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2607 Items.

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Dayco Corporation - Stock Certificate

Dayco Corporation - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1098
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1960's-70's
$19.00 More Details
Equity Corporation - Stock Certificate

Equity Corporation - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1110
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1960's
$19.00 More Details
Eversharp, Inc. - Writing Utensils Co. Stock Certificate
Foote, Cone and Belding, Inc. - 1960's-70's dated Advertising Agency Stock Certificate
Fund of Letters, Inc. - 1960's-70's dated Investment Stock Certificate
General Foods Corporation - Post Cereal Fame - dated 1960's-70's Stock Certificate
Geotel, Incorporated - Stock Certificate

Geotel, Incorporated - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1122
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1960's
$14.00 More Details
Giannini Scientific Corporation - Stock Certificate
Grand Union Co. - 1960's-70's dated Super Market Chain Stock Certificate - Great Supermarket History
Granite City Steel Co. - Steel Manufacturing Stock Certificate
International Transport Industries Inc. - dated 1970's Transportation Stock Certificate
Interstate Department Stores, Inc - Stock Certificate
Lackawanna Securities Co. - Securities Stock Certificate
Lion Country Safari, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Lion Country Safari, Inc. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1163
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1980's
$84.00 More Details
Maracaibo Oil Exploration Corp. - 1940's-60's dated Oil Stock Certificate - Maracaibo Basin in Venezuala
Mattel, Inc - Famous Toy Company - 1970's dated 100 Share Brown Stock Certificate
Mississippi River Fuel Corporation - 1950's-60's dated Stock Certificate - Now Known as Union Pacific Corporation
National Rubber Co. - Stock Certificate

National Rubber Co. - Stock Certificate

Inv# GS1187
State(s): Delaware
Years: 1910-20's
$24.00 More Details
National Steel Corp. - 1970's dated Stock Certificate - Bought out by United States Steel
New England Oil and Gas Corp - Stock Certificate

2607 Items.

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