique Francais - Stock Certificate
Union des Beurreries De France - Bond

Union des Beurreries De France - Bond

Inv# FS1328
Country: France
Years: 1910
International Elevaready

International Elevaready

Inv# FS1212
Country: France
Years: 1930
Canal Maritime de Corinthe - Stock Certificate

Canal Maritime de Corinthe - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1220
Country: France
Years: 1882
Societe Anonyme Des Ets Jules Richard - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Grands Hotels De La Riviera - Stock Certificate
Jewett Typewriter Co. - Stock Certificate

Jewett Typewriter Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1224
Country: France
United States
Years: 1903


Inv# FM1350 Cat#P-147d
Country: France
Years: 8-1-71 or 4-1-73
OUT OF STOCK More Details
French Automotive Stock - Taxis-Citroen - Bond

French Automotive Stock - Taxis-Citroen - Bond

Inv# AS1113
Country: France
Years: 1924
Chemins de Fer Ethiopiens - 1899 dated Foreign Stocks

Chemins de Fer Ethiopiens - 1899 dated Foreign Stocks

Inv# FS1238
Country: Ethiopia
Years: 1899
France - 5 Francs - P-83 - 1940 dated Foreign Paper Money

France - 5 Francs - P-83 - 1940 dated Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM1368 Cat#P-83
Country: France
Denomination: 5 Francs
Years: 26.12.1940
Paris Gigantic Wheel and Varieties Co., Ltd - Stock Certificate
L'Hippodrome - Stock Certificate

L'Hippodrome - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1253
Country: France
Years: 1898
Phonographes et Cinematographes "Lux"

Phonographes et Cinematographes "Lux"

Inv# FS1254
Country: France
Years: 1907
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Usines D'Automobiles G. Brouhot - Stock Certificate
Comet Mining Co. of Utah, USA - Stock Certificate

Comet Mining Co. of Utah, USA - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1258
Country: Belgium
State(s): Utah
Years: 1889
Chaux and Ciments Portland Artificiels De L'Aisne - Stock Certificate
Garden-Tennis Club De Cabourg - Stock Certificate
Societe Miniere and Fonciere du Bandama - Stock Certificate
Gymnastique Medicale Mecanique - Stock Certificate
Etablissements F. M. H. Voulton - Stock Certificate
La Kotto Societe Anonyme - Stock Certificate

La Kotto Societe Anonyme - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1285
Country: France
Years: 1907
Societe Nouvelle Des Sultanats Du Haut-Oubangui - Stock Certificate
Etablissements Verminck

Etablissements Verminck

Inv# FS1300
Country: France
Years: 1920

Produits Chimiques Et Engrais D'Auby

Produits Chimiques Et Engrais D'Auby

Inv# FS1301
Country: France
Years: 1940's
Panorama National Des Etats-Unis - 1867 dated Stock Certificate
France - 50 Francs - P-93 - dated APR.24.1941 - Foreign Paper Money
France - P-90c - Foreign Paper Money

France - P-90c - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM1557
Country: France
Years: Feb. 2, 1939
France - 10 Francs - P-99e - 1942 or 1946 dated Foreign Paper Money


Inv# FM1559
Country: France
Years: 1.3.1962
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Societe Generale Des Naufrages - Stock Certificate


Inv# FM1703 Cat#P-95
Country: France
Years: 1.10.1942
France - 100 Fancs - P-94 - 1939-1940 dated Foregin Paper Money
Wright Brothers Postcard - Americana

Wright Brothers Postcard - Americana

Inv# AM1157
Country: France
Years: 1905-1910 or so
1649 French Document

1649 French Document

Inv# ES1025
Country: France
Years: 1649
1787 French Document

1787 French Document

Inv# ES1026
Country: France
Years: 1787
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1734 "Tontine" Related French Document

1734 "Tontine" Related French Document

Inv# ES1027
Country: France
Years: 1734
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Collection of 4 Early Documents

Collection of 4 Early Documents

Inv# ES1028
Country: France
Years: 1678-1765
OUT OF STOCK More Details
France - 100 Nouveaux Francs - P-144 - dated 7.4.1960 - Foreign Paper Money
L'aerophile Magazine

L'aerophile Magazine

Inv# VS1055
Country: France
Years: 1912 & 1913
Societe Francaise des Plaques and Produits Photographiques
L. Charlin et Cie - French Gun Manufacturer Stock Certificate
2nd Use French Playing Card dated 1730's - 3 Sols, No. 226 Appel de Gand - France
France - Association Des Explosifs Heusschen

France - Association Des Explosifs Heusschen

Inv# FS1323
Country: France
Years: 1892
Minicards Woodcut Sheet - France

Minicards Woodcut Sheet - France

Inv# AM1173
Country: France
Years: 1840's
Proof Uncut Sheet of 24 - France

Proof Uncut Sheet of 24 - France

Inv# AM1174
Country: France
Years: 1915
Uncut Sheet of 12 - France/Belgium

Uncut Sheet of 12 - France/Belgium

Inv# AM1175
Country: France
Years: 1920
Uncut Sheet of 12 - France

Uncut Sheet of 12 - France

Inv# AM1177
Country: France
Years: 1918
Proof Sheet of 24 - France

Proof Sheet of 24 - France

Inv# AM1178
Country: France
Years: (1900?)
Proof Sheet of 12 - France

Proof Sheet of 12 - France

Inv# AM1179
Country: France
Years: 1897
Proof Sheet of 12 - Netherlands/France

Proof Sheet of 12 - Netherlands/France

Inv# AM1182
Country: France
Years: 1900
World's Flyer Greatest - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>

World's Flyer Greatest - Not Actual Cigars

Inv# CB1122
Country: France
State(s): New York
Co. General of Central America

Co. General of Central America

Inv# FS1332
Country: France
State(s): Arizona
Years: 1909
Mines De Cuivre Argentifere San Pedro Y Vega - Stock Certificate
American-Foreign Oil Corporation - Bond

American-Foreign Oil Corporation - Bond

Inv# OS1298
Country: France
State(s): Virginia
Years: 1920
La Grappe Minervoise

La Grappe Minervoise

Inv# FS1350
Country: France
Years: 1930
Societe Des Rizeries Parisiennes

Societe Des Rizeries Parisiennes

Inv# FS1351
Country: France
Years: 1915
Compagnie Universelle Cinematographique

Compagnie Universelle Cinematographique

Inv# FS1358
Country: France
Years: 1919
Compagnie Des Chargeurs Francais

Compagnie Des Chargeurs Francais

Inv# FS1361
Country: France
Years: 1920's
Societe Navale De L'ouest - Stock Certificate

Societe Navale De L'ouest - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1362
Country: France
Years: 1923
Chargeurs Reunis Societe Anonyme Compagnie Francaise De Navigation A Vapeur
Minas Pedrazzini S. A. - Stock Certificate

Minas Pedrazzini S. A. - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1375
Country: France
Years: 1920's
Compagnie Universelle Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Compagnie Universelle Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Inv# CN1022
Country: France
Years: 1880
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Compagnie Maritime De La Seine - Stock Certificate
Societe De Transit De Grand-Lahou

Societe De Transit De Grand-Lahou

Inv# FS1394
Country: France
Years: 1925
August Belmont signed Exchange Receipt dated 1845 - Autograph

August Belmont signed Exchange Receipt dated 1845 - Autograph

Inv# AU1157
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1845
OUT OF STOCK More Details

Societe Immobiliere du Forez

Societe Immobiliere du Forez

Inv# FS1404
Country: France
Years: 1920's
Banana Du Rio-Grande - Stock Certificate

Banana Du Rio-Grande - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1433
Country: France
Years: 1913
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Societe Anonyme De Cultures and Bananeraies Du Kin-San
Societe Miniere Intercoloniale - Stock Certificate

Societe Miniere Intercoloniale - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1435
Country: France
Years: 1945 or 1947
Compagnie Lyonnaise Des Banneries De Bluefields - 1913 dated France & Nicaragua Stock Certificate
Compagnie Francaise Du Telegraphe De Paris A New-York

Compagnie Francaise Du Telegraphe De Paris A New-York

Inv# FS1447
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1879
Ateliers et Chantiers Maritimes du Sud-Ouest - Foreign Bond
Republiques Haiti

Republiques Haiti

Inv# FB6059
Country: France
Years: 1911
Societe de Navigation Transoceanique

Societe de Navigation Transoceanique

Inv# FS1450
Country: France
Years: 1920
Societe Navale De L'Ouest

Societe Navale De L'Ouest

Inv# FS1452
Country: France
Years: 1920
Societe Miniere Franco-Africaine

Societe Miniere Franco-Africaine

Inv# FS1453
Country: France
French West Africa
Years: 1904
Compagnie du Port de Rio de Janeiro - 1912 dated Stock Certificate
Bill of Exchange signed by Nathan Rothschild

Bill of Exchange signed by Nathan Rothschild

Inv# AU1216
Country: England
Years: 1831
OUT OF STOCK More Details

Harbeck and Co. - 1850 dated Draft Check

Harbeck and Co. - 1850 dated Draft Check

Inv# CK1062
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1850
OUT OF STOCK More Details


Inv# CK1065
Country: France
Years: 1878
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Set of 6 Colosses Celebres Postcards
Societe Des Port Et Terrains De Matanzas - 1882 dated Cuba related Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme pour le Commerce Colonial - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Plantations de Caoulchouc De Tapanoelie
Societe Des Cultures De Diakandape

Societe Des Cultures De Diakandape

Inv# FS1474
Country: France
Years: (1930's)
Compagnie Des Etablissements Francais Mines D'or De L'Uruguay - 1895 dated Stock Certificate
Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer De L'Ouest De L'Espagne

Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer De L'Ouest De L'Espagne

Inv# FB6101
Country: France
Years: 1893
Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Inv# CN1024
Country: France
Years: 1882 & 1883
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Inv# CN1025
Country: France
Years: 1884
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Inv# CN1026
Country: France
Years: 1886
Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Inv# CN1027
Country: France
Years: 1887
Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama

Inv# CN1028
Country: France
Years: 1888
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Exposition Universelle - 25 Francs Bond

Exposition Universelle - 25 Francs Bond

Inv# FB6151
Country: France
Years: 1889
Union Miniere and Financiere Coloniale

Union Miniere and Financiere Coloniale

Inv# FS1542
Country: France
Years: 1928
Societe Francaise des Films et Cinematographes "Eclair"
Carrieres De Conflans-Sainte-Honorine

Carrieres De Conflans-Sainte-Honorine

Inv# FS1544
Country: France
Years: 1873
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Liniere La Dwina Societe Anonyme

Liniere La Dwina Societe Anonyme

Inv# FS1545
Country: France
Years: 1907
Compagnie Miniere De Santiago Y Anexas - Stock Certificate
1678 Document

1678 Document

Inv# ES1054
Country: France
Years: 1678
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Steaua Romana

Steaua Romana

Inv# FS1553
Country: France
Years: 1921 or 1926
Pecheries and Secheries Fecampoises
Societe Anonyme Hongroise pour la Fabrication de la Soie de Chardonnet - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme des Mines D'Anthracite De Laval, Isere - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Telephones Ericsson - Stock Certificate
Societe Industrielle Des Petroles Roumains - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Francaise De Constructions Industrielles
Compagnie Miniere Et Industrielle De Mansilla

Compagnie Miniere Et Industrielle De Mansilla

Inv# FS1603
Country: France
Years: 1905
Le Carbone Pur Et Ses Applications

Le Carbone Pur Et Ses Applications

Inv# FS1604
Country: France
Years: 1927
Port of Para

Port of Para

Inv# FS1611
Country: France
State(s): Maine
Years: 1906
Compagnie Generale Des Omnibus De Paris

Compagnie Generale Des Omnibus De Paris

Inv# FS1605
Country: France
Years: 1942
Societe Anonyme Aris

Societe Anonyme Aris

Inv# FS1606
Country: France
Years: 1910
Societe Enzel

Societe Enzel

Inv# FS1608
Country: France
Years: 1928
Societe Des Etablissements Jean Malbec Fils

Societe Des Etablissements Jean Malbec Fils

Inv# FS1609
Country: France
Years: 1922
Petrole Trust Societe Anonyme - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Des Usines Franco-Russes - Stock Certificate
Les Petroles Reunis

Les Petroles Reunis

Inv# FS1622
Country: France
Years: 1924
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Association Phonique des Grands Artistes

Association Phonique des Grands Artistes

Inv# FS1618
Country: France
Years: 1906
Banque J-B Joany and Co.

Banque J-B Joany and Co.

Inv# FS1626
Country: France
Years: 1910
Banque Nationale

Banque Nationale

Inv# FS1627
Country: France
Years: 1879
Etablissements Leon Volterra et Theatre Marigny

Etablissements Leon Volterra et Theatre Marigny

Inv# FS1628
Country: France
Years: 1927
Credit Foncier Agricole Du Maroc - 1920 dated Moroccan Stock Certificate - Morocco
France 20 Francs - P-92b - 1941 - Foreign Paper Money
Pillot and Lebarbier Check

Pillot and Lebarbier Check

Inv# CK1073
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1840's
Collection of 12 Foreign Stocks & Bonds - Dated from 1911 to 1983 - All Different from 7 Different Countries

Collection of 12 Foreign Stocks & Bonds - Dated from 1911 to 1983 - All Different from 7 Different Countries

Inv# FS1634
Country: Belgium
Puerto Rico
Years: 1911-83
New Callao Gold Mining Co. Limited

New Callao Gold Mining Co. Limited

Inv# FS1639
Country: England
Years: 1912
Societe Anonyme de la Vieille Cure de Cenon

Societe Anonyme de la Vieille Cure de Cenon

Inv# FS1642
Country: France
Years: 1921
Briqueteries and Tuileries D'Angervilliers

Briqueteries and Tuileries D'Angervilliers

Inv# FS1643
Country: France
Years: 1917
Vinos Gasificados Blanxart

Vinos Gasificados Blanxart

Inv# FS1644
Country: France
Years: 1916
Uncut Sheet of 12 Playing Cards

Uncut Sheet of 12 Playing Cards

Inv# AM1267
Country: France
Years: 1915
Uncut Sheet of 16 Playing Cards

Uncut Sheet of 16 Playing Cards

Inv# AM1268
Country: France
Years: 1800 or before
OUT OF STOCK More Details
MiniCards Woodout Sheet

MiniCards Woodout Sheet

Inv# AM1269
Country: France
Years: 1840's
Filature de Laine Peignee

Filature de Laine Peignee

Inv# FS1678
Country: Australia
Years: 1944
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Compagnie du Lubilash

Compagnie du Lubilash

Inv# FB6232
Country: Belgium
Years: 1944
Trust Franco Belge des Petroles

Trust Franco Belge des Petroles

Inv# FS1677
Country: Belgium
Years: 1920
Societe Anonyme Des Grands Garages D'Egypte

Societe Anonyme Des Grands Garages D'Egypte

Inv# FS1714
Country: Egypt
Years: 1906
Acieries, Hauts Fourneaux and Forges De Trignac
Afrique and Congo

Afrique and Congo

Inv# FS1737
Country: France
Years: 1907
A La Place Clichy - 1,000 Francs

A La Place Clichy - 1,000 Francs

Inv# FB6340
Country: France
Years: 1929
A La Reine d'Angleterre

A La Reine d'Angleterre

Inv# FS1738
Country: England
Years: 1924
A La Reine d'Angleterre

A La Reine d'Angleterre

Inv# FS1739
Country: England
Years: 1924
Ancienne Maison Gerbaud

Ancienne Maison Gerbaud

Inv# FS1740
Country: France
Years: 1922
Appareillage Electrique Grivolas

Appareillage Electrique Grivolas

Inv# FS1741
Country: France
Years: 1896
Societe Anonyme Des Parfums D'Arys - Parisian Perfume Company - 1918 dated French Unissued Stock Certificate
Automobiles Th. Schneider - 500 Francs - Foreign Bond
Banque Coloniale D'Etudes et D'Entreprises Mutuelles - Stock Certificate
Banque De L'Ocean Indien

Banque De L'Ocean Indien

Inv# FS1745
Country: France
Years: 1929
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Banque Du Liban

Banque Du Liban

Inv# FS1746
Country: France
Years: 1913
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Banque Regionale Et Coloniale - Stock Certificate
Caoutchouc Recupere "Reno" - Stock Certificate

Caoutchouc Recupere "Reno" - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1748
Country: France
Years: 1927
Chamoiserie-Ganterie Hippolyte Bal

Chamoiserie-Ganterie Hippolyte Bal

Inv# FS1749
Country: France
Years: 1924
Charbonnages De Laviana

Charbonnages De Laviana

Inv# FS1750
Country: France
Years: 1905
Charbonnages De Millau - Stock Certificate

Charbonnages De Millau - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1751
Country: France
Years: 1924 or 1925
Chemin De Fer Et Bassin Houiller Du Var - 100 Francs
Chemins De Fer Du Midi - 1,000 Francs

Chemins De Fer Du Midi - 1,000 Francs

Inv# FB6343
Country: France
Years: 1936
Chemin De Fer Du Nord

Chemin De Fer Du Nord

Inv# FS1752
Country: France
Years: 1852
Cie Immobiliere D'Egypte

Cie Immobiliere D'Egypte

Inv# FS1753
Country: France
Years: 1900
Compagnie Agricole D'Annam

Compagnie Agricole D'Annam

Inv# FS1754
Country: France
French Indochina
Years: 1933
Compagnie Agricole D'Annam

Compagnie Agricole D'Annam

Inv# FS1755
Country: France
French Indochina
Years: 1926
Compagnie De Vapeurs Francais - 500 Francs

Compagnie De Vapeurs Francais - 500 Francs

Inv# FB6344
Country: France
Years: 1919
Compagnie Africaine De Commerce

Compagnie Africaine De Commerce

Inv# FS1756
Country: France
Years: 1920
Compagnie De La Chine et des Indes

Compagnie De La Chine et des Indes

Inv# FS1757
Country: France
Years: 1921
Compagnie De L'Ouest=Cameroun

Compagnie De L'Ouest=Cameroun

Inv# FS1758
Country: France
Years: 1931
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer De La Vendee - 500 Francs
Compagnie Des Mines De Bruay

Compagnie Des Mines De Bruay

Inv# FS1759
Country: France
Years: 1939
Compagnie Des Petroles "Prospero" - Stock Certificate
Compagnie D'Inguaran

Compagnie D'Inguaran

Inv# FS1761
Country: France
Years: 1898
Compagnie Du Lait Berna

Compagnie Du Lait Berna

Inv# FS1762
Country: France
Years: 1920
Compagnie Forestiere Sangha-Oubangui

Compagnie Forestiere Sangha-Oubangui

Inv# FS1763
Country: France
Years: 1924
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Compagnie Francaise De L'Antimoine

Compagnie Francaise De L'Antimoine

Inv# FS1764
Country: France
Years: 1909
Compagnie Francaise Des Accumulateurs Electriques IODAC
Compagnie Francaise Des Pecheurs Reunis

Compagnie Francaise Des Pecheurs Reunis

Inv# FS1766
Country: France
Years: 1926
Compagnie Francaise Des Voies Ferrees Economiques
Compagnie Francaise Du Caoutchouc

Compagnie Francaise Du Caoutchouc

Inv# FS1768
Country: France
Years: 1922
Compagnie Francaise Du Ferro-Ciment

Compagnie Francaise Du Ferro-Ciment

Inv# FS1769
Country: France
Years: 1919
Compagnie Franco-Malgache D'Entreprises - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Generale Aeropostale

Compagnie Generale Aeropostale

Inv# FB6346
Country: France
Years: 1935
Compagnie Generale De Fourrures and Pelleteries
Compagnie Generale Des Phosphates De La Floride

Compagnie Generale Des Phosphates De La Floride

Inv# FS1773
Country: France
State(s): Florida
Years: 1912
Compagnie Generale Sangha-Likouala

Compagnie Generale Sangha-Likouala

Inv# FS1774
Country: France
Years: 1931
Compagnie Immobiliere

Compagnie Immobiliere

Inv# FS1775
Country: France
Years: 1863
Compagnie Immobiliere Helios - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Parisienne D'Eclairage Par L'Electricite
Compagnie Parisienne Fonciere - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Parisienne De Voitures L'Urbaine

Compagnie Parisienne De Voitures L'Urbaine

Inv# FS1780
Country: France
Years: 1892
Comptoir D'Escompte De Reims Chapuis and Cie.

Comptoir D'Escompte De Reims Chapuis and Cie.

Inv# FS1781
Country: France
Years: 1929
Comptoirs Francais D'Oceanie - 1920 dated French Stock Certificate - Action or Share
Conserves Vve-Aubin-Salles

Conserves Vve-Aubin-Salles

Inv# FS1783
Country: France
Years: 1928
Credit Foncier De France - 100 Francs

Credit Foncier De France - 100 Francs

Inv# FB6347
Country: France
Years: 1887 or 1888
Credit Foncier De France - 20 Francs - Bond

Credit Foncier De France - 20 Francs - Bond

Inv# FB6348
Country: France
Years: 1887
Entrepots Frigorifiques Lyonnais

Entrepots Frigorifiques Lyonnais

Inv# FS1784
Country: France
Years: 1930
Entrepots and Transports Fluviaux Du Nord

Entrepots and Transports Fluviaux Du Nord

Inv# FS1785
Country: France
Years: 1920
Entreprise Louis Meleux and Cie
Entreprises Transatlantiques "Entra"

Entreprises Transatlantiques "Entra"

Inv# FS1787
Country: France
Years: 1949
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Etablissements Antonin Eymieu Fils Minoterie Sainte-Anne
Etablissements Bajac

Etablissements Bajac

Inv# FS1789
Country: France
Etablissements Torralva Freres, Balland and Nicquevert
Etablissements U. Parizot

Etablissements U. Parizot

Inv# FS1791
Country: France
Years: 1942
Vve. Garres and De Penanros Fils - Stock Certificate

Vve. Garres and De Penanros Fils - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1792
Country: France
Years: 1925 or 27
Filatures and Teintureries De Saint Epin

Filatures and Teintureries De Saint Epin

Inv# FS1794
Country: France
Years: 1905
Force and Distribution

Force and Distribution

Inv# FS1795
Country: France
Years: 1936
Gabon-Niari - Stock Certificate

Gabon-Niari - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1796
Country: France
Years: 1936
Georges Clairin and Cie.

Georges Clairin and Cie.

Inv# FS1797
Country: France
Years: 1932
Grandes Tuileries Et Briqueteries Toulousaines - 1914 dated French Stock Certificate
Immobiliere de Mouscron

Immobiliere de Mouscron

Inv# FS1799
Country: France
Years: 1966
Industrielle Des Varechs

Industrielle Des Varechs

Inv# FS1800
Country: France
Years: 1917
L'Alimentation Economique - Stock Certificate

L'Alimentation Economique - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1801
Country: France
Years: 1932
La Mutuelle Des Proprietaires - 100 Francs

La Mutuelle Des Proprietaires - 100 Francs

Inv# FB6349
Country: France
Years: 1905
La Peche Francaise

La Peche Francaise

Inv# FS1802
Country: France
Years: 1924
La Pelleterie Russo-Americaine - Stock Certificate
La Pierre de Verre Garchey - Stock Certificate

La Pierre de Verre Garchey - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1804
Country: France
Years: 1900
La Sericicole Du Congo

La Sericicole Du Congo

Inv# FS1805
Country: France
Years: 1927
L'Assurance Financiere - Bond (Uncanceled)

L'Assurance Financiere - Bond (Uncanceled)

Inv# FB6350
Country: France
Years: 1881, 1883 or 84
LaVigneronne Des Pyrenees

LaVigneronne Des Pyrenees

Inv# FS1806
Country: France
Years: 1913
Le Nickel Caledonien - 1905 dated 500 Francs Bond or Obligation
Le Nickel Caledonien

Le Nickel Caledonien

Inv# FS1807
Country: France
Years: 1907
Le Poele Mirus

Le Poele Mirus

Inv# FS1808
Country: France
Years: 1928
Les Abattoirs Industriels De France

Les Abattoirs Industriels De France

Inv# FS1809
Country: France
Years: 1921
Les Distilleries D'Alsace

Les Distilleries D'Alsace

Inv# FS1810
Country: France
Years: 1923
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Les Hoteliers Et Restaurateurs Francais

Les Hoteliers Et Restaurateurs Francais

Inv# FS1811
Country: France
Years: 1934
Les Parfums de Mury

Les Parfums de Mury

Inv# FS1812
Country: France
Years: 1930
L'Industrielle De Materiaux

L'Industrielle De Materiaux

Inv# FS1813
Country: France
Years: 1928
L'Union Electrique Rurale

L'Union Electrique Rurale

Inv# FS1814
Country: France
Years: 1929
Machines a Coudre Athos

Machines a Coudre Athos

Inv# FS1815
Country: France
Years: 1924
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Manufacture de Buhl

Manufacture de Buhl

Inv# FS1816
Country: France
Years: 1932
Manufacture Des Engrais "Novo"

Manufacture Des Engrais "Novo"

Inv# FS1817
Country: France
Years: 1924
Marbro-Rubber - 500 Francs

Marbro-Rubber - 500 Francs

Inv# FB6352
Country: France
Years: 1928
Mines De La Betica

Mines De La Betica

Inv# FS1818
Country: France
Years: 1909


Inv# FS1819
Country: France
Pelleteries De Mareil

Pelleteries De Mareil

Inv# FS1820
Country: France
Years: 1924


Inv# FS1821
Country: France
Years: 1929
Petrolea - Stock Certificate

Petrolea - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1822
Country: France
Years: 1922
Petromines - Stock Certificate
Plantations Indonesiennes and Participations

Plantations Indonesiennes and Participations

Inv# FS1824
Country: France
Years: 1962


Inv# FS1825
Country: France
Years: 1933
Roches Et Minerais

Roches Et Minerais

Inv# FS1826
Country: France
Years: 1925
Compagnie Du Canal Maritime Du Nord

Compagnie Du Canal Maritime Du Nord

Inv# FS1827
Country: France
Years: 1888


Inv# FS1828
Country: France
Years: 1924
Societe Agricole and Financiere D'Algerie

Societe Agricole and Financiere D'Algerie

Inv# FS1829
Country: Algeria
Years: 1928
Societe Anonyme De Publications Periodiques Imprimerie E. Desfosses-Neogravure
Societe Anonyme Des Anciens Etablissements Mortagne
Societe Anonyme des Cargos Francais - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme des Houilleres de Rive-de-Gier

Societe Anonyme des Houilleres de Rive-de-Gier

Inv# FS1833
Country: France
Years: 1904
Societe Anonyme Des Terres Refractaires, Gres and Kaolins
Societe Anonyme Des Theatres Et Casinos Nicois

Societe Anonyme Des Theatres Et Casinos Nicois

Inv# FS1835
Country: France
Years: 1925
Societe Anonyme Du Petit Nicois

Societe Anonyme Du Petit Nicois

Inv# FS1836
Country: France
Years: 1926
Societe Anonyme Francaise Des Charbonnages De L'Oklahoma
Societe Anonyme Immobiliere Saint-Jean

Societe Anonyme Immobiliere Saint-Jean

Inv# FS1838
Country: France
Years: 1955
Societe Anonyme "L'Equipement Electrique"

Societe Anonyme "L'Equipement Electrique"

Inv# FS1839
Country: France
Years: 1920
Societe Anonyme Minerais De Fer De Krivoi-Rog

Societe Anonyme Minerais De Fer De Krivoi-Rog

Inv# FS1840
Country: France
Years: 1880
Societe Anonyme Normande De Produits Alimentaires
Societe Atlantique De Reassurances

Societe Atlantique De Reassurances

Inv# FS1842
Country: France
Years: 1952
Societe Bethunoise D'Eclairage Et D'Energie - Stock Certificate
Societe Centrale Des Banques De Province

Societe Centrale Des Banques De Province

Inv# FS1844
Country: France
Years: 1928
Societe Cherifienne D'Hivernage

Societe Cherifienne D'Hivernage

Inv# FS1845
Country: France
Years: 1930
Societe Commerciale de Navigation Maritime "Navmar"

Societe Commerciale de Navigation Maritime "Navmar"

Inv# FS1847
Country: France
Years: (1930's)
Societe Cotonniere and Liniere Du Nord

Societe Cotonniere and Liniere Du Nord

Inv# FS1848
Country: France
Years: 1924
Societe Cotonniere Russo-Francaise

Societe Cotonniere Russo-Francaise

Inv# FS1849
Country: France
Years: 1910
Societe De La Brasserie De Lutece - 300,000 Francs
Societe Des Appareils Boirault

Societe Des Appareils Boirault

Inv# FS1850
Country: France
Years: 1928
Societe Des Appareils Magondeaux

Societe Des Appareils Magondeaux

Inv# FS1851
Country: France
Years: 1925
Societe Des Arts Decoratifs Sur Bois

Societe Des Arts Decoratifs Sur Bois

Inv# FS1852
Country: France
Years: (1920's)
Societe Des Charbonnages De Ninh-Binh

Societe Des Charbonnages De Ninh-Binh

Inv# FS1853
Country: France
French Indochina
Years: 1926
Societe Des Chaussures Ehrlich Freres

Societe Des Chaussures Ehrlich Freres

Inv# FS1854
Country: France
Years: 1923
Societe des Mines d'Ambatobe

Societe des Mines d'Ambatobe

Inv# FS1908
Country: France
Years: 1927
Societe Des Mines D'or De L'Andavakoera - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Moteurs Salmson

Societe Des Moteurs Salmson

Inv# FS1856
Country: France
Years: 1929
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Societe Des Panoramas De Jerusalem

Societe Des Panoramas De Jerusalem

Inv# FS1857
Country: France
Years: 1898
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Societe Des Petroles Milano

Societe Des Petroles Milano

Inv# FS1858
Country: France
Years: 1923
Societe Des Produits Des Chevaliers De Malte

Societe Des Produits Des Chevaliers De Malte

Inv# FS1860
Country: France
Years: 1935
Societe Des Transports En Commun De La Region Parisienne - Stock Certificate
Societe d'Exploitation des Produits "S.E.M.I."

Societe d'Exploitation des Produits "S.E.M.I."

Inv# FS1862
Country: France
Years: (1920's)
Societe D'Exploitations Petroliferes "Lutetia"

Societe D'Exploitations Petroliferes "Lutetia"

Inv# FS1863
Country: France
Years: 1922
Societe du Chemin de Fer de Damas-Hamah

Societe du Chemin de Fer de Damas-Hamah

Inv# FS1864
Country: France
Years: (1920's)
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Societe Du Domaine De Kebao

Societe Du Domaine De Kebao

Inv# FS1865
Country: France
Years: 1927
Societe Du "Progres Civique"

Societe Du "Progres Civique"

Inv# FS1866
Country: France
Years: 1923
Grandes Fabriques De Papier

Grandes Fabriques De Papier

Inv# FS1867
Country: France
Years: 1894
Societe Financiere Immobiliere

Societe Financiere Immobiliere

Inv# FS1868
Country: France
Years: 1966
Societe Forestiere Franco-Australienne - Stock Certificate

Societe Forestiere Franco-Australienne - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1869
Country: Australia
Years: 1923
Societe Francaise De Lumiere Froide

Societe Francaise De Lumiere Froide

Inv# FS1870
Country: France
Years: 1912
Societe Francaise De Tramways Electriques and de Chemins de Fer
Societe Francaise Des Films "Eclair"

Societe Francaise Des Films "Eclair"

Inv# FS1872
Country: France
Years: 1909
Societe Francaise Du Carbonalpha and De Ses Derives
Societe francaise Du Comptoir des Produits du Petrole - Stock Certificate
Societe Francaise Stigler

Societe Francaise Stigler

Inv# FS1875
Country: France
Years: 1908
Societe Franco-Americaine De Raffinage

Societe Franco-Americaine De Raffinage

Inv# FS1876
Country: France
Years: 1929
Societe Generale Immobiliere De Nice

Societe Generale Immobiliere De Nice

Inv# FS1877
Country: France
Years: 1919
Societe Generale De Procedes D'Extraction Du Caoutchouc - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme de la Vieille Cure de Cenon - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme de la Vieille Cure de Cenon

Societe Anonyme de la Vieille Cure de Cenon

Inv# FS1880
Country: France
Years: 1927
Societe Generale Des Eaux Minerales Du Bassin D'Aix-Les-Bains
Societe Hoteliere Des Centres De Pelerinages Catholiques - Stock Certificate
Societe Immobiliere De La Grande Plage d'Hyeres
Societe Internationale pour l'Exploitation Industrielle De La Houille Bleue - Stock Certificate
Societe Industrielle du Gaz Methane

Societe Industrielle du Gaz Methane

Inv# FS1886
Country: France
Years: 1909
Societe "Les Affreteurs Reunis" - 500 Francs - Bond
Societe Lyonnaise d'Attractions "Luna Park De Lyon" - Stock Certificate
Societe Maritime Francaise

Societe Maritime Francaise

Inv# FS1888
Country: France
Years: 1920
Societe Mutuelle Francaise - 100 Francs

Societe Mutuelle Francaise - 100 Francs

Inv# FB6355
Country: France
Years: 1907
Societe Pour L'Extension Et L'Embellissement De La Ville De Biarritz
Ste. Commerciale du Caoutchouc - Stock Certificate

Ste. Commerciale du Caoutchouc - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1890
Country: France
Years: 1939 or 1914
Tramways De Carthagene - 5,000,000 Francs Capitalization - Stock Certificate
Tramways de la Ville de Belgrade - Stock Certificate

Tramways de la Ville de Belgrade - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1891
Country: Belgium
Years: 1894
Union Commerciale and Industrielle De Metallurgie and D'Applications Electriques - 1,000,000 Francs - Bond
"Victoria" Societe Anonyme Francaise Pour L'Exploitation Du Petrole
Ville De Paris - 912 Million Francs

Ville De Paris - 912 Million Francs

Inv# FB6358
Country: France
Years: 1948
Wagons-Foudres Mitjavile

Wagons-Foudres Mitjavile

Inv# FS1893
Country: France
Years: 1924
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Compagnie Cotiere de Madagascar - Stock Certificate

Compagnie Cotiere de Madagascar - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1917
Country: France
Years: 1926
Compagnie Francaise De Tahiti

Compagnie Francaise De Tahiti

Inv# FS1978
Country: France
Years: 1928
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Conseil De La Dette Publique Repartie De L'Ancien Empire Ottoman - Bond
France - 100 Francs - P-86b - 1939 dated Foreign Paper Money
France 5 Nouveaux Francs - P-141a dated 2.11.1961 - France Foreign Paper Money
France - 5 Francs - P-146b - dated 8.1.1990 Foreign Paper Money
France 200 Francs - P-155a - dated 1981 France  Foreign Paper Money


Inv# FM1882
Country: France
Years: July 31, 1792
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Chantiers Navals Francais Societe Anonyme - French Ship Building Stock Certificate
Les Messageries Fluviales

Les Messageries Fluviales

Inv# FS1991
Country: France
Years: 1927
Messageries Fluviales De France

Messageries Fluviales De France

Inv# FS1992
Country: France
Years: 1905 or 1906
Societe Anonyme des Pecheries Cameleyre Freres - Stock Certificate
France P-97d - Foreign Paper Money

France P-97d - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM2003
Country: France
Denomination: 5000 Francs
Years: 18-3-1973
France P-132d - Foreign Paper Money

France P-132d - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM2004
Country: France
Denomination: 10,000 Francs
Years: 3-3-1955
Colombia - Societe Nationale De Chemins De Fer En Colombie

Colombia - Societe Nationale De Chemins De Fer En Colombie

Inv# FS1320A
Country: Belgium
Years: 1927
St. Mary's Franco-American Petroleum Co. - 1902 dated Stock Certificate

St. Mary's Franco-American Petroleum Co. - 1902 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# OS1554
Country: France
State(s): West Virginia
Years: 1902
Charbonnages De Girardville - Bond

Charbonnages De Girardville - Bond

Inv# FB6510
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1858
Compagnie Tunisienne De Mines Metalliques - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Francaise Charbonnages D'Osani - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Des Mines D'Anthracite De Sainte-Agnes, Isere - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Coloniale Et Des Mines D'or De Suberbieville - Stock Certificate
Societe Generale de Mines et Metallurgie - Stock Certificate
Societe Hydrominerale De La Roche-Posay - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Generale Des Mines De Thakhek - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Francaise Des Mines D'Akhtala

Compagnie Francaise Des Mines D'Akhtala

Inv# FS1146
Country: France
Years: 1887
Compania Franco-Espanola Minera de la Carolina - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Tunisienne De Mines Metalliques - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Des Mines De Plomb and De Zinc Du Djebel Oudiba - Stock Certificate
Credit Foncier Du Bresil Et De L'Amerique Du Sud - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Des Horloges Electriques Reclames - 1924 dated Electric Clocks Co. Stock Certificate
Societe Bearnaise Pour La Recherche Et L'Exploitation de la Potasse et du Petrole - Stock Certificate
Societe Industrielle D'Electricite - Stock Certificate
Societe Manufacture D'Objets En Bois - Stock Certificate
Exposition Universelle De 1900 - Bond

Exposition Universelle De 1900 - Bond

Inv# FB6518
Country: France
Years: 1900
Ville De Paris - Bond

Ville De Paris - Bond

Inv# FB6519
Country: France
Years: 1932
ABN Ad Flyer

ABN Ad Flyer

Inv# ABN1015
Country: France
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Monna Vanna Cigares Huifkar - <b>Not Actual Cigars</b>
Le Nouveau Monde - Stock Certificate

Le Nouveau Monde - Stock Certificate

Inv# MS1899A
Country: France
State(s): California
Years: 1850's
Compania De Los Ferro-Carriles De Madrid A. Zaragoza Y A Alicante - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Turque Des Mines de Balia-Karaidin - Stock Certificate
Invoice for Saye-Noire, Sayedor, Saye-Clair and Sayet
Invoice for Le Cacao Poulain

Invoice for Le Cacao Poulain

Inv# AM1470
Country: France
Invoice for Chicoree Extra

Invoice for Chicoree Extra

Inv# AM1471
Country: France
Invoice for Ideal Polish

Invoice for Ideal Polish

Inv# AM1472
Country: France
Cine-Documentaire Societe Anonyme

Cine-Documentaire Societe Anonyme

Inv# ET1077
Country: France
Years: 1928
Lvtece Films

Lvtece Films

Inv# ET1088
Country: France
Years: 1924
Societe Lorraine Et Meridionale De Laminage Continu - $5,000
New Chile Gold Mining Co., Limited

New Chile Gold Mining Co., Limited

Inv# FS2025
Country: Chile
Years: 1885
Aeolian Co.

Aeolian Co.

Inv# FS2036
Country: France
Years: 1924
Banque Coloniale Et De Travaux Publics - Stock Certificate
Compagnie De Chemin De Fer Et De Navigation d"Alais au Rhone et a la Mediterranee
Electric Light and Power Supply Co.

Electric Light and Power Supply Co.

Inv# FS2038
Country: France
Years: 1908
Etablissements Verminck

Etablissements Verminck

Inv# FS1300A
Country: France
Years: 1912
Compagnie Anonyme Des Chemins De Fer De Seville-Xeres-Cadix
Societe Anonyme Des Anciens Etablissements Bernard
Societe Anonyme Des Houilleres De Saint-Etienne

Societe Anonyme Des Houilleres De Saint-Etienne

Inv# FS2042
Country: France
Years: 1926
Societe Anonyme Des Usines Franco-Russes - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme Francaise Rene Volet

Societe Anonyme Francaise Rene Volet

Inv# FS2044
Country: France
Years: 1931
Societe Anonyme Les Fruits Coloniaux

Societe Anonyme Les Fruits Coloniaux

Inv# FS2045
Country: France
Years: 1930
Societe D'Entreprise Pour La Reconstruction De Reims
Soceite Des Films Eclipse

Soceite Des Films Eclipse

Inv# FS2047
Country: France
Years: 1918
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Societe Des Mines De Kabin

Societe Des Mines De Kabin

Inv# FS2048
Country: France
Years: 1896
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Societe Generale Des Cinematographes Eclipse

Societe Generale Des Cinematographes Eclipse

Inv# FS2049
Country: France
Years: 1907
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Societe Metallurgique Francaise "Aciers Yrsur"

Societe Metallurgique Francaise "Aciers Yrsur"

Inv# FS2050
Country: France
Years: 1905
OUT OF STOCK More Details
La Franco-Romana

La Franco-Romana

Inv# FS2051
Country: France
Years: 1908
Le Petit Troyen

Le Petit Troyen

Inv# FS2052
Country: France
Years: 1907
Ville De Paris

Ville De Paris

Inv# FB6559
Country: France
Years: 1876
Ville De Paris

Ville De Paris

Inv# FB6560
Country: France
Years: 1930
Antique Stamp Packet

Antique Stamp Packet

Inv# ST1017
Country: France
Years: 1897
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Maison Borras Liege - Fruit Crate Label
Exchange Check from the 1840's - Draft of various denominations

Exchange Check from the 1840's - Draft of various denominations

Inv# CK1074A
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1844-47
Draft of First Exchange

Draft of First Exchange

Inv# CK1074B
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1845
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Draft of Second Exchange

Draft of Second Exchange

Inv# CK1074C
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1844
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Draft of Second Exchange

Draft of Second Exchange

Inv# CK1093
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1860
Draft of Second Exchange

Draft of Second Exchange

Inv# CK1094
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1846
Draft of Second Exchange

Draft of Second Exchange

Inv# CK1095
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1851
Draft of Second Exchange

Draft of Second Exchange

Inv# CK1096
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1846
Draft of Second Exchange

Draft of Second Exchange

Inv# CK1097
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1851
Early French Document

