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661 Items.

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Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans - 1,000 Francs 6% Bond

Inv# FB5007
Country: France
Years: 1935 or 1936
Compagnie Des Chemins de Fer Des Charentes

Compagnie Des Chemins de Fer Des Charentes

Inv# FS1645
Country: France
Years: 1873 or 74
Compagnie de Chemin de Fer de Palencia a Ponferrada - Bond
Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Les Frigorifiques Flottants - Bond

Inv# FB5044
Country: France
Years: 1924
Panama-Companie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama - 1888 dated Bond - Extremely Famous
Approvisionnements Generaux - Stock Certificate
Banque D'Alsace and De Lorraine - 1928 dated French Banking Stock Certificate - Available in Purple or Blue - Please Specify Color
Chantiers Navals de L'Ouest - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Des Docks Et Entrepots de Marseille - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Des Eaux Thermales de Bou-Hanifia - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Francaise Du Froid Sec - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Generale de Boulets Et Agglomerants - Stock Certificate
Compagnie Generale Des Tabacs - Stock Certificate
Comptoir Industriel - Stock Certificate

Comptoir Industriel - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1023
Country: Belgium
Years: 1889
Credit Foncier Argentin - 1920 dated Argentina Stock Certificate
Dewitte and Cie - Stock Certificate

Dewitte and Cie - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1028
Country: France
Years: 1964
Domaines Africains - 1929 dated Stock Certificate
Entreprises Chemin Et Industrielle Fonciere Routiere - Stock Certificate
Etablissements A. Lecomte - Stock Certificate

Etablissements A. Lecomte - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1031
Country: France
Years: 1928
Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Etablissements Goulet-Turpin - Stock Certificate

Inv# FS1032
Country: France
Years: 1930's

661 Items.

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