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1357 Items.

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Post Card for Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Co. - 1931 dated Insurance
Warner Electric Brake Mfg. Co. - 1934 dated Stock Certificate
Warner Electric Brake Corp. - 1928 dated Stock Certificate
Wrigley Co-Operative Plan - 1906 dated Stock Certificate

Wrigley Co-Operative Plan - 1906 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# GS6687
State(s): California
Years: 1906
International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. - ITT - 1960's-70's dated Utility Stock Certificate
International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. Issued to Goldman, Sachs and Co.- ITT - 1966 dated Utility Stock Certificate
American Telephone and Telegraph - Rare Type - 1947 or 1956 dated Communications Stock Certificate - AT&T

American Telephone and Telegraph - Rare Type - 1947 or 1956 dated Communications Stock Certificate - AT&T

Inv# TT1091A
State(s): California
New York
Years: 1947 or 1956
Chicago Title and Trust Co. - dated 1912 Stock Certificate
Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad signed by Samuel Insull, Jr. - 1929 dated Stock Certificate

Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Co. - $1,000 1902 dated Bond
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Co. - 1936 or 1939 dated $10,000 Bond

Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Co. - 1936 or 1939 dated $10,000 Bond

Inv# RB5108A
State(s): Illinois
West Virginia
Years: 1936 or 1939
Pullman's Palace Car Co. - 1880's-90's dated Railroad Car Company Stock Certificate

Pullman's Palace Car Co. - 1880's-90's dated Railroad Car Company Stock Certificate

Inv# RS4410
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1880's-90's
Pullman's Palace Car Co. - 1893 dated Stock Certificate

NewPullman's Palace Car Co. - 1893 dated Stock Certificate

Inv# RS4410A
New Item!
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1893
Woman Suffrage in Action! - 1920 dated Broadside - Americana

Woman Suffrage in Action! - 1920 dated Broadside - Americana

Inv# AM1321
State(s): Illinois
North Carolina
Years: 1920
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International Business Machines Corp. - IBM - Famous Computer Co. -  Sheet of 3 Specimen Stock Certificate
Lot of 85 pieces of Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railway Co. Issued to Drexel, Morgan and Co. -1887 dated Stock Certificate


Group of 10 1887 dated Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railrway Co. signed Transfer by J.P.  Morgan - Autographed Stock Certificate

Abbott Laboratories - 1975-1977 dated High Denominations Bond

Abbott Laboratories - 1975-1977 dated High Denominations Bond

Inv# HD1003
State(s): Illinois
Years: 1975 or 1977
American League Base Ball Club of Chicago Issued to and Signed by Grace R. Comiskey dated 1956 - Autographed Stocks and Bonds


Springfield Baseball Fans' Assoc. -  1925 dated Stock Certificate

1357 Items.

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