Early French Document

Inv# ES1098
Country: France
Years: 1740
Anciens Etablissements Eiffel
Anglo French Ticapampa Silver Mining

Anglo French Ticapampa Silver Mining

Inv# FS2087
Country: France
Years: 1952
Caisse Hypothecaire Sud-Americaine

Caisse Hypothecaire Sud-Americaine

Inv# FS2088
Country: France
Years: 1912
Chaux et Ciments De Chanaz

Chaux et Ciments De Chanaz

Inv# FS2089
Country: France
Years: (1940's)
Compagnie de Participations Et De Gestion

Compagnie de Participations Et De Gestion

Inv# FS2090
Country: France
Years: 1941
Etablissements J. Cobourg

Etablissements J. Cobourg

Inv# FS2091
Country: France
Years: 1913
Etablissements Mourier L. Barraya and Cie

Etablissements Mourier L. Barraya and Cie

Inv# FS2092
Country: France
Years: 1923
Societe Nouvelle Laminoir Et Trefilerie D'Afrique

Societe Nouvelle Laminoir Et Trefilerie D'Afrique

Inv# FS2094
Country: Algeria
Years: (1940's)
La Holding Coloniale

La Holding Coloniale

Inv# FS2093
Country: France
Years: 1937
L'Entreprise Maritime et Commerciale

L'Entreprise Maritime et Commerciale

Inv# FS2095
Country: France
Years: 1947
les bas Chesterfield

les bas Chesterfield

Inv# FS2096
Country: France
Years: 1960


Inv# FS2097
Country: France
Years: 1929
Societe Africaine d'Entreprises

Societe Africaine d'Entreprises

Inv# FS2098
Country: France
Years: 1936
Societe Francaise du Plomb et des Metaux non Ferreux
Societe Malgache De Cultures

Societe Malgache De Cultures

Inv# FS2100
Country: France
Years: 1927
Messageries Des Postes

Messageries Des Postes

Inv# FS2116
Country: France
Years: 1899
Credit Foncier Argentin - 1900's dated Argentina Stock Certificate
Mines D'Argent De La Caunette - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme de la Vieille Cure de Cenon

Societe Anonyme de la Vieille Cure de Cenon

Inv# FS1880A
Country: France
Years: 1914
Societe Anonyme Ottomane Des Mines de Balia-Karaidin - Stock Certificate
Societe Industrielle du Gaz Methane

Societe Industrielle du Gaz Methane

Inv# FS1886A
Country: France
Years: 1909
Station Climaterique D'Altitude de Thorenc - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Auxiliaire De Chemins de Fer au Bresil
Societe Anonyme Des Mines D'Or Du Katchkar

Societe Anonyme Des Mines D'Or Du Katchkar

Inv# FS2119
Country: France
Years: 1897
Societe Anonyme Francaise D'exploitation Miniere Mines D'Or De Stanija
Societe Des Mines D'Or De France

Societe Des Mines D'Or De France

Inv# FS2121
Country: France
Years: 1910
Societe Francaise Des Mines D'Or De Transylvanie
Imprimerie A. Rey - 1928 dated French Stock Certificate - Lyon, France
Banque Coloniale D'Etudes et D'Entreprises Mutuelles - Stock Certificate
Emprunt Industriel Du Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise - 500 Francs Bond
Societe Des Mines de Tuco-Cheira - Stock Certificate

Societe Des Mines de Tuco-Cheira - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1099A
Country: France
Years: 1905
Union Miniere and Metallurgique De Russie - 1911 dated Russian and French Stock Certificate
Cactus Mining Co. - Stock Certificate

Cactus Mining Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# MS3136
Country: France
State(s): Utah
Years: 1889
Societe des Phonographes and Cinematographes "LUX" - 1906 dated Stock Certificate
5 Tobacco Silks

5 Tobacco Silks

Inv# AM1777
Country: France
Bechet and Lorut - Check

Bechet and Lorut - Check

Inv# CK1267
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1846
OUT OF STOCK More Details
1664 French Document - Early Stocks and Bonds

1664 French Document - Early Stocks and Bonds

Inv# ES1153
Country: France
Years: 1664
1722 French Document - Early

1722 French Document - Early

Inv# ES1154
Country: France
Years: 1722
OUT OF STOCK More Details
La Caisse des Fonctionnaires - Stock Certificate

La Caisse des Fonctionnaires - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2169
Country: France
Years: 1888
Caisse Generale de Paris - Foreign Bond

Caisse Generale de Paris - Foreign Bond

Inv# FB6660
Country: France
Years: 1898
L'Azote Francais - 1930 dated French Stock Certificate - 100 French Francs
Compagnie Miniere Du Triunfo - Stock Certificate
Le Chauffage Integral - Stock Certificate

Le Chauffage Integral - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2180
Country: France
Years: 1928
Petroles France-Mexique - Stock Certificate

Petroles France-Mexique - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS2181
Country: France
Years: 1926
Societe Anonyme Des Anciens Chantiers Dubigeon - Stock Certificate
Societe Anonyme des Automobiles "Le Zebre" - 1919 dated Automotive French Stock Certificate - France
Societe Anonyme des Mines De Bou-Arfa - Stock Certificate
Societe Cinechromographique - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Chantiers Et Ateliers De Provence - Stock Certificate
Societe Des Grands Travaux Metropolitains - Stock Certificate
Societe Electrique "Ilot-Wagram" - Utility Stock Certificate
Societe Francaise Lemoine - 1926 dated French Stock Certificate - France
Societe Generale Isothermos - Stock Certificate
Produits Chimiques Et Mines Compagnie Du Dyr - Stock Certificate
Boules Tous Fruits - Fruit Crate Label
France - Fayette-4-3, P-72d - Foreign Paper Money

France - Fayette-4-3, P-72d - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM2136
Country: France
Years: 18.10.1928
France - P-72d - Foreign Paper Money

France - P-72d - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM2136A
Country: France
Years: 1926-32
France-Fayette-4-3, P-72d - Foreign Paper Money

France-Fayette-4-3, P-72d - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM2136B
Country: France
Years: 18.10.1928
France, Banque De France, P-94 - Foreign Paper Money

France, Banque De France, P-94 - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM2137
Country: France
Years: 1939-42
France, - P151i - Banque De France - Foreign Paper Money
Second or Third Exchange - Foreign Check

Second or Third Exchange - Foreign Check

Inv# FC1008
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1847-51
Second of Exchange - Foreign Check

Second of Exchange - Foreign Check

Inv# FC1011
Country: France
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1850
Rothschild & Co. Second of Exchange - Foreign Check

Rothschild & Co. Second of Exchange - Foreign Check

Inv# FC1013
Country: France
State(s): California
Years: 1861
OUT OF STOCK More Details
Societe Antillaise de Produits Chimiques S.A. - Specimen Stock Certificate
France P-94 - Foreign Paper Money

France P-94 - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM2138
Country: France
Years: 1939-42
France 100 Francs - P-94 - dated 1839-42 France Foreign Paper Money
Societe des Valeurs Americanies or American Valures Co. - Foreign Stocks

Societe des Valeurs Americanies or American Valures Co. - Foreign Stocks

Inv# FS2218
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1884
France -50 Francs -  P-85b - dated 1938-1940 - Foreign Paper Money
France - 50 Francs - P- 152b - dated 1980-1985  Foreign Paper Money
Christian Cognac Ad - Americana
Toute L'ame De L'alsace Ad - Americana
French Wine and Liquor Checks - Foreign Checks

French Wine and Liquor Checks - Foreign Checks

Inv# FC1023
Country: France
Years: 1890's-1900's
France - 20 Francs - P-100a - 1942-43 dated Foreign Paper Money
Play Bill "Mucha" - 1898 dated Americana - Alfons Maria Mucha

Play Bill "Mucha" - 1898 dated Americana - Alfons Maria Mucha

Inv# AM1970
Country: France
Years: December 31, 1898
OUT OF STOCK More Details
1919 dated Pair of Farman Airline Tickets - Sociรฉtรฉ Gรฉnรฉrale des Transports Aรฉriens
France - 1,000 French Francs - P-130a - 1945 dated France Foreign Paper Money

France - 1,000 French Francs - P-130a - 1945 dated France Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM1245A Cat#P-130a
Country: France
Denomination: 1,000 Francs
Years: 23-8-45
France - 50 Sols - P-A70b - dated - 23.5.179 - Foreign Paper Money
France - 5 Francs - P-70 - dated - 2.1.1912-2.2.1917 -  Foreign Paper Money
France - 10 Francs - P-72b - dated 24.2.1921 -  Foreign Paper Money
France - 10 Francs - P-73d - dated 28.5.1931/28.7.1926 - Foreign Paper Money
France - 100 Francs - P-101 - dated 15.5.1942  Foreign Paper Money
France - 50 Francs - P-117a - 1944 dated France Foreign Paper Money
France - 10 Francs - P-150c - dated 1976-1978 Foreign Paper Money
France - 100 Francs - P-154g - dated 1993 France Foreign Paper Money
France - 10 Sous - P-A53 - 1792 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 10 Sous - P-A64 -  Foreign Paper Money

France - 10 Sous - P-A64 - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM3212
Country: France
Years: 24.10.1792
OUT OF STOCK More Details
France - 10 Francs - P-84 - 1939-1941 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 10 Francs - P-99d - 1942 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 2 Francs - P-114b - 1944 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 5 Francs - P-115a - 1944 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 10 French Francs - P-116a - 1944 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 20 Francs - P-151g - 1993 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 100 Francs - P-154f - 1991 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 50 Francs - P-157b - 1993 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - P-90d - Foreign Paper Money

France - P-90d - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM1557A
Country: France
Years: Sept. 21, 1939
France - P-A83b - Foreign Paper Money

France - P-A83b - Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM3241
Country: France
Years: 4th Year of the Republic
France - PMG Graded P-A83b - Foreign Paper Money
Pair of Religious Prints - Americana

Pair of Religious Prints - Americana

Inv# AM2096
Country: France
Collection of 5 Wright Brothers Post Cards - Americana

Collection of 5 Wright Brothers Post Cards - Americana

Inv# AM2134
Country: England
Years: 1906-1909
2nd Use French Playing Card dated 1792 - Post Revolution Horace Leter Maker - Library Reference Card - France
2nd Use French Playing Card dated 1808 - By David and Called Jeu Imperiale Roman Soldier - Military Equipment Record - France
France, Notgeld - 1920, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1920, Cinquante (50) Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 2 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, Vingt-Cinq Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1915, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1915, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1916, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1915, 2 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1920, 2 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1915, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1920, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 2 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 50 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1925, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1920, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1915, 2 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 2 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 10 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 10 French Centimes - 1900's dated Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917-1920, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1915, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1920, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1920, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1916-1920, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1915, 10 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld -  1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld -  1914, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1922, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914-1916, 2 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1916, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917-1922, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 2 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1916, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 20 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1915, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1922 dated French Paper Money

France, Notgeld - 1922 dated French Paper Money

Inv# FM3330
Country: France
Years: 1922
OUT OF STOCK More Details
France, Notgeld - 1915, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914-1919, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1914, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1900's, 2 Francs -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1920, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1915, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1919, 50 Centimes -  Foreign Paper Money
France, Notgeld - 1917, 1 Franc -  Foreign Paper Money
Set of 7 Trade Cards of Foreign Paper Money - Americana

Set of 7 Trade Cards of Foreign Paper Money - Americana

Inv# AM2174
Country: Brazil
Years: 1870's
Set of 6 Trade Cards of Foreign Paper Money - Americana

Set of 6 Trade Cards of Foreign Paper Money - Americana

Inv# AM2175
Country: Brazil
Years: 1870's
Trade Card of Foreign Paper Money - Choose from 6 different Pieces Shown - Please Specify Type - 1870's-1880's dated Americana - 1 Postcard Per Order
Post Card Bonne Annee - Americana

Post Card Bonne Annee - Americana

Inv# AM2188
Country: France
Years: 1918
Advertising Card for Manufacture Francaise De Buscs - Americana
French American Express Company Travellers Cheque/Check - Various Denominations - American Bank Note Specimen Checks
Compagnie Generale De Chemins De Fer Et De Tramways En Chine - Stock Certificate
La Fonciere Passy Mont Blanc - 1928 dated French Stock Certificate - France
La Confiance Fire Insurance Co. Card -  Insurance

La Confiance Fire Insurance Co. Card - Insurance

Inv# IS1107
Country: France
State(s): New York
Years: 1844
Post Card for L'Urbaine et La Seine (Auto Insurance) -  Insurance
France - P-129c - 500 French Francs - 1953 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - Test Note? -  Foreign Paper Money
France - P-86b - 100 Francs PMG Graded 55 - Foreign Paper Money
France - P-A84b - 100 Francs PMG Graded 35 - Foreign Paper Money
France - P-NL - 110 French Francs - PMG Graded 63 - 1916 dated Foreign Paper Money
 Group of 3 French Newspapers - 1867 and 1869 dated Foreign Documents
Foreign Check for Banque de la Guadeloupe - 1880 dated Foreign Miscellaneous
France - 100 Francs - P-57 - ND(1944) dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 5 Francs - P-98a - 1943 dated Foreign Paper Money

France - 5 Francs - P-98a - 1943 dated Foreign Paper Money

Inv# FM3754
Country: France
Years: 2.6.1943 or 22.7.1943
France - 10 Francs - P-99f - 1949 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 20 Francs - P-100c - 1949 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 2 Francs - P-114 - ND(1944) dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 2 Francs - P-114a - 1944 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 5 Francs - P-115 - 1944 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 10 Sous - P-A68 - 1793 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 25 Livres - P-A71 - 1793 dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 50 Centines - P-M1 - ND(1917) dated Foreign Paper Money
France - 1 Franc - P-M2 - ND(1917) dated Foreign Paper Money
Independence Irrigation Co. - 1914 dated $100 Bond

NewIndependence Irrigation Co. - 1914 dated $100 Bond

Inv# FB6806
New Item!
Country: France
State(s): Wyoming
Years: 1914
Stade-Velodrome de la Ville de Nice - 1925 dated Stock Certificate