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1283 Items.

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Boston and Maine Railroad - Stock Certificate

Boston and Maine Railroad - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS5497
State(s): Maine
New Hampshire
New York
Years: 1953
Boston Railroad Holding Co. - Stock Certificate

Boston Railroad Holding Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS5498
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1911
Railroad Shares Corp. - Stock Certificate

Railroad Shares Corp. - Stock Certificate

Inv# RS5510
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1929
Old Colony and Newport Railway Co. - Unissued Stock Certificate
American Medical Association Membership Certificate - Americana
Frank E. Davis Fish Co. Letter - Americana

Frank E. Davis Fish Co. Letter - Americana

Inv# AM2145
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1944
Payroll List for the Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Youghiogheny RR Co. - 1882 dated Stock Certificate
American Canadian Air Lines, Inc. - 1929 Stock Certificate

American Canadian Air Lines, Inc. - 1929 Stock Certificate

Inv# VS1114
Country: Canada
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1929
Boston and Providence Railroad Corp. - 1856 $5,000 Railroad Bond

Boston and Providence Railroad Corp. - 1856 $5,000 Railroad Bond

Inv# RB7488
State(s): Massachusetts
Rhode Island
Years: 1856
Boston and Maine Railroad - 1935 Railroad Specimen Bond

Boston and Maine Railroad - 1935 Railroad Specimen Bond

Inv# SE3438
State(s): Maine
Years: 1935
George T. Angell Animal Hospital Certificate - American Bank Note Specimen
Pair of Mass Transit Administration Monthly Pass - American Bank Note Specimen
Mass Transit Administration Monthly Pass - American Bank Note Specimen
Mass Transit Administration Monthly Pass - American Bank Note Specimen
Mass Transit Administration Monthly Pass - American Bank Note Specimen
American Optical Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Boston Herald-Traveler Corp. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Boston Herald-Traveler Corp. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Continental Screw Company - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Franklin County Trust Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Geo. E. Keith Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
John Bath and Company, Inc. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Middlesex National Bank of Lowell - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
National Shawmut Bank of Boston - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
New England Transportation Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Pioneer Trimount Co-Operative Bank - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Salem Five Cents Savings Bank - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
National Shawmut Bank of Boston - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks
Worcester Trust Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks

Worcester Trust Co. - American Bank Note Company Specimen Checks

Inv# ABNS1214
State(s): Massachusetts
New York
Years: 19--
Massachusetts Benefit Life Association, Boston, Mass. Calendar -  Insurance
American Fire Ins. Co. Calendar -  Insurance

American Fire Ins. Co. Calendar - Insurance

Inv# IS1106
State(s): Massachusetts
New York
Years: 1891
Railway Passengers Assurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Card -  Insurance
Atlantic Wharf Co. - High Denomination 1857 dated Gorgeous Stock Certificate (Uncanceled)
Eastman Kodak Co. - 2004 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Famous Photography Company
Google Inc. Specimen Stock - Larry Page and Sergey Brin Printed Signatures - 2002 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Extremely Rare and Sought After
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. - 1994 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Green Type
Mattel, Inc. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Mattel, Inc. - Specimen Stocks and Bonds

Inv# SE3467
State(s): California
New York
Years: 1968
Sheraton Corporation of America - Specimen Stock Certificate

Sheraton Corporation of America - Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3474
State(s): Massachusetts
New Jersey
New York
Bay State Beneficiary Assoc. Phamplet -  Insurance

Bay State Beneficiary Assoc. Phamplet - Insurance

Inv# IS1138
State(s): Massachusetts
Years: 1881
Dorchester Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Greeting Card -  Insurance
General Motors Corporation - dated 2003 Specimen Stock Certificate - Very Rare as a Specimen

General Motors Corporation - dated 2003 Specimen Stock Certificate - Very Rare as a Specimen

Inv# SE2056
Country: Canada
State(s): Delaware
New Jersey
New York
Years: 2003
Greyhound Corp. -  Specimen Stock Certificate

Greyhound Corp. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3487
State(s): Arizona
New York
BankBoston Corp. - 1997 dated Specimen Stock Certificate - Very Unusual Design
Chase Manhattan Mortgage and Realty Trust - 1970 dated $1,000 Specimen Bond
Dime Bancorp, Inc. - 1995 dated Specimen Stock Certificate

Dime Bancorp, Inc. - 1995 dated Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3521
State(s): Delaware
New York
Years: 1995
Adolph Coors Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Adolph Coors Co. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3527
State(s): Colorado
New York
Stanley Works, Ltd. - 2002 dated Specimen Stock Certificate

Stanley Works, Ltd. - 2002 dated Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3589
Country: Bermuda
State(s): Massachusetts
New Jersey
New York
Years: 2002
Chase Manhattan Mortgage and Realty Trust - Specimen Stock Certificate
Nynex Corp. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Nynex Corp. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE2428
State(s): Delaware
New York
Years: 1983
Prudential Financial, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Prudential Financial, Inc. - Specimen Stock Certificate

Inv# SE3592
State(s): Massachusetts
New Jersey
New York
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1283 Items.

